Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Portrait of a Chicken Pot Pie

This pie is simple and to the point. Don't you love the chicken cutout. Chicken Pot Pie is one of my favorite things to eat in cold weather. It is still boiling hot here at my cottage but I've been working through it and getting stuff done. School buses are back on the road and fall is just around the corner. xo


Claire said...

I, too, love chicken pot pies. It's a full meal in one little "pot". The chicken cut out is too cute. Looking forward to fall here. My dad always said "Don't wish your life away". I'm not . Just ready for cooler days, no yard work, and one pot meals. Oh yes, and college football when it isn't 100° on the field!

Content in a Cottage said...

Claire -- I don't like to wish my life away either but I, too, am ready for cooler days and no yard work. I love a one dish meal and pot pies fit the bill perfectly. Hope you have some great college football days ahead.
xo, Rosemary

Betty said...

Love the little chicken cut out and now I want chicken pot pie and cool weather!

The Queen Vee said...

This pie looks like a one serving size, I would have to say that it is chicken pie perfection and the little cutout....so clever. I find cooking such a challenge these days maybe with fall coming I'll get more creative.

It is finally starting to get cooler here with temps in the high 80s instead of the 90s and I'm so glad. Our poor lawn that was scorched all summer is doing much better. Sad to have the grass only look good a few weeks in the spring and fall. Kids are back in school, pumpkins are starting to appear in the market and I'm starting to think about October one of my favorite months of the year. It's the simple things that bring such pleasure, that pie definitely falls into that category.