Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Ultimate Country House

Plain and simple with one shade tree and a path cut through the field to the garden. This would be a nice place to grow up with plenty of fond memories to look back on. via


Pam said...

There's something very appealing about a simple country home. As I've grown older, I realize I want a home that serves us well, rather than being enslaved to more house and landscaping than we can handle. There's a happy medium somewhere, but I haven't found it yet.

Lisa D. said...

Looks very idyllic and tranquil.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

I am enjoying plain and simple more and more...

The Queen Vee said...

Like Carrie I'm enjoying plain and simple more too, and I agree with Lisa...tranquil perfectly describes this charming home and setting. I find I'm seeking tranquility more and more as the world we live in seems anything but tranquil.