Monday, October 1, 2018

Pumpkin Season is Here

It's here. I see pumpkins on doorsteps already but few colors in the leaves in my area. via

Halloween decorations are starting to appear too. I made this greeting from an image I photographed from my Royal Book of Crests and added the seasonal text. I saved it to my phone so I can text it to friends later in the month. I really wouldn't want a bat on my family crest or coat of arms, would you? But this little bat has a very friendly face and is rather cute when all the other bats on the antiquarian book page were pretty scary. Happy Halloween! xo

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Giving Equal Time to Cats

I decided I should give equal time to cats since posting several photos featuring dogs. The engraving above is from my 19th century Royal Book of Crests and I love it. It has been posted before here and on Instagram. The photo below is of a mother cat with her kitten. Their markings are very similar and the cute little kitten is going to grow up to look just like her mom. via

Have a great Sunday, the last day of September. Whereever did the month go?

View this image with a quote by Charles Dickens about cats. I created it back in 2010 when my blog was only two years old.  Click here.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Powder Room with Antiques

I love this room. I tried to find the original source but the only thing that came up was the name of the paint color  Peale Green by Benjamin Moore (HC-121). Should I name the things I like in this space? I think not because there is nothing I don't like. It is simply stunning. Found here.
Have a great weekend. xo

Friday, September 28, 2018

Creating A Space for The Dogs

This 18th Century house was 'turned around' in the 1870s, with the north front refaced as the main entrance.

Simon Upton Photo - THE HALLWAY
An eighteenth-century console from Jamb provides shelter for two dogs in this house.

The spacious entrance hall was originally the drawing room in this 18th Century house. 

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Gorgeous Bedroom

This room is perfection. I love the painted floor and the rug that looks like a sweater. The artwork on the walls is gorgeous, the side table is lovely, the bed is spectacular, the chair is beautiful as is the upholstered headboard. It all works so nicely together. Found here.

UPDATE: I decided to search the original source for the first photo and found it was the Southhampton bedroom of Tory Burch. Here is another view. Isn't it lovely?

Lee Radziwill’s former Fifth Avenue bedroom, via the July/August 1975 issue of Architectural Digest. The central theme is Colfax and Fowler's classic chintz called Fuscia. The botanical prints are also a theme. Somehow Tory Burch found a very similar rug and duplicated this floor with a painted version.

You are in for a treat. There are so many more photos of rooms with this chintz fabric to study and love here. ENJOY!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Goodbye to Summer

It is hot and muggy at my cottage today but a change is coming tomorrow when the high will be only 68° which is a big drop from 82° now. Can't wait! This image personifies the end of summer, doesn't it? via

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Gallery Wall of Silhouettes

I love a good gallery wall and this one, going up the stairs, is especially nice because of the antique silhouettes. via

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Halloween Cats Escaping Ink Bottle

This is a very clever drawing. Black cats and kittens are in high demand with Halloween approaching. via

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Dining Room Turned Library

My brother and I always did homework at the dining room table. We used it for board games too and my mother and I used our big table for cutting out the clothes we sewed. It was our "family room". This photo shows the evolution of a dining room that became a library. via

Friday, September 21, 2018

New House Tour on Cape Cod

The wooden box beside the side door is an outside shower enclosure and I love it. This is the wing of a new Cape Cod home and it is lovely. You can see many more photos here including the interior. I would prefer to live in the charming cottage style carriage house/garage. 

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Vintage Kitchen Items to Love

Who remembers the endless kitchen towel? This is so much better than a roll of paper towels for wiping your hands. Is it coming back? Let's hope so. I love this table beside the stove instead of a kitchen counter with a marble or granite top. It matches the windowsill too. I love all the vintage things on it; cutting boards, wooden spoons, ball jars with zinc tops and an old porcelain bread box.

Above: To be filed under why didn’t we think of that: beechwood plate rack modeled after hymnal racks in churches. They can also be used for displaying books and other objects. They look amazing mounted in long rows. Both images and resources found here.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

My New Haircut

I got a haircut today and I am very pleased. I have been letting my layers grow out. This is a blunt cut with the ends beveled so they turn under naturally. A friend recommended the stylist at Supercuts in Morristown and I will definitely go back. She gave me the precision cut I have longed for but nobody else could pull it off. You know I have to be pleased to pose for a selfie. xo
UPDATE: I just found this adorable post about a little girl and how she feels about her first haircut. Watch. I promise you will love it.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Tricia Foley Style

Tricia Foley's romantic Long Island, New York property, consisting of an 18th century farmhouse and several outbuildings, serves as her personal laboratory, and reflects a style influenced by the simple tenets of Shaker design.

photo by William Abranowicz
Photos in this blog post found here. The article has more photos too.

photo by Marili Forastieri
Foley is best known for her timeless classical style, characterized by clean lines, natural materials, and vintage furnishings, from flea market finds to fine antiques, and a serene palette of cream, ivory, and white.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Burberry Burns Unsold Merchandise

The Burberry store in Mayfair on April 26, 2018 in London, England. Photo: Jack Taylor (Getty Images)
I have been watching/listening almost exclusively to BBC World News America lately and today I learned something shocking about Burberry, a brand I have long admired. "The British luxury retailer Burberry has taken protecting their brand to new extremes, reportedly burning over $33 million in unsold merchandise rather than sell it at discount or donate it." Read more here.
I hate to shop and I am not a fashionista but if I were, this brand would be off my list forever as it takes planned obsolesce to new heights. I am completely stunned, how about you?

Sunday, September 16, 2018

1917 Illustration from a Children's Book

Sweetest illustration by Janet Laura Scott 
Verse by John G. Bowman
The book, Happy All Through The Day, was published in 1917. I love the way the girls' room is decorated. I have always loved to study interior design in children's books.

There is a hole through almost every page in the book. It was presented to a boy named George for Christmas in 1924 by his mother. George must have gotten a compass too. He practiced drawing circles on the back cover and the sharp pointed thing made a hole like the one above. I was able to clone it out in the first photo using iPhoto on my Mac.

Beautiful Relaxed Slipcover

I really love the look of this chair with a relaxed-fit slipcover. Maybe it would be easy to make but I'm not sure. The whole setting is quite lovely too. Don't you love the fabric choices for the chair and the pillow? photo found on Pinterest and traced back to here.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Small Kitchen Island On Wheels

One of my friends bought a house over a year ago and she's still working on it. She wanted an island in her kitchen but didn't think she had room. I found this photo last week on Houzz and sent it to her. She loved it and is having her carpenter copy it. She has a small table and chairs for kitchen dining so she doesn't need an island with an overhang for seating.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Kitchens Without A Center Island

I was so excited this morning when I found an article that once appeared in the Wall Street Journal about "Why Kitchen Islands are Ruining America's Kitchens". I went thru this process when I was designing my own cottage kitchen in 2002. My contractor wanted me to put in a breakfast bar and I didn't want one. I don't like them because people can't look one another in the eye when sitting side by side. Please read the article in the link because I think it hits the nail right on the head. The photo above is the author's kitchen. She shows other views in the article.

I measured and measured, put down a cardboard cutout the size of my farm table and it worked perfectly in my cottage as you can see below.

This is my kitchen that was designed around this antique farm table. The bentwood chairs came with my cottage. I have never looked back. xo

Thursday, September 13, 2018

DIY Fabric Shoe Bag to Love

I found this photo in a box of magazine clippings I've been saving and I still love. Sorry, there were no instructions. I made a shoe storage bag without a pattern years and years ago. I made it the width and height of my closet door and it was wonderful. My mother ended up with it in her condo in Charlotte before she came to live with me, so it lived a long life. We gave it to one of her friends so it's still being used. If you have some fabric that makes your heart sing (yes, there are such things), this is a great project for you. This one was designed around the width of the clothes hanger. The one I made had metal eyelets across the top for nails and the fabric was folded over several times for reinforcement to hold the weight. The one above illustrates the creative uses you can come up with for your own needs, such as storing and saving seed envelopes. 

I found a youtube video with instructions - there is a link within for illustrated step-by-step instructions.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Elegant Formal Living Room

This elegant living room filled with fine art,  period antiques, antiquarian books, and oriental rugs still looks quite comfortable and cozy.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Cottage Garden

This is what I call an authentic Gardener's Cottage. Aren't the plantings beautiful? I love the simplicity of the cottage as a backdrop. via

Small Fenced Garden to Love

This is a very nice design that would work for me. I found it on Houzz. This could easily be a DIY project. I am digging up my herbs and bringing in my house plants to winter over this week. Last year I almost waiting until it was too late. xo

Monday, September 10, 2018

Cottage with Fall Decor

Scenes like this are just around the corner though the cottages might not be this charming. This time of day, when the inside lights go on, is my favorite. via

Socks for My Ironing Board in Attic

Don't laugh. I made a long stocking and two little socks for the legs of the ironing board in my attic. I used remnants from an old Fair Isle sweater vest that had holes in it. I tried leaving my ironing board up all the time but it was in the way. Leaning it against the wall was leaving marks that I was able to remove with the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Yesterday, I got the bright idea to make covers for the three legs. I made a stocking for the long leg and was able to turn the fabric inside out to hide the seams. The other two legs were too narrow so the seams of the short socks are on the outside, trimmed closely. It was a quick project with wonderful results. A friend gave me this sign since everybody always asks my advice for some reason. They know how grounded I am and they see the wise choices I have made for myself. I have it hanging here when the ironing board isn't being used. 

Here is another view of my attic workroom. The flat file is full of antique prints. I am still working up here and will post other views soon. We are having fall weather all week with no sun until Saturday. I need to bring in my house plants before it gets any cooler. It is noontime and the temperature is only 61° outside. I melted all last with the central air running night and day so I am not complaining about the abrupt weather change. I know we will have some more warmer days before fall sets in for good. I'm going to put the cover on my outside air conditioning unit though. I refuse to use it again until next year. Have a good Monday. xo

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Please Don't Mail This

I have seen the photo on the right many times and have even blogged it in the past. The one on the left is new to me. I am glad to know the astonishing history behind both. via Google Images

RBG Movie on CNN Tonight 9/09/18

I know I must sound like a broken record to keep repeating the fact that this movie is being repeated TONIGHT on CNN. Set your DVR or sit down and watch after you find out what time it's playing in your area. I live 35 minutes from NYC and it is being repeated twice at my cottage at 8PM and 10PM. I have heard it's only on once, at 9PM, in other areas. (Thanks again Vickie H.)

So many of you missed it two weeks ago. I have been putting little blurbs in various places on my blog to remind you. In case you missed all of them, here it is again.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Old Barn Becomes A Modern Farmhouse

Photo by Northworks Architects + Planners
Click here and use the arrows for the complete tour. It is amazing. I hope your heatwave is over and you are enjoying the cooler weather. It is giving me the energy to complete some of the ongoing projects around my cottage. See you later. Enjoy your weekend. xo

Friday, September 7, 2018

Playroom Under The Stairs

Photo by Suburban Renewal Inc You are never too young to have a room of your own, are you?

UPDATE: The RBG movie is being repeated on Sunday 9/9/18 on CNN. Check your guide for times in your area. In my area (New York Metropolitan) it is being rebroadcast twice. At 8PM and 10PM. This information comes from Vickie H and it's on in her area at 9PM. Click here to view my original blog post about this movie. Many of you missed it but will have another chance to see it this Sunday night on CNN.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Gallery Wall in My Spare Room

I can almost declare this room finished. I still have to take out the screen and scrub it and clean the window inside and out. This is not easy. It is not a tilt window and I have to get out a ladder to do the outside. I have virtually torn this room apart, bit by bit. I got a new mattress for my bedroom months ago and took off my old Tempurpedic mattress. The foam mattress on my antique rope bed in my dressing room/guest room was rock hard and I had been wanting to replace it for ages but it was a custom size. It was a full size in width but 4" shorter in length. I knew the Tempurpedic could be cut down but I didn't have an electric knife. This week I decided to search Youtube for instructions and I found you could use a regular knife. The old mattress had been stored under this antique bed and the room was a mess. SO I decided to switch the mattresses. I easily cut down the one on the floor, took off the rock hard mattress and switched them. After I put on the mattress pad and fitted sheet, it was perfect and ever so much more comfortable. Success! Now I have a mattress that is virtually brand new standing up in my kitchen. Will I ever get the whole house together at the same time? I doubt it. Anyway, back to the photo above. I have cupboards under my built in bookcase and I could never open the door on the left side and was missing out on some excellent storage for pajamas and such. I had an armless leather chair there before with a small stack of leather suitcases on it. It was too bothersome to move to get in the cupboard so it was virtually empty inside.

I decided to move the chair to the other side of the bed and arrange some  artwork on the wall for interest. I like it. Here is another view of this room featuring the draperies I remade for the two front windows. LOOK HERE. Will I ever finish getting things just the way I want them?

See you later. xo

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Ultimate Country House

Plain and simple with one shade tree and a path cut through the field to the garden. This would be a nice place to grow up with plenty of fond memories to look back on. via