Friday, April 24, 2020

Potting Sink and Antique Architectural Salvage

This piece of antique architectural salvage is in the garden under my balcony outside my mother's patio. It came from a local house where I bought it. The man said his dad removed it from an old building in Newark NJ that was being demolished. It was a roof element on one of the dormers. I love the form and the original surface.


elizabeth s said...

One hardly ever sees a window sink with a faucet off to its side but it's great because it doesn't obstruct the view nor compromise the sill of the window.
And your salvaged urn piece is an absolute Showstopper! So Nice to have a remnant from its former home; live on!

Content in a Cottage said...

elizabeth s -- I totally agree about the side faucet. It is very unusual but perfect. The plumbing isn't on the outside wall this way so the pipes won't freeze. I bought my urn with the flame finial from a house that was on my way to the post office. He had it in a junk pile in his back yard and one day I had the nerve to stop and ask about buying it. I was extra happy when he told me the history along with his reasonable asking price.
xo, Rosemary

The Queen Vee said...

That finial is a beauty and I'm so happy it found it's way to you. The story behind the purchase makes it even more special. Rosemary to the rescue.