Showing posts with label garden antiques. Show all posts
Showing posts with label garden antiques. Show all posts

Monday, March 25, 2024


Do you agree? I wasn't kidding, was I?

Isn't this the perfect location for this delightful bench?

This would have been a good location for the lover's bench but the the owner's armillary had already claimed the spot. Realtors get to see the best things in the best houses, don't they? The house has been claimed for some very lucky buyers. 

Enjoy the week leading up to Easter if you celebrate.xo

Friday, January 6, 2023

Great Garden Room

If you like what you see here, you will love her Instagram.
You're welcome. I wasn't kidding, was I?

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Pair of Greyhounds for The Garden


This duo of 19th-century greyhounds is a coveted "true pair" because they are not cast from the same mold, says Israel. 
Photo by: Barbara Israel. 
Aren't they wonderful? 
Read more here.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Garden Update at My Cottage

The Giant Mullein is living up to its name.

Here it is shortly after I first transplanted it where it had self-seeded next to the foundation of my cottage.

The tangle of poppies haven't bloomed yet but they should be opening soon. The clouds are pretty today.

I haven't missed a day deadheading the gazanias (African daisies) and it has paid off. I am glad they are planted in containers so I don't have to get down on my knees to do the clipping/pinching.

The past several days have been so cool, breezy and pleasant for working outside. xo

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Enlarging My New Garden

I put this photo taken yesterday late in the afternoon on Instagram too. I moved my antique iron urn to this spot that started out as a large clump of my mother's daffodils. They have bloomed out now and this garden with no plan is telling me what to do. I planted my large rosemary that was wintering over in my pantry in the urn and I love it. To the left of the urn is a giant mullein i found growing wild against my foundation that I transplanted. 

I forgot to bookmark the location of this photograph of a clump of giant mullein growing in a beautiful garden. I found it on Google Images. My single giant will be probably overpower its small garden space but for now it is a free plant I rescued because I have always admired these wildflowers (or weeds) that must be in the lamb's ear family with their gray green fuzzy leaves. 

Stay safe, stay home, and enjoy the first Sunday in May. xo

Friday, April 24, 2020

Potting Sink and Antique Architectural Salvage

This piece of antique architectural salvage is in the garden under my balcony outside my mother's patio. It came from a local house where I bought it. The man said his dad removed it from an old building in Newark NJ that was being demolished. It was a roof element on one of the dormers. I love the form and the original surface.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Old Cement Planter at My Cottage

Cement planter looking very lonesome while awaiting the return of a large geranium overwintering in the cottage. It won't be long now.

This is a screenshot of my Instagram grid showing all of my recent posts.

I took this photo this morning of the periwinkle blooming in my woods. The intense blue color is amazing and very stunning on an overcast day, like this Sunday morning. See you later. xo

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Wonderful Greenhouse Interior

I love every detail of what I can see of the interior of this greenhouse. The door is especially beautiful. via Click photo to enlarge and swoon.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Gorgeous Planter with Spring Bulbs

I never think of planting spring bulbs in a container until it's too late. This old cememt planter is gorgeous and I love the weathered patina. These bulbs look right at home and I love the contrast between old and new. via

Click here for an important message from the children's book author, Roald Dahl, on the death of his daughter, Olivia, when she had measles at the age of seven.