Monday, June 15, 2020

Garden Update at My Cottage

The Giant Mullein is living up to its name.

Here it is shortly after I first transplanted it where it had self-seeded next to the foundation of my cottage.

The tangle of poppies haven't bloomed yet but they should be opening soon. The clouds are pretty today.

I haven't missed a day deadheading the gazanias (African daisies) and it has paid off. I am glad they are planted in containers so I don't have to get down on my knees to do the clipping/pinching.

The past several days have been so cool, breezy and pleasant for working outside. xo


Betty said...

I love the African daisies. How large is your yard? It looks so nice.

Pam said...

Rosemary, your yard is looking great! We've been having cooler weather, too, and it makes working outdoors a pleasure. I smiled at your comment about deadheading without being on your knees. Lately, I've been dreaming of ways to stay upright while gardening. I can still manage, but I want to limit wear and tear so I can stay mobile for a long, long time. Looking forward to seeing your poppies!!

Content in a Cottage said...

Betty -- I have two acres. My old house is close to the road and the property isn't wide, but it's very deep.I have parkland behind me and beside me on one side so it feels larger. I fill up a dumper cart daily with hand-pulled weeds.
xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- I got four poppy blooms this morning and I'm getting ready to post the photos I took at 6am. I am not worried about my joints as much as the knees in my clothes. I mostly wear work clothes that don't matter but find myself on my knees all too often to take photos in my better garments. I would love to have these African daisies lining my walk but will resist planting them there because I don't want to kneel on the stone walkway.
xo, Rosemary