Showing posts with label ducks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ducks. Show all posts

Friday, February 3, 2023

FABLE: The Ducks and The Fox

At times, a change of routine can be most helpful.

Written & Illustrated by Arnold Lobel

Have a great weekend

I figured out how to copy text from a photo in case you are having trouble reading the photo. Let me know if this helps.

 Two Duck sisters were waddling down the road to the pond for their morning Swim. "This is a good road," said the first sister, "but I think, just for a change, we should find another route. 'There are many other roads that lead to the pond." "No," said the second sister, "I do not agree. I really do not want to try a new way. 'This road makes me feel comfortable. I am accustomed to it." One morning the Ducks met a Fox sitting on a fence along the road. "Good morning, ladies," said the Fox. "On your way to the pond, I suppose?" "Oh, yes," said the sisters, "we come along here every day." "Interesting, said the Fox with a toothy smile. When the sun came up the next morning, the first sister said, "We are sure to meet that Fox again if we go our usual way. I did not like his looks. Today is the day that we must find another road!" "You are being just plain silly," " said the second sister. "That Fox smiled at us. He seemed most gentlemanly." The two Ducks waddled down the same road to the pond. There was the Fox, sitting on the fence. This time he carried a sack. "Lovely ladies," ' said the Fox, "I was expecting you. I am glad that you have not disappointed me." Opening his sack, he jumped upon them. The sisters quacked and screamed. They flapped and flopped their wings. They flew home and bolted their door. The next morning, the two Ducks did not go out. They rested at home to quiet their nerves. On the following day they carefully searched for a new and different road. They found one, and it took them safely to the pond. 
At times, a change of routine can be most healthful

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Tiny Duck with Giant Girlfriend

Love at first sight.

She loves him too.

Read the delightful article about a male green-winged teal (one of the smallest ducks in North America) who fell in love with a Mallard three times his size.

This story warms my heart.♡🦆

Monday, October 11, 2021

Duck Family

Proud mama duck and her ducklings. via I hope they all grew up and flew away for migration season. Too tired after mowing to work on editing my promised living room photo. Will work on it tomorrow. I am almost ready to jump in bed to watch Call the Midwife and Grantchester on PBS Video. See you tomorrow. xo

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Eider Duck: Absolutely Waterproof

Just rolling off: You’ve probably heard the expression “like water off a duck’s back.” Here's where that idiom comes from. The spectacled eider’s feathers are so waterproof that the water just beads up and rolls off. This image of the near-threatened species, which breeds on the coasts of Alaska and Siberia, attracted nearly a million Instagram likes. Nat Geo Explorer Tim Laman photographed this male at the Ripley Waterfowl Conservancy in Connecticut, which maintains genetic diversity of rare and endangered species. 

The National Geographic Society has funded Laman’s work documenting rare and endangered birds. Photo by ©Tim Laman 

I am so happy to see this bird since I sleep under an Eiderdown comforter almost every night. I don't think I have ever seen a photo of an Eider and I'm sure I would have remembered such an unusual looking waterfowl.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Duck Love

“Duck love is recognizable in any language.”
― Edmond Manning
Too tired to post anything original but loved this and thought you would too. via