Showing posts with label daffodils. Show all posts
Showing posts with label daffodils. Show all posts

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Mini Daffodils at My Cottage

These mini daffodils have been so lovely this year. This photo doesn't include all of the clumps that are to the right of the corner with my hellebore in my front walled garden. They were a gift from a realtor who was conducting an open house and every year I thank her for them. I thought this was the greatest present ever that keeps on giving. I have already started dividing the three original clumps and now there are six.  It was below freezing last night and I brought my potted geraniums inside for the next couple of days and nights. We are having a very dry April so I guess the April showers are being pushed back to May. 

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Freshly Picked Daffodils

She wore her yellow sun-bonnet, 
She wore her greenest gown; 
She turned to the south wind
And curtsied up and down. 
She turned to the sunlight
And shook her yellow head, 
And whispered to her neighbour: 
“Winter is dead.” 
 ~Daffodowndilly” A.A. Milne.

I love everything about this. Found here.

Don't you love flower-gathering baskets full of daffodils? Photo found here.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Photos Around My Cottage

A little iron bird awaiting real birds in the birdbath, photographed in portrait mode.

Daffodils I can see from my kitchen window photographed after a rain. These were dug up from the woods and transplanted in February during a mild winter's day.

Lady's mantle yesterday, on a rainy day on my way to the mailbox. This perennial plant never ceases to amaze me the way it captures raindrops.

My mother's daffodils transplanted where I can see them from all my back windows. Enjoy your weekend. xo

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Baking Sourdough English Muffins

I baked sourdough English muffins yesterday and they were easy and good but way too small. They look pretty normal in the photo but the are more like sea biscuits in real life, but good. The recipe called for a 3 inch cutter and that's what I used. My mother used to use tuna cans with the bottoms cut out. They don't make the cans that way anymore and you cannot cut out the bottoms. I just transferred the muffins from the griddle to this pan for the photo. To see more photos, go to my Instagram where I posted three photos. Use the forward arrow on a computer or swipe on phone or iPad. The jonquils were planted by my mother and I love seeing them sway from my kitchen window in a new garden where I transplanted them. xo

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Miniature Daffodils on Sunday

Last spring I went to a Broker Open House and the realtor was giving out pots of miniature daffodils instead of having a luncheon for the agents. I rushed home and divided the pot into three clumps and they are such a source of joy in these trying times.

They are planted near my hellebore.

I am still overjoyed with having this hellebore in my front garden. The window in my pantry where my laptop lives, overlooks this area behind my birdbath and I can see it from my living room too.

This intense shade of yellow is stunning.

My front yard photographed in the late afternoon yesterday. The governor officially closed down New Jersey last night to all non-essential travel and we are to stay home in order to prevent further spread of Covid-19. Stay put and be safe. I will continue to checkin and post frequently. xo

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Cutest Little Chick w/ Flower Hat

This darling photo caught my eye this morning after getting up way too early thanks to daylight savings time. I am now ready to go back to bed but dare not. Isn't this little yellow chick darling? xo

Friday, March 6, 2020

Waiting for My Daffodils

Title: Daffodils. 
Etching, Isabel Saul (early to mid-1900’s)
I am still waiting for mine, The shoots are several inches out of the ground but I don't have any buds yet but it won't be long. via

Daffodils come before the swallow dares, 
and take the winds of March with Beauty.
The Winter's Tale. William Shakespeare.