Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Container Gardening at My Cottage

I bought some plants on Sunday at the local farm market that sells farm fresh food items too. I pick up groceries there every week. I grabbed these African Daisies thinking they were Gerbera Daisies. After I planted them in three containers (only two shown here) I read the tag and learned they are called GAZANIA, Strawberry Shortcake Mix. They are perennials down south in zones 9-11 but I will enjoy and love them as annuals.

Here, I am looking down on the third container. So far, the blooms are closing up late in the day. I don't know if this will continue when the weather gets really hot. They are supposed to spread and bloom continually from spring until frost. Doesn't that sound wonderful? They are supposed to be great in rock gardens and border fronts and make a great ground cover. I probably shouldn't have planted them in containers but I can thin them as they get crowed and replant elsewhere. I guess it pays to read before planting. Anyway, I love them up high where I can see them from inside the house.

My potted geraniums survived the winter indoors and look nice flanking my front door.

The third white concrete urn near the rooster is planted with basil, curly parsley, and broad leaf parsley. It is close to the front door and near the kitchen for clipping while cooking. There is another large basket-weave terra cotta planter to the left filled with the same herb plants.
My peonies are tall and filled with buds that get larger every day. They are swaying to and fro in the fierce winds we are having today. That's about it for today. See you another day. xo

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Sunday Morning Cottage Photos

My favorite Watering Can.

First wisteria blossoms after many others were killed TWICE in May when overnight temperatures dipped below freezing. I spent the day yesterday hacking down a huge clump of my weeds by hand and will finish today with no motor sounds to intrude on Sunday silence. Enjoy your Sunday whatever you do. xo

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Gorgeous Photo: Lilies of the Valley Flat Lay

I found this photo on Instagram @atalierjuno and I think it is simply stunning. The arrangement is known as a Flat Lay and she does them frequently with all varieties of flowers. I am especially fond of green and white landscaping so this one is my favorite. My own lilies of the valley have really spread out this year but some of the pips are going in the wrong direction and I have been digging them up and relocating them. I have two large clumps growing against a brick wall and I want them to meet. Yes, you read that right; the offspring of these gorgeous spring flowers are called PIPS. Happy Saturday and enjoy your weekend. xo

Friday, May 15, 2020

Curated Pantry and Deer w/ Birds

I have further curated the left side of my pantry. The shelf brackets denote the center of this room. I still need to work on the other side where my desk is located with a window overlooking my front garden. I am feeling good about this side and it's working nicely to keep my farm table free of clutter. Success!!! I have posted in the past about my monogrammed copper pots on the top shelf. 

I have no idea when this photo was taken or whether or not I have already posted it. Chances are, it's from last year because the buttercups haven't started to bloom yet this year. Anyway, I saw a similar scene in this very spot this week only there were three deer and no birds on the post.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Chocolate Cake: Pears Inside: Recipe

This photo stopped me in my tracks. I searched google for the source of the image and found it. It's called Pear and Chocolate Loaf. The recipe is included in the link and there are more beautiful photographs of this delicious-looking cake. I think it's stunning.

Save this recipe for fall when pears are in season. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

New Look Under My Pantry Window

I did a slight rearrange in my pantry yesterday and got so much more surface space. I put this old blue shutter on top of the bucket bench that houses my microwave, my stand mixer, Instant Pot, Panini Press, and so many more kitchen related items. It extends almost to the doorway and over the wooden counter where my platters live. It makes my pantry much more efficient and I like it for now. This window overlooks my red barn/garage and I overwinter my large Rosemary plant in this spot. I arranged my cookbooks, my plastic bag storage and it took forever. I have a huge bag of paper egg cartons to drop off and recycle at a local farm that sell farm-fresh eggs at the top of their driveway. They will be thrilled. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Olive Oil Biscuits: Delicious Recipe

UPDATE: I sent the recipe to a friend in New England and she made them right away and sent me this photo. She just started baking and has only one square pan, so this recipe was perfect for her. She and her husband ate them right away with butter and jam. She thought they would have been better if they had been made with butter and she will use Smart Balance fake butter that is made with olive oil next time. xo

Mine didn't look like this but were tan in color because I used whole wheat flour. I don't have any white flour 😢 
This recipe is definitely a keeper. It makes only 6 biscuits and that's a good thing since leftover biscuits are never as good as those right out of the oven. They are very quick and easy to put together and you probably already have all the ingredients on hand. (You could double the ingredients if you dare having a dozen biscuits in the house.)

Simple Olive Oil Drop Biscuits
Recipe by Taste As You Go 

Delicious drop biscuits that are simple to make and don't require an ounce of butter.

Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 10-12 minutes
Total time: 15-17 minutes
Yield: 6 biscuits

1 cup all-purpose flour
1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 cup milk (I used whole milk)

Preheat oven to 450°F.
In a large bowl, stir the flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt until well-combined. Pour in the olive oil and milk and stir until just moistened. (I mixed the milk and olive oil together before adding to dry ingredients.)
Drop batter onto a baking sheet lined with Silpat or parchment paper (or do what you've always done when baking biscuits). Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until golden brown on the edges.
Serve warm.

I put butter inside when they were hot and they are so very tender and delicious. Really good and I grew up on Southern Biscuits so I know what a biscuit is. I was dubious about the whole wheat flour but it was fine. Would use it again, if I had any!!! I am going to a local bakery to see if they will sell me any flour and if they won't, I will try a pizza place. Wish me luck.

I added the sugar because I always bake according to the recipe the first time. They were not sweet at all. Next time I will probably leave it out. Or maybe I will add a little more and sprinkle sugar on top and then they will be like scones to have with a cup of tea. You could add raisins too.
Enjoy. xo

Monday, May 11, 2020

So Many Shades of Green

There are so many different shades of green in my perennials photographed this morning.

I have such a good crop of wild raspberry bushes on my property this year. I love them and think they taste so much better than the cultivated ones in the markets.

This is my Astilbe and it has a feathery white flower that will be blooming later. This is a shade lover and I think the leaves are beautiful.

I took this photo of my Lady's Mantle this morning in a soft rain. I added a dark vignette around the edges with the iPhone photo editing that comes with the phone.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Honoring Mother's Day 2020

Best Mother in The World for My Brother Tim and Me.

I miss them both but am happy they were in my life.


Saturday, May 9, 2020

May Snow: Lily of the Valley Blooms

Late Saturday afternoon photo showing sleet and snow on a tabletop next to blooming Lily of the Valley. Crazy May weather!! Legend says that when the lily of the valley blooms, happiness returns.

My Favorite Bathroom Ever

There is so much to love in this Christopher Peacock bathroom. Where should I begin? Let's put it this way, I love everything. There is a showroom nearby in Short Hills, NJ and I found this photo on their Instagram. I have seen numerous Christopher Peacock kitchens when touring Broker Open Houses but never a bathroom of this caliber. It's simply stunning.

Friday, May 8, 2020

My Little Wren + More Planted Baskets

My little wrens are back putting new twigs in this tin birdhouse on my balcony. They have been busy throwing out the top layer and replacing with new twigs. I love hearing them sing their hearts out on my balcony railing. 

I follow this account on Instagram @gncgarden and thought you would like to see more planted baskets in an amazing garden in Denmark. I can appreciate all the work involved in the perfection of Gina's garden but no longer feel compelled to attempt coming anywhere close at my cottage. I know my limitations and am happy with what I achieve with no outside help. 
Happy Friday. xo

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Spring Bulbs Planted in Baskets

Could anything be lovelier? I think not. I adore all of these spring flowering bulbs planted in baskets.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Open Fire Today May 6th

I turned off the heat and the house was chilly this afternoon so I lit a fire and got nice ant toasty. I have a feeling I will turn it back on tomorrow because the house will be cold in the morning. We had a warmer April than we are having in May but it's good for working outside. I will be jumping in bed under my eiderdown comforter pretty soon to stream a show or movie on my iPad. 
Be well and stay home. That's what I am doing. xo

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Duck Love

“Duck love is recognizable in any language.”
― Edmond Manning
Too tired to post anything original but loved this and thought you would too. via

Enlarging My New Garden

I put this photo taken yesterday late in the afternoon on Instagram too. I moved my antique iron urn to this spot that started out as a large clump of my mother's daffodils. They have bloomed out now and this garden with no plan is telling me what to do. I planted my large rosemary that was wintering over in my pantry in the urn and I love it. To the left of the urn is a giant mullein i found growing wild against my foundation that I transplanted. 

I forgot to bookmark the location of this photograph of a clump of giant mullein growing in a beautiful garden. I found it on Google Images. My single giant will be probably overpower its small garden space but for now it is a free plant I rescued because I have always admired these wildflowers (or weeds) that must be in the lamb's ear family with their gray green fuzzy leaves. 

Stay safe, stay home, and enjoy the first Sunday in May. xo

Friday, May 1, 2020

Before and After Townhouse Vines

The vines that adorn this beautiful townhouse in winter let the beauty of the architecture shine through while still providing interest. via

The first spring blossoms are spectacular, aren't they, and well worth the wait. via HAPPY MAY DAY!

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Tasha Tudor House and Gardens

Tasha Tudor's son built the house by hand without the aid of power tools. She loved Corgis, painting, gardening, and an old-fashioned life. via

Can you imagine in your wildest dreams having a row of pink peonies like this? Sigh. xo

Billy Collins Reading his Poems

The Poems of Billy Collins -- Point Loma Writer’s Symposium By the Sea 2013. He was the Poet Laureate of the US 2001-2003. If you cannot see the video above, click here for YouTube. View full screen if on a computer. I love him, the way he reads his own poems, and his humor. Enjoy. xo
UPDATE: I found another line for those of you who enjoyed the video above. Here is Billy Collins doing a lengthy performance before a creative writing crowd at Cornell University. It's 1 hour 26 minutes long. I watched the whole thing in bed instead of a movie, including the Q&A at the end, and loved it. https://www.cornell.edu/video/reading-by-us-poet-laureate-billy-collins Hope you enjoy it too. xo

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Artichokes at My Cottage

I purchased the three artichoke finials at a thrift shop in February before the stay at home mandate. I knew immediately they would be perfect in my garden. I even went out and purchased artiichoke seeds that are still in their packet while I plan my garden in my head. I got the book on Irish Georgian architecture at a used book shop and it's wonderful. I left the finials at the desk of the small thrift store and every single person who went to check out wanted them too. Nobody knew exactly what they were so I stood my ground when asked if I still wanted them. Of course I did. Pineapple finials are rather common, but artichoke finials are rare! 

Here is my seed packet. I really should have started my seeds indoors but it's almost time to plant them outdoors, so I shall wait. Stay safe while sheltering in place. xo

Monday, April 27, 2020

Royal Nap: The Most Noble Andrew, 11th Duke of Devonshire

The Most Noble Andrew Cavendish, 11th Duke of Devonshire napping in his library at Chatsworth. via
I have posted this photo before but since we are all staying at home and spending a lot of time on our sofas, I thought you would enjoy seeing it again.
He once told an interviewer: "Wonderful things have happened in my life — it's time my son had his turn. When I was young I used to like casinos, fast women and God knows what. Now my idea of Heaven, apart from being at Chatsworth, is to sit in the hall of Brooks's, having tea."

Beautiful Bedroom

I wouldn't change a thing. via

Sunday, April 26, 2020

First Mowing Yesterday

I fired up my trusty walk behind power mulching push mower and filled it with gasoline leftover from the fall and it started up on the third pull. I worked until it ran out of gas and was tempted to fill it up again and do more but decided to call it a day instead. I still want to go deeper into the rear but will do the front first. I never do lawn work on Sundays and it's very chilly with rain on the way so I'll just stay inside instead. Enjoy your day whatever you decide to do. xo

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Photos Around My Cottage

A little iron bird awaiting real birds in the birdbath, photographed in portrait mode.

Daffodils I can see from my kitchen window photographed after a rain. These were dug up from the woods and transplanted in February during a mild winter's day.

Lady's mantle yesterday, on a rainy day on my way to the mailbox. This perennial plant never ceases to amaze me the way it captures raindrops.

My mother's daffodils transplanted where I can see them from all my back windows. Enjoy your weekend. xo

Friday, April 24, 2020

Potting Sink and Antique Architectural Salvage

This piece of antique architectural salvage is in the garden under my balcony outside my mother's patio. It came from a local house where I bought it. The man said his dad removed it from an old building in Newark NJ that was being demolished. It was a roof element on one of the dormers. I love the form and the original surface.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Favorite Things and a Rooster Portrait

Just a photo in my pantry/home office showing the items that live to the left of my laptop.

Here is one of my cast iron roosters using portrait mode on my iPhone.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Dog on Book on Desk

Happy Earth Day
Just a random photo from my phone. 
I always buy dogs reclining on books whenever I can.
This one looks so nice on my slant front desk.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Gardening Wallpaper, Dahlias + An Owl

I photographed this delightful gardening wallpaper when life was normal in the powder room during a broker open house.

This is a screenshot from Instagram @mccormickcharlie one of my favorites. Of course, he lives in England and raises award-winning dahlias on his property, a Manse alongside a beautiful country church.

Have you ever seen a more determined owl. He's definitely on a mission. This is also a screenshot from Instagram @animalswilder

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Guinea Hen Sighting This Week

I was creeping along in my car in order to take this photo, waiting for this small flock of Guinea Hens to get out of the way and it took quite a while. Luckily I was the only car on this country road. I actually took a video and paused it to get this photo. Why was I out and about? I was coming home from a local farm market that has curbside pickup and puts your order in the trunk of your car with no human contact. It is a family owned business that was founded in 1922. I figured all the big box stores and large supermarkets will be okay but the little local guys might not. It was also good to go out and drive my car. At one point, I was a little concerned that I would not be able to stay within the 10,000 miles per year maximum mileage allowed on my three-year auto rental. This year, it will not be a problem!

See more info @ eBirds.com on Guinea Hens or Guinea Fowl. I love these polka dot birds and was very excited about my encounter with them this week. Stay safe, my friends and enjoy your Sunday. xo

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Violets to Brighten Your Day

My wild violets are all over my front lawn and I dearly love them. Their sweet faces always brighten my day or, in this case, my evening. Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay home. xo