This is not carbonated water but just plain tap water that has been sitting in this glass overnight. Every night, I have a glass of water at my bedside in case I wake up thirsty which doesn't often very often. I always marvel at the tiny bubbles that form overnight. I jiggled the stainless steel straw to get an action shot. Have a great Sunday. Mine is full of bright sun and a lovely blue sky. xo
Showing posts with label Sunday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunday. Show all posts
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Sunday, November 13, 2022
Sunday afternoon
I have been going in and out my back door too many times to count today wearing just a sweater. When I went out on my balcony at 3:30 to take this photo because I liked the light I was shocked at how cold it was. Guess the weather people weren't kidding when they said it was going down into the 30s tonight and next week as low as 22°. Brrr🥶 but I'm ready. All the outside faucets are drained and turned off.
This photo is right out of my phone with no editing at all. The trees out back are completely bare now as you can see.
Late Sunday afternoon in my living room. I like the reflection of a lamp next to my sofa on my flat screen tv. Enjoy your Sunday evening.
Sunday, June 27, 2021
Sunday at My Cottage
These chairs are under my balcony for shade and protection from rain. I took this photo earlier this week. I did a few Snapseed edits to bring out the sky.
This photo is right out of my phone with no edits. My lacecap hydrangea is giving me such pleasure this year.
Sunday, February 28, 2021
Sunday, February 7, 2021
Sunday Snow with Birds
My snow just started (Sunday 8:30am) and it is scheduled to quit around 3:00 this afternoon. I filled the birds' feeding tube so I'm all set to stay inside and enjoy cottage life. Stay cozy and watch the Super Bowl if you are a football fan. xo
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Enlarging My New Garden
I put this photo taken yesterday late in the afternoon on Instagram too. I moved my antique iron urn to this spot that started out as a large clump of my mother's daffodils. They have bloomed out now and this garden with no plan is telling me what to do. I planted my large rosemary that was wintering over in my pantry in the urn and I love it. To the left of the urn is a giant mullein i found growing wild against my foundation that I transplanted.
I forgot to bookmark the location of this photograph of a clump of giant mullein growing in a beautiful garden. I found it on Google Images. My single giant will be probably overpower its small garden space but for now it is a free plant I rescued because I have always admired these wildflowers (or weeds) that must be in the lamb's ear family with their gray green fuzzy leaves.
Stay safe, stay home, and enjoy the first Sunday in May. xo
Sunday, April 26, 2020
First Mowing Yesterday
I fired up my trusty walk behind power mulching push mower and filled it with gasoline leftover from the fall and it started up on the third pull. I worked until it ran out of gas and was tempted to fill it up again and do more but decided to call it a day instead. I still want to go deeper into the rear but will do the front first. I never do lawn work on Sundays and it's very chilly with rain on the way so I'll just stay inside instead. Enjoy your day whatever you decide to do. xo
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Miniature Daffodils on Sunday
Last spring I went to a Broker Open House and the realtor was giving out pots of miniature daffodils instead of having a luncheon for the agents. I rushed home and divided the pot into three clumps and they are such a source of joy in these trying times.
They are planted near my hellebore.
I am still overjoyed with having this hellebore in my front garden. The window in my pantry where my laptop lives, overlooks this area behind my birdbath and I can see it from my living room too.
This intense shade of yellow is stunning.
My front yard photographed in the late afternoon yesterday. The governor officially closed down New Jersey last night to all non-essential travel and we are to stay home in order to prevent further spread of Covid-19. Stay put and be safe. I will continue to checkin and post frequently. xo
Sunday, March 3, 2019
Oscar Winning Documentary on NatGeo Tonight
I watched the Oscars this year all the way to the finish and saw this film win Best Documentary Feature. The preview intrigued me as I am fearful of heights. I can't even climb a ladder to clean my first floor gutters much less scale a vertical rock with no rope. That's what Free Soloing is -- rock climbing without a rope. I don't expect many of you will be interested in this film but maybe you can share with someone who might enjoy a free showing. This documentary appeared in theaters in 2018. The photo above is a screen shot from my phone via my Verizon FiOS app. Your channel number for the National Geographic channel will probably be different.
{ click photo to enlarge }
IMPORTANT: Set your DVR tonight for this -- the final episode of VICTORIA, Season 3 on PBS. I'm looking forward to seeing Albert's project: The Crystal Palace in Hyde Park for the Grand International Exhibition of 1851. I will be so sad to see this series go. This is the last season Albert was in every episode. Sniff. Sniff.
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Cottage Love
This cottage ticks all the boxes, doesn't it? Talk about curb appeal, this one has it all. via
I worked outside for many hours yesterday and went to bed at dark thirty and slept the clock around plus a little more. I made a pot of organic steel cut oats for breakfast this morning and ate a huge bowl. Now I feel energized for the day. It is bright and sunny with a brisk, cold wind blowing the leaves off the trees. I don't have any concrete plans for the day yet but I'll dress for the weather and see where inspiration takes me. Enjoy your Sunday too. xo
UPDATE: Linda posted a comment that she wanted to see the inside of this cottage. I put on my detective hat and found many views of the interior HERE. There's a delightful story too about this picture perfect spring cottage. You can thank Linda for this update.
UPDATE: Linda posted a comment that she wanted to see the inside of this cottage. I put on my detective hat and found many views of the interior HERE. There's a delightful story too about this picture perfect spring cottage. You can thank Linda for this update.
Sunday, August 12, 2018
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Pink Fog at My Cottage This Morning
I woke up early this morning and my bedroom was enveloped in pink. I hopped out of bed, grabbed my Nikon, and captured this rare pink fog. This photo is right out of the camera with no filters. It was probably the result of the refracted color of the sunrise bouncing off the morning fog. It didn't last long before turning to the normal gray. I'm happy I woke up just in the nick of time. Maybe I'll have purple rain later (smile).
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Dawn, Sunday Morning
Good Sunday Morning from My Cottage. The sunrise was beautiful. I'm looking forward to the Super Moon tonight, known as The Beaver Moon. The largest one since 1948 and there won't be another one until 2036 so I'd better catch this one!!!
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Peonies in My Garden Before The Rain
The red ones and the white peonies are singles and can handle the rain pretty well.
The pink ones with more petals get very heavy when their heads fill up with water and they droop to the ground. The rain hasn't stopped yet and luckily I picked a big bouquet of pinks early this morning and they look lovely in the house. The lamb's-ears pictured here are volunteers that planted themselves. I like the contrast of their silver-gray foliage against the deep, dark green leaves of the peonies.
I've had a very enjoyable day being pretty lazy and it felt really good. I never feel guilty when I have an easy day, do you? I earned it! I just checked and there's absolutely nothing on TV tonight. I hope I can find something interesting to watch that I have saved to my DVR. I don't have any DVD discs from the library either. I'm sure I'll find something. Enjoy your evening. xo
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