Sunday, May 17, 2020

Sunday Morning Cottage Photos

My favorite Watering Can.

First wisteria blossoms after many others were killed TWICE in May when overnight temperatures dipped below freezing. I spent the day yesterday hacking down a huge clump of my weeds by hand and will finish today with no motor sounds to intrude on Sunday silence. Enjoy your Sunday whatever you do. xo


Pam said...

I enjoy working outside in silence, too. We have trimmers and whackers and what-not, but I prefer my old hand tools. I sharpen them and they still work like a charm. I hope you won the battle with your weeds. I've been going out to the garden to pull weeds every few days, otherwise those pesky weeds start taking over.

Lisa D. said...

Love the urn. I've always wanted to plant a wisteria tree, but they can be quite aggressive, literally pulling down whatever they lean against. Where is yours planted?

Penelope Bianchi said...

Lovely lovely lovely! You had such a cold spring!

I watched Bunny Williams garden tour today; and she said things were at least two weeks behind in Connecticut!!
A fantastic video! First time ever cancelled and recorded!