Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Olive Oil Biscuits: Delicious Recipe

UPDATE: I sent the recipe to a friend in New England and she made them right away and sent me this photo. She just started baking and has only one square pan, so this recipe was perfect for her. She and her husband ate them right away with butter and jam. She thought they would have been better if they had been made with butter and she will use Smart Balance fake butter that is made with olive oil next time. xo

Mine didn't look like this but were tan in color because I used whole wheat flour. I don't have any white flour 😢 
This recipe is definitely a keeper. It makes only 6 biscuits and that's a good thing since leftover biscuits are never as good as those right out of the oven. They are very quick and easy to put together and you probably already have all the ingredients on hand. (You could double the ingredients if you dare having a dozen biscuits in the house.)

Simple Olive Oil Drop Biscuits
Recipe by Taste As You Go 

Delicious drop biscuits that are simple to make and don't require an ounce of butter.

Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 10-12 minutes
Total time: 15-17 minutes
Yield: 6 biscuits

1 cup all-purpose flour
1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 cup milk (I used whole milk)

Preheat oven to 450°F.
In a large bowl, stir the flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt until well-combined. Pour in the olive oil and milk and stir until just moistened. (I mixed the milk and olive oil together before adding to dry ingredients.)
Drop batter onto a baking sheet lined with Silpat or parchment paper (or do what you've always done when baking biscuits). Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until golden brown on the edges.
Serve warm.

I put butter inside when they were hot and they are so very tender and delicious. Really good and I grew up on Southern Biscuits so I know what a biscuit is. I was dubious about the whole wheat flour but it was fine. Would use it again, if I had any!!! I am going to a local bakery to see if they will sell me any flour and if they won't, I will try a pizza place. Wish me luck.

I added the sugar because I always bake according to the recipe the first time. They were not sweet at all. Next time I will probably leave it out. Or maybe I will add a little more and sprinkle sugar on top and then they will be like scones to have with a cup of tea. You could add raisins too.
Enjoy. xo


Pam said...

I'm anxious to try this recipe! I love fresh biscuits. Thanks for sharing your recipe with us!

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- You are welcome. I always share recipes I find online that are easy and delicious. I hope you like these biscuits as much as I did.
xo, Rosemary

jusaweecatnap said...

Much appreciated. I used my last stick of butter last night on a coffee cake. Alas, it did not turn out well, perhaps because I used some very old baking powder. The recipe is an old favorite. Trying hard not to go shopping, but to make do with what I have. Really appreciating the value of food now. Hope you find the flour. I've read a number of news stories saying restaurants are selling bags of it from their stocks.

Content in a Cottage said...

justaweecatnap -- I hope you like these biscuits. I shared the recipe with a Massachusetts friend who has started cooking and baking and her daughter says this pandemic imustdefinitely the apocalypse. My friend told me that if she ever started baking, things would have to be pretty bad. She only has one pan. I shared the biscuit recipe with her and she made them right away and loved them. I am posting her photo today as an add-on. The farm stand close to me that puts groceries in my trunk sells the best Amish Roll Butter. It comes in a two pound round cylinder packed in butcher paper.
I still have some OLD flour in a canister that could easily be pre-2012 so I am hesitant to use it. I do have brand new baking powder though. I read you can use old flour to control ants so I will save mine for that. Yes, we have to conserve the food we have and get creative with new recipes that use what we have on hand. I hope you can find some butter without going in a supermarket.
xo, Rosemary

Pam in NH said...

If you have trouble getting local flour and sugar, try Ebay. I ordered 50 lbs of King Arthur flour and 25 Lbs of Domino sugar. I have as much trouble getting these staples as TP here in NH. Too much product or money? Split it and the cost with friends. Stay well, Rosemary!

sandy lawrence said...

My Grandmother was the make-do-use-it-up guru, and when I was a child she showed me how to make leftover biscuits into what she called 'biscuit toast.' She split the biscuits in half with a fork so that the surface was rough, buttered them (with real butter, of course!) placed them on a cookie sheet or pie pan, depending upon how many leftover biscuits she had, and put them in the oven until they were golden brown and "toasted" on top. With homemade wild plum jam. Yum-my!

Content in a Cottage said...

sandy lawrene :: I am with your grandmother and leftover biscuits. I still put split buttered ones under the broiler to get toasted. I like them plain and only rarely use jam or jelly. YUM!
xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

justaweecatnap :: I hope you can find butter without going into a store. I am running low on mayonnaise and am rationing it. I made potato salad yesterday, German Style, with vinegar and olive oil poured over the hot red-skin potatoes, diced onion, and celery. It was quite good. I had the cold leftover for lunch today and I added a diced carrot and some diced green bell pepper. It was delicious. I got my mail order Organic Unsweetened Soymilk yesterday and immediately made 5 cups of homemade yogurt. I am set for quite a wile with my 24-carton order from Eden Foods. Be well.
xo, Rosemary