Saturday, September 18, 2021

Beatrix Potter Kitty in Boots

I found an interesting New Yorker article about a new book being published based on a “lost” Potter work about a cat: “The Tale of Kitty-in-Boots,” which she had begun and abandoned two years earlier, in 1914. Several manuscripts of the story were discovered in 2013 in the Potter archive at the Victoria & Albert Museum. Read more here. Beatrix Potter complained to her publisher, "I do not draw cats well." I disagree and think her original drawing is quite charming.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Side Table with Blue and White Platter

This tin box on a stand has a top that rusted when one of my potted geraniums overflowed and I didn't notice right away. I have always admired Staffordshire platters on custom-made stands. I remembered I had a rectangular one and it turned to be the perfect size for this stand.

I thought my photo above was somewhat boring so I made three different "watercolor" versions using the Waterlogue App and I like each one. Have you downloaded it yet? It's free!

Isn't technology amazing? xo

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Best Spiral Staircase

Spectacular interior. Photo found here.
I tried to find this grand house with no luck.
The spiral staircase looks as if it goes on forever.
Everything is hand crafted with no power tools.
Such a work of art.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

My Entrance Vestibule

I worked indoors today to I tackled my linen closet. I donated some household items on Tuesday and noticed the section with bedding was very sparce. I have linens I haven't used in ages because the fitted sheets don't fit my thick mattress. I honestly don't remember whether or not I have shown you this new arrangement in my entrance vestibule. Little by little I am beginning to see real progress with my endless organizing, donating, and rearranging. My hard work is paying off but I can't stop until old man winter makes me. xo

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Quote About An Open Fire

I made this illustrated quote back in 2009. I found the empty frame with dogs in one of my old books and added the quote by Dorothy Draper. See my old post and a photo of her here.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Sage Green Paint on Doors and Trim

I love the room that can be closed off with these sage green french doors. It is such a soothing neutral color that goes with everything. However, the furnishings in the room are without color and that brings out the beauty of the trim color even more. It's all very inviting, isn't it? via

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Dahlia and Missy Watercolors Using Waterlogue

I haven't used the WATERLOGUE APP for such a long time. I transformed that black and white dahlia I posted earlier this week into a watercolor and here it is for your Sunday morning❤️

Missy went home on Friday after 10 days with me. She was the perfect houseguest 🐾🐾and I think she would approve this watercolor edit of my favorite photo.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Currently Watching: DOCTOR FINLAY

I am loving this series with 4 seasons. I am on the last one and will be SO sorry when it's over. It is a Scottish series with lovable characters and stories. I know many of you have mentioned Doctor Finlay on Acorn TV each time I post about something I have been watching. 
You were all right; I love it♡
Here is the link for a very old original Doctor Finlay's Casebook from the 1960s on YouTube. It is a full-length episode. Enjoy.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Tomato Zucchini Pie (Recipe)

This recipe is really called Tomato-Milpa Pie but suggests Zucchini as a substitute if you don't grow the Mexican squash called Milpa. The first thing you do is bake the empty pie crust so this is a perfect opportunity to use a frozen one and save yourself some work. It gets baked again after you layer it with your homegrown or farmer's market tomatoes, half-moon zucchini slices, and fresh corn kernels.

I think this is the perfect "end of summer" recipe! Enjoy. xo

Thursday, September 9, 2021

A Wonderful Farmhouse and A Cobbler Recipe

Just wonderful only I wouldn't want to mow around all those rocks in the lawn. I'm sure they must have a backstory. via

I really like this cobbler recipe saved from an old newspaper clipping. It could be used on any seasonal fruit and the peaches are especially good right now. via

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The Patio Under My Balcony

Now that summer is winding down I finally found the perfect spot for my outdoor table and chairs. It gets too hot upstairs on my balcony in the blazing sun so I decided to move it down under. I like the shade so it has turned out to be perfect, especially when I need a break when I am mowing. It does drip down there when it's raining but this set is easy to dry off when it quits. I still have Missy, today marks one week with her and she might be going home tomorrow. She has been no trouble and hasn't kept me from doing the work on my laundry list. This weekend I tore my bedroom apart for a good fall cleaning and I'm almost finished. The cooler weather makes housework much more pleasurable doesn't it? 

Monday, September 6, 2021

Breakfast Room with A View

The view from this breakfast room window looks like a painting, doesn't it? The house by TruexCullins Architecture is in Charlotte, Vermont. I love the blue checked club chair with ottoman too!

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Sag Harbor Cottage Love

Raise you hand if you love this cottage too.
Found here on Instagram.
Enjoy your Sunday. xo

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Dahlia in Black & White

I took some dahlia photos before the storm and played around with one of them with Snapseed this morning. I was able to delete all of the background and convert to a black and white phototgraph. I like it! 

I was so very fortunate with my house, my street, and general area with Wednesday evening's and Thursday morning's torrential rain. I have since learned of the devastation in the towns not far away that suffered from the flooding of the Passaic River. I live in the area of the headwaters of that river. I got up extra early on Thursday morning for some reason and was watching BBC World News on PBS and they had newsreel footage for NYC, NJ, and Philadelphia. Ita has turned out to be much worse that Sandy in 2012. Thanks for your concern and best wishes for my safety. I am meeting two friends for an early dinner today to catch up. Have a great weekend. xo


Friday, September 3, 2021

First Chilly Morning for Missy

After a hot breakfast (hot water over kibble) and a morning walk in the wet grass, Missy settled down for a long nap in a hot pink fleece blanket. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

A Giant Sunflower + A Visit from Missy

I picked up Missy in New Vernon this morning and as I was leaving I photographed this single giant sunflower at the house across from hers. Her owner is having cataract surgery tomorrow so I don't know exactly long I will have her. It might be a few days or it might be two weeks. She's no trouble so it's fine with me.

Here she is with fresh bedding in her crate. We are having a rainy day today as predicted but tonight it's supposed to be hard or even torrential. I am going to feed her early and try to have the walks done before it gets bad. Tomorrow is going to be fine and I'm glad about that for me and especially because of my friend's surgery. One of his friends on the Rescue Squad is in charge of the transportation and follow up visits. Living in the same house in a great village for your whole life is a wonderful thing. I'm glad I can help as the dog sitter. xo

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Still Rearranging

The floor is clear of all the stuff that is not going to be displayed on my lower level. Some of it went to the garage, some to the loft over garage, some will be donated, some went in the furnace room and various closets and some went to recycling. I am thrilled to be able to walk in and out of the back door without the obstacle course.

I have done more rearranging and I'm still not happy with the TV. I need to elevate it or lower the picture above. I was sitting on the stairs for this photo. The cabinet in lower left is next to the yellow decoupaged cottage chest with the big clock above shown in a previous post. Happy last day of August. It flew by, didn't it? I accomplished a lot though and I'm happy about what I've done so far. xo

Monday, August 30, 2021

The Nightingale by Hans Christian Andersen

A photo from one of my books illustrated by Nancy Ekholm Burkert
Did everyone have a nice weekend?
I am refreshed and ready to tackle more work.
Prayers for Louisiana and Ida's wrath.
Residual coming my way Wednesday & Thursday.
Be safe. xo

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Monarch Butterfly Caterpillar

My milkweed is almost defoliated because the leaves are being devoured by these amazing yellow, black and white striped caterpillars. I took this photo last evening when I was closing up shop downstairs. They "head-butt" when competing for food. Click here for the really interesting article with a video if you want to watch them fight. Plant more milkweed! That is all Monarch caterpillars eat. Really.
Explained here.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Basement Progress Photos (Preview)

These three photos are of the sitting/eating area of my walk-out lower level after days of rearranging. I think I have it the way I want it and after I get rid of all the stuff in the photo below. I will start a deep cleaning soon. I probably should have done that first but I didn't do anything but vacuum. Everything down there came from garage sales, thrift shops, roadside finds, and gifts from friends. The table with the tablecloth was a roadside find and it turned out to be perfect with 4 of my bentwood chairs that used to be in my upstairs kitchen. It had been stored in my furnace room and now it has a new life. I recently completed my ongoing search for all black lampshades and I am thrilled with the look. The one on the lamp with the staircase behind is dark gray.

It's so much cooler today (72° at 8:30am) and very breezy. I will try and tackle this stuff and clear the area to the back door and then I will be able to clean. The kitchen counters are piled high too😱but I will persevere until everything is spick and span and I will be so very happy. I made great progress in the bedroom too and those photos will be published soon. Have a great weekend. xo

Friday, August 27, 2021

Best Screen Door Ever

I found this photo I've been saving of a wonderful screen door. One day I want to have one made for my front door if I ever finish all of my indoor projects. See you later. Back to the salt mines. Photo from Instagram. xo

Thursday, August 26, 2021


I am just the opposite. I have been pre-tired thinking about making my lower level wonderful again for way too long and it's coming together, finally. I am not finished yet but I'm feeling good about what I've done so far. Image from Instagram. xo

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Busy as A Bee

There are no words for the tiredness of my bones. I don't think I even combed my hair because I hit the ground running this morning and never stopped. I worked in my basement and in the garage and moved mountains. I am not finished but I made a major dent. The bee above is feasting on one of my milkweed flowers. I haven't seen many butterflies this year. Wonder why? See you tomorrow. xo

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Zucchini Bites: Baked & Healthier than Fried

I adore Zucchini Fritters and this recipe offers a baked version.

Here is the link for the website offering this recipe with many more photos.

Enjoy! xo

Monday, August 23, 2021

Did Not Know: Our Second Heart is in Our Calves + Classical Stretch by Essentrics Exercises

I ordered two DVDs recently: Season 11 and Season 12 of CLASSICAL STRETCH | ESSENTRICS on PBS. Here is the website. Each box has 4 discs and 30 sessions so I am all set for two months of daily stretches. I am on the second disc of Season 11 called FULL BODY MOBILITY. Yesterday she mentioned that our calves are often called our second heart because they pump oxygenated blood to our heart above. I never knew this. She had me doing simple calf lifts -- up on your toes and back down again. Each daily stretching exercise is only 22 minutes long. I am enjoying them and feel that my posture has improved and other things too. Her program is on the PBS CREATE channel on Saturdays at 6am Sunday mornings twice at 6am and 6:30am if you want to check them out. I have always been strong and healthy but these exercises are mainly for connective tissue and creating long strong muscles for balance. The second DVD is entitled Aging Backward. I am not very fond of the floor exercises because I don't have a Yoga Mat and my space in front of my desktop computer isn't ideal. The exercises with a chair are okay but I love the sessions with just stretching the best. All of the exercises are slow and don't seem very hard but I work up a sweat by the end. I got my 2 sets on eBay from one seller for about $25 w/ free shipping. On PBS each set costs about $65.00.

I did some research on my own about our calves and found out she was right. I have new respect for my calf muscles now!

The website for the above photo is hereThe video below is on that link too.

The link for this video on YouTube is here. This is also an ad for compression stockings at the end. Sorry about that but I really liked the animation about how the pumps in our calves operate to pump blood back to the heart. I never knew how important our calves were until now.

This is a photo of my two DVDs. 

The rain has stopped and I was up and down all night while it was coming down hoping my basement would stay dry and it did. I have only had water down there twice, once during Irene in 2010 and I can't remember the other time because it was minor. Sandy was not one of them in 2012. The one in 2010 was terrible because we had 17 consecutive days of rain and when Irene hit with her winds and downpours there was no place for the water to go since the land was already super saturated. Luckily, we did not lose power and I was able to pump the water out myself. My basement doesn't have a sump pump. Anyway, I hope everyone is safe and didn't have anything catastrophic happen in the way of Hurricane Season and Henri. xo 

UPDATE: I added two links for you to watch and try at home if you are interested in improving your balance and posture and getting strength through gentle stretching. xo

This link is for a 30 MIN Full-body Pain Relief Workout | Essentrics on YouTube

ESSENTRICS is on Instagram
Look at some good stretches there!

The link below has a free 12 minute workout conducted by Miranda's daughter on YouTube. 

UPDATE: I got up early today (Saturday) and discovered Miranda's program Classical Stretch is on PBS Create at 6am. She is on again on Sundays twice, at 6:00 & 6:30am. If you have a DVR you can record and have 3 classes for the coming week. xo

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Huntboard Nook in My Kitchen

This is a corner of my kitchen, snapped this morning, that backs up to my attic staircase. My refrigerator is to the right and above that is a lookout window from my attic into the kitchen below. There are interior shutters if I want to close it off for any reason but I usually leave them open. It helps with the airflow when the central air is running and in the winter, the rising heat helps keep it warmer up there. Last night's rain from Henri wasn't too bad and for that I am so very grateful. Be safe if you are in the eye of the storm today. xo

Saturday, August 21, 2021


Don't you love them? I first discovered this artist on Instagram and just had to find out more. At first, I thought the realistic work was photography but learned she was a talented artist and did realistic oil paintings. See more of her work here. Her website is amazing and has many links within to see her work. Enjoy and have a great weekend. xo

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Stormy Sky Over My Cottage

This photo is practically live since I just went outside to show you the storm clouds over my cottage. My weather app doesn't call for any more rain so I suppose they will burn off. It's not that hot outside but it's very stuffy so I am still running my central at a high setting. I didn't wake up during the very heavy rain last night, probably because my all the windows were closed and I didn't hear it. xo