Monday, May 11, 2020

So Many Shades of Green

There are so many different shades of green in my perennials photographed this morning.

I have such a good crop of wild raspberry bushes on my property this year. I love them and think they taste so much better than the cultivated ones in the markets.

This is my Astilbe and it has a feathery white flower that will be blooming later. This is a shade lover and I think the leaves are beautiful.

I took this photo of my Lady's Mantle this morning in a soft rain. I added a dark vignette around the edges with the iPhone photo editing that comes with the phone.


Linda Sand said...

My mother's favorite color was blue but she taught me to decorate in greens because all greens go well together. My current decor is mostly greens with tans and browns--just like you find in mother nature. :)

SuSu said...

I love Lady's Mantle and have had it in all of my gardens - the leaves are spectacular and when cut, add so much to any room. Of course, the flowers are my favorite color!

I have also had wild raspberries when I lived in Virginia and it was a race between me and the birds - who usually won but I would get a few for my morning yogurt. And strawberries - my last home in Virginia was ante-bellum and an animal lover's paradise. Except for the rabbits - they would get my antique strawberries that had been on the property for at least 100 years and they seemed to know all about them. Never got one of those!

Good luck with your garden this year and don't forget to share with us!


The Queen Vee said...

I'm craving green right not. Presently Utah is looking pretty green and almost lush in some areas. One has to enjoy it now as when the summer heat arrives it will start to burn and dry out everything. If only it could stay in the high 70s and low 80s all summer, with an occasional rain storm....if only. All your green almost makes me green with envy.