Thursday, October 25, 2018

Over The Bed Artwork for My Cottage

It only took 14 years to find the perfect artwork to hang over the antique bed in my guest room used as my dressing room. I found it yesterday at a thrift shop and within 30 minutes of getting it in the front door, it was happily hanging on the wall. I was standing in the doorway to get this photo and you can also see an antique tile, a hogscraper candlestick with a brass "wedding band" and a miniature chest on the table next to my bookcase.

It was very hard to photograph too. The bedspread is not pink, it's white. You can see the blue and white curtains in my bedroom through the window in this photo. This lithograph was made from an original 1987 painting by a deceased local artist. I always thought her work was very much like a Wyeth. 

I found a photo of the print entitled: "Wild Rose Berries" circa 1987 by Pauline Eble Campanelli online by searching Google Images. Don't you think it's perfect for my room? It was worth the wait and I don't mind that it's a reproduction because everything else in the room is antique. The basket and cupboard that were the subjects of the painting were antiques and I bought the framed print for a song. The frame is stained a dark green and the matting is beautiful. Score!!

See you later. xo

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Laura Ingalls Wilder Quote + A Fall Cake

You can't go wrong with this advice, can you? via

I love this idea of using fall leaves to decorate a powdered sugar covered cake with something yummy between the layers. via

Wonderful Painting: Halloween Perfection

Cat in the Moonlight, (Chat au Clair de Lune) c. 1900, Theophile-Alexandre Steinlen via

I love this painting. It's perfect for this time of year with a big yellow moon in the sky casting shadows every night. The artist had a great fascination with cats. See more of his works here and keep scrolling, the page of cats is positively endless!

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Plants Wintering Over Downstairs

I brought in the geranium and the flowering nasturtiums over a week ago and they are both very happy downstairs looking out of the sliding glass door that gets the morning sun. I dug up the geranium that was planted in a large metal urn. The nasturtiums were grown from seeds in the center pot while the pot on the far right contains nasturtium plants I dug out of pots in my front garden on Sunday. They are still in recovery mode. I have never tried overwintering annuals but I read online that nasturtiums are a good plant to try. We shall see.

These pots are too large to display anywhere else in my cottage. Every available spot is already taken on my main floor and in the attic with smaller pots of rosemary, thyme, geraniums, lavender, and more nasturtiums. I like indoor gardening and tending plants rather than leaving them outside to freeze and die. They are very beneficial for the indoor air quality too. 

I have been very busy washing all my sweaters and mending tiny holes here and there. I started out washing two by hand in the kitchen sink. Then I noticed for the first time there was a setting for knits on my 15 year old front loading washer. I decided to try it with 4 dark sweaters turned inside out. I was thrilled with the results. My washer spins everything almost dry and the sweaters dried quickly on drying racks in my furnace room. The mending is another story. I'm so glad I have so much thread but none of it is wool. I matched the colors perfectly and took little made-up darning stitches and mended the holes almost invisibly. Nobody else will even notice and I will have a fresh wardrobe of my favorite sweaters looking brand new in a few more days.

I posted these two photos on Instagram this morning. I usually don't blog using the same pics but they will be new to those of you who don't do social media.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Beautiful Bedroom

I love every single thing about this bedroom including the jointed teddy bear. The atique bed is wonderful and I especially like the plaid woolen blanket. The framed antiquarian maps look great against the grasscloth wallpaper which is on the ceiling too. How nice is that?!! I can tell this is a small room but it's packed with interest, isn't it? via

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Cottage Love

This cottage ticks all the boxes, doesn't it? Talk about curb appeal, this one has it all. via
I worked outside for many hours yesterday and went to bed at dark thirty and slept the clock around plus a little more. I made a pot of organic steel cut oats for breakfast this morning and ate a huge bowl. Now I feel energized for the day. It is bright and sunny with a brisk, cold wind blowing the leaves off the trees. I don't have any concrete plans for the day yet but I'll dress for the weather and see where inspiration takes me. Enjoy your Sunday too. xo

UPDATE: Linda posted a comment that she wanted to see the inside of this cottage. I put on my detective hat and found many views of the interior HERE. There's a delightful story too about this picture perfect spring cottage. You can thank Linda for this update.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Apples and Fall are Perfect Together

This is the big antique wooden charger in the middle of my kitchen farm table. It is 25-1/2 inches wide at its widest point and is out of round due to shrinkage. I love it. I bought an 8-pound bag of Cortland Apples yesterday at Wegmans, a large new grocery store just beyond Morristown. It's not a big box store but it does have family packs of certain items. Yesterday there were all varieties of apples in 8-pound bags for $5.99, what a bargain! I counted them when I got home and there were 18. I put half on the table and the other half in my crisper. They are everything I hoped they would be in an eating apple -- crisp, juicy and sweet but not too sweet. I love an apple that snaps when you bite into it and I would have been crushed had they been mushy. Now I am all set with fruit for two weeks. They don't have stickers on them either, and I like that. They remind me of the old-fashioned apples my mother and I used to pick at my oldest friend in New Jersey's house but she moved a couple of years ago and now I have to take my chances with apples and buy before I can taste them.

I put this photo on Instagram yesterday but liked it enough to put it on my blog too. I am looking forward to Penelope Keith's Hidden Villages tonight on PBS. After that, I'll watch something I have recorded because there's nothing else on that interests me. Enjoy your Friday night and have a great weekend. I turned on the furnace for the first time on Wednesday and last night it got below freezing. I am so glad I emptied all of my galvanized watering cans and put them in the garage yesterday before they froze and exploded. I learned that lesson the hard way. xo

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Lily of the Valley Draperies in My Cottage

I am positive I have blogged about the draperies in my guest room/dressing room but I cannot find it. The doorway of this room is opposite the doorway into my hall bathroom. I don't have a master bath and I never wanted one in my cottage. You can stand in the hallway and look one way and see this room and turn your head and see the window in my bath with the curtains made from the leftover fabric. Now, here is the backstory. Years and years ago, when my mother was still alive, we attended a garage sale in the yard of a fabulous old house. I circled and circled the table piled high with old draperies made from the most beautiful fabric printed with a lily of the valley design. I held them up, showed them to my mom, put them back, and continued looking at all the other items that was for sale. Finally, I decided I had to have them and brought the two pairs of full-length lined window treatments home. I knew I could probably alter them to fit my two windows and I did. This is a more recent photo I posted on Instagram. They are perfect in this room and a wonderful memory of a day with my mother.

I couldn't find any old photos of the way the curtains used to look in my bathroom when they hung straight down. The black rods were like the ones above in my guest room. I did find this photo showing just the hems. I also found this photo showing some paperwhites with the fabric in the background.

Thank you for all of your comments about my car repair and your concern for my predicament while it was inoperable. I am thrilled to have it back in my driveway and today I have to do some major food shopping today and thankful I don't have to go car shopping. xo

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

My Car is Fixed! and A Curtain Refresh

Yes, it's true. My car is truly fixed and it seems better than ever. My friend, the mechanic, said it was really four security systems and he could see why the dealer didn't want to get involved. He said he had only installed one system in his entire career but he has removed over 500. They eventually break down and removing is the only option. I had to get a new battery too. He said to keep driving my vehicle and see what happens. That was my plan too. 

Now about the curtain in my bathroom. It is directly across the hall from my guest room that has full length curtains in the same Lily of the Valley fabric. I previously had this curtain on a black rod with ball finials that covered the side woodwork. They were parted in the center and the black rod showed and the curtains hung straight down. 

I decided to redo the top casing so there would be a ruffle on top and to hang them from a tension rod this time. I wish I had made the casing for the rod a smidge bigger so adjusting the gathers would be easier. But it worked so I am not about to get out my seam ripper. 

I decided to pull them back and experimented with a grosgrain ribbon, twill tape and ended up with organza ribbon and I love the look.

*Note: I had the overhead light fixture on to brighten the room and it was a warm bulb that makes my Lancaster Whitewash walls look beige. This window gets the morning sun from behind and never any direct sunlight on the front of the fabric.

I love the look of a sheer ribbon that does not hide any of the design. I put a ring through the fabric and made a continuous loop with a stapler. The ring is at the end hanging on a decorative nail. The panels will be easy to close in the summer when the hot sun is blazing and I want to block it to keep the house cooler. All I have to do is unhook the ring and slip the ribbon loop down to the bottom hem and completely off and reverse the process to part the panels again when the sun is on the other side of the house. 

Being without a car has been a blessing in many ways because I have gotten so much great work done without the distraction of leaving the house. You know what I mean, when you leave and come back, you sometimes lose your momentum and it's hard to get back into the swing of things.

I will catch up on my errands tomorrow. xo

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Unhaunted House and A Baby Bear

It must have been a real challenge to move all those giant pumpkins and gourds, right? I hope the people grew them on their own property instead of buying them. Is it my imagination, or is this halloween/fall display blocking the front door? If so, maybe it IS haunted! via

I adore this photo of a brown bear cub with the cutest face and pose ever. I have almost finished digging up and repotting plants to winter over and I did find some "evidence" of a visit from a bear quite close to the house. I don't feed the birds or leave garbage in my can for long, so I'm not worried. Found on Pinterest. xo

Monday, October 15, 2018

Best Gate Ever

I love that the owner drilled holes in the fence for his or her two dogs. This made me laugh, so hard! via

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Double Needle Sewing + Chickens

My vintage slant needle Singer has double-needle capabilities. This photo looks like a commercial sewing machine but I am intrigued. Maybe I will get out my manual and try some double sewing this winter while I am nesting. via

Isn't this one of the loveliest mother and child photo you've ever seen? I adore the feathers on this chicken, all fluffed to protect her little chick. via

Enjoy your Sunday. xo

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Clean Curtain in My Bedroom

You have all heard of selective hearing, right? Well, this is selective photography. What you can see looks perfect but in reality the bed is unmade and all my pillows are piled on the chair at the other window. My down comforter is usually folded accordion-style on this drop leaf table in case I get cold in the middle of the night. Anyway, I wanted to show you one clean and ironed curtain in my bedroom. I keep fiddling with the gathers trying to get them to hang just right. I was tempted to use my spray starch on them but I didn't. Right now, they are very soft to the touch and hopefully will develop a memory of the way I want them to look. They are on a tension rod inside the window casing.

I am so pleased with my domesticity lately but I have only dealt with the tip of the iceberg so far. There is still much to do. I have to assign myself certain tasks and try not to think about the big picture or I would surely go mad. The reflection you see on the right is my flatscreen TV on a pile of books so I can watch from my bed if I can manage to stay awake. 

Thank you all for your concern about my car. They will look at it on Monday. Have a great weekend. xo

Friday, October 12, 2018

My Bedroom Curtains Drying in The Sun

I washed my bedroom curtains today in the tub and put them on a drying rack in the sun to drip dry on this windy day. Ironing was a snap and they look so nice and fresh in my room.

They are hanging wrong side out on the rack and the back sides are somewhat faded in places. The fronts are still bright as new. I made curtains for a big double sliding glass door in 1972 and have remade curtains from that fabric for every place I have lived ever since. There is still a lot of life left in these curtains made from 46 year old fabric. It is woven with no right or wrong side. If it were a printed design, they wouldn't have lasted this long. Blue and white checks forever.

I am shadow waving hello to all of you and hope you have a nice weekend. They won't look at my car until Monday. xo

The Creaky Shed: Fresh Produce Greenwich UK

I love the name of this shop and the hand-drawn font they used for the sign. The Creaky Shed is a green grocer in Greenwich UK. The gallery of photographs with seasonal displays outside the shop plus more can be seen here. Looks as if they are all set for Halloween decorating with all the pumpkins. See you later with news of my car. Fingers crossed. xo

Thursday, October 11, 2018

My Car: Still Not Fixed

The dealer couldn't fix my car. I found my favorite mechanic after he quit the garage near me. I called his sister and he's not that far away. Today, I had a friend take me to the dealership, thinking I could drive my car home and do some errands before taking it to my friend's garage. I left my phone at home too and felt quite lost without it. She waited until I waved her on and then the man I had been dealing with on the phone said he wasn't sure the car would start. Too late, my friend was long gone. Then I had to call AAA from their office phone to arrange for another tow truck. I was hoping the driver could take me home first and then take my car to the shop. Wrong. He said he couldn't. Luckily, I had befriended the men in the repair department and they allowed their driver to take me home. And guess how much my total bill was? Zero. $0.00. That was the best surprise ever. The driver was so nice too. I was so encouraged by all the kindness shown to me today.

I found the money car on Getty Images when I was researching which is better, leasing vs. buying a car. I have never leased. I am hoping I don't have to do either and the source of my problem can be fixed. My friend Greg is an absolute genius and if it can be fixed, he's the one that can do it. He seemed confident when I called him this morning. Fingers crossed.

It rained quite hard today and I got soaked outside while my car was being flat bedded. AAA man was very nice too. Will keep you posted on what transpires tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Animal Illustrations by Chris Dunn

Everyone knows by now that I am fascinated by the interiors of animals. This Wise Old Owl by Chris Dunn is a fine example of the kind of detail that pleases me the most. I love how he has decorated his hollow tree and filled it with antiquarian books and scientific instruments. via

I dug a little deeper and found the artist's website and related immediately with this image of Mole's House Getting a Bit of TLC. It is from Wind in the Willows illustrated by Chris Dunn. Is fall cleaning on everyone's mind?

Beautiful Book Cover - Two Views

If you think this one is beautiful, you won't believe the next one.

There are so many talented and creative people out there that make moving gifs to delight me. Isn't this amazing? via

The technician will look at my car today and give me the news later. I'm fine at home today on a dreary day, far away from Hurricane Michael. Be safe if it's near you. I only watch BBC News America and they say the Gulf Coast and the Florida panhandle are in great danger from high winds and waves. All we can do is hope it is downgraded before hitting land and hope for a beautiful sunrise like this one soon.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Washing Dishes: Jessie Willcox Smith

Thank God for dirty dishes;
they have a tale to tell.
While other folks go hungry,
we're eating pretty well.
With home and health and happiness,
we shouldn't want to fuss;
For by this stack of evidence,
God's very good to us.

~ Anonymous

I found this image and poem while searching on Pinterest. I love the beautiful blue and white Canton that this little girl is washing. Just look at the wear on the bottom. Maybe it wasn't valuable back in 1925 but now it's prized. I have quite a few pieces in my corner cupboard.

JWS is one of my favorite illustrators from the first quarter of the 20th century and this image is new to me. This little girl doesn't even have a step stool but has to balance precariously on a little ladder in old blue paint. I've been doing a lot of this lately but on a larger ladder, both outside and inside, dealing with my windows.

I have been a little distracted lately, since Sunday afternoon. I opened my car door for an errand and the car alarm started going off and I could not start my car. It completely shut down because it thought I was trying to steal it. I am still trying to figure out what to do. I stopped using my clicker about 10 years ago and never replaced it when the battery died. I have been using my key ever since. I am depending on friends for rides and will decide today what I should do. Will keep you posted. xo

Monday, October 8, 2018

Tennis: Katharine Hepburn in 1981

She was 74 in this tennis photo. I recently watched part of a movie on TCM entitled PAT AND MIKE with Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy. I didn't finish it because I thought the plot was too silly. I started watching it because the host who introduced the film said she actually played all the athletic parts, mainly golf and tennis and she was so good at both in real life. She also was an excellent swimmer and sailor but I don't know if she did either in the movie. Her father stressed the importance of exercise and she followed his advice and was active almost to the end of her life at age 96. 

I don't do any sports these days and I try to stay out of the sun. Walking, gardening, lawn work, and housework are about the only things I do with any regularity. Have you ever heard the old saying, "Housework, if done correctly, will kill you." That always makes me laugh. I haven't done mine correctly in a long time and I can see the wisdom behind the quote.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Michael Bastian's Eclectic Livingroom

According to Michael, his rent-controlled apartment home is “a little of everything that’s been smashed together in slow motion over the past 20 years.” The plain cream canvas of the walls allows him to add as many layers of decor and furnishings as he pleases, without it appearing too cluttered.

Michael Bastian is an American fashion designer with his own label after working for Sotheby's, Tiffany's, Bergdorf's and Ralph Lauren. When asked how he arranged the salon-style wall art he said, “it should never just be paintings or just photography, but a mix -- that’s where the real magic is. There should be modern stuff, textiles, framed book covers all hanging together.” Read the entire article here.

There is a lot to see but it all works and I like it. I can aways manage to squeeze in something I love even though I have no more room. I like being surrounded by things that make me happy. The only real price I have to pay is the difficulty in cleaning under, over, and around my collections, something I'm dealing with, big time, right now. I'm not complaining as it is turning out to be very satisfying.

Enjoy your Sunday and be sure to watch the second episode of the new season of The Durrells in Corfu tonight on PBS. In case you missed the first episode last week, you can watch it on the link I provided. I so love this series. xo

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Our Mothers Worked So Hard

Doesn't this vintage photo found Google Images make you love your mother more? Mine only had two children three years apart but I still marvel at all she did with no help. She kept our homes beautifully, sewed her clothes and mine too and she even sewed for my brother and my father. She cooked delicious and sometimes complicated food and we ate healthy meals. She always looked beautiful and I don't think we gave her the credit she so deserved. I was so proud to be her daughter and she did know that. This photo just struck a cord of how hard it must have been to hold it all together back in the day. 

I wish I hadn't been so lazy all summer long because it is really hard now. I should have taken my grandmother's advice.

She really did say this, I'm not making it up. I am playing catch up and have the feeling I will never get to the point of having every room cleaned from top to bottom the way she did. I have told you before that she devoted one week to each room for spring and fall cleaning. I just seem to jump around and do the same task in each room instead. Right now it's still windows and I'm almost finished.

Have a great weekend. Thank you for giving me the will to continue blogging. I am enjoying it again and will continue. Thanks for clicking on the ads in my sidebar too. xo

Friday, October 5, 2018

TV: Penelope Keith's Hidden Villages (in England)

If you cannot see the video above, click here.

My Georgia friend Judy, aka JudyMac, told me several months ago to be on the lookout for this series on PBS. I checked but my three PBS stations in New Jersey had not yet signed up for it. I watched the previews and knew I would love it. It finally came my way several Friday nights ago at 8pm and luckily I discovered it just in time to watch Episode 1 of Season 2. My area did not get it in time to show Season 1 but that's okay. I absolutely love it and you will too. I found this complete episode on YouTube. I know it's on Acorn TV in addition to PBS and you can purchase the series on DVD. Check your listings. My programming is being shown on WLIW channel 21 or 521 on my FiOS. I understand Dame Penelope Keith was in "To The Manor Born" but I don't recall ever having watched that three-season series back in 1979-81. The entire series is available on YouTube here.

You are Welcome. Thank you all once again for all the comments you have been leaving. It's very heartwarming to know I have such a fan base.
PS: Thanks for all the clicks too! xo

Beautiful Sun Porch with Chintz Chair

When it gets too chilly to sit outside, come in and sit in the sunroom. I hope this lovely chair in beautiful chintz is facing a fireplace. Image from House & Home Magazine. 

I am way ahead of the chilly season at my cottage. I have already put my deck furniture in the barn. I washed my front windows on the outside yesterday and I am not going to put the screens back in until spring. The rooms are so much brighter without them. 

Thank you all once again for all your positive comments. It's good to know how many of you are tuning in daily and that matters to me and I shall continue trying to find something interesting or beautiful to bring you as often as I can.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

A Scarlet Ibis in a Powder Room

There is so much to study in this marvelous powder room. Which came first, the statement painting of a flamingo Scarlet Ibis (thank you Brenda) and her egg or the room? I adore the floor and the marble sink as well as the shutters on the window. Every detail is perfect including the raised commode.

Thank you so much for all of your comments from yesterday's post. I truly appreciate all of your kind words and your support. xo

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Pumpkin Pie Crusts for Fall

If you could ever find these little leaf and pumpkin cookie cutters, you could make these beautiful pies. Actually, after I typed the previous sentence, I searched and found them here. Pumpkin pie is my favorite because it isn't too sweet and has some nutritional value too. Get ready, the season is coming, ready or not.

I am feeling very smug and pleased with myself because I got rid of a lot of junk this week at annual trash day in town. I put it out several days early as did my neighbors, so people driving by could stop and take what they wanted and it worked! I searched my neighbor's pile too and discovered a 10-ton log splitter they were getting rid of. I immediately called a friend who helps me with big tasks and he came right over and got it. I guarded it while he was in transit. Luckily, he was nearby in his truck. Some things are just meant to be, right?

Thanks for stopping by. I have been disappointed in my blog lately and most days I have to force myself to post. My readership is way down and when Google discontinued Feedburner I lost about 3,000 followers. Instagram is so much easier to post and respond to comments as you know. But I'm hanging in there for my loyal few. xo

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Cozy Living Room near The Kitchen

I like what I see in this photograph. The cabinet next to the stove makes a nice room divider for the dining area looking into the living room. The ceiling fixture with the schoolhouse light globe is perfect. image found here

Monday, October 1, 2018

Pumpkin Season is Here

It's here. I see pumpkins on doorsteps already but few colors in the leaves in my area. via

Halloween decorations are starting to appear too. I made this greeting from an image I photographed from my Royal Book of Crests and added the seasonal text. I saved it to my phone so I can text it to friends later in the month. I really wouldn't want a bat on my family crest or coat of arms, would you? But this little bat has a very friendly face and is rather cute when all the other bats on the antiquarian book page were pretty scary. Happy Halloween! xo

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Giving Equal Time to Cats

I decided I should give equal time to cats since posting several photos featuring dogs. The engraving above is from my 19th century Royal Book of Crests and I love it. It has been posted before here and on Instagram. The photo below is of a mother cat with her kitten. Their markings are very similar and the cute little kitten is going to grow up to look just like her mom. via

Have a great Sunday, the last day of September. Whereever did the month go?

View this image with a quote by Charles Dickens about cats. I created it back in 2010 when my blog was only two years old.  Click here.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Powder Room with Antiques

I love this room. I tried to find the original source but the only thing that came up was the name of the paint color  Peale Green by Benjamin Moore (HC-121). Should I name the things I like in this space? I think not because there is nothing I don't like. It is simply stunning. Found here.
Have a great weekend. xo

Friday, September 28, 2018

Creating A Space for The Dogs

This 18th Century house was 'turned around' in the 1870s, with the north front refaced as the main entrance.

Simon Upton Photo - THE HALLWAY
An eighteenth-century console from Jamb provides shelter for two dogs in this house.

The spacious entrance hall was originally the drawing room in this 18th Century house. 

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Gorgeous Bedroom

This room is perfection. I love the painted floor and the rug that looks like a sweater. The artwork on the walls is gorgeous, the side table is lovely, the bed is spectacular, the chair is beautiful as is the upholstered headboard. It all works so nicely together. Found here.

UPDATE: I decided to search the original source for the first photo and found it was the Southhampton bedroom of Tory Burch. Here is another view. Isn't it lovely?

Lee Radziwill’s former Fifth Avenue bedroom, via the July/August 1975 issue of Architectural Digest. The central theme is Colfax and Fowler's classic chintz called Fuscia. The botanical prints are also a theme. Somehow Tory Burch found a very similar rug and duplicated this floor with a painted version.

You are in for a treat. There are so many more photos of rooms with this chintz fabric to study and love here. ENJOY!!!