Thursday, October 8, 2020

Repurposed Bath Accessories

I love this idea of using a cup for small brushes and a bowl for soap. There is another bowl in the blurred background for a sponge. A bathtub is one of the joys of life in my opinion so why not surround yourself with lovely things while you soak? via

Picnic for Mice Arthur Rackham

You know I love animals wearing clothes and this artwork by Arthur Rackham from Wind in the Willows is no exception. Offered at auction by Sotheby's.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Vintage Equestrian Wallpaper at A New Jersey Designer Showcase House

Everyone went wild for this vintage equestrian wallpaper at a designer showcase house and gardens in New Vernon, New Jersey. This room also doubled as the payment center for the numerous items the designers were selling. This event is held every other year and is a major fundraiser for the Women's Association for Morristown Medical Center. It is normally called Mansion in May but due to Covid this year, it became Splendor in September. It overlapped slightly into October and this past Sunday was the last day. Click HERE to see a beautiful photo of the Gilded Age Mansion and read about its history.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Pumpkins Galore

What a beautiful site. I love anything pumpkin and this time of year is the best. This photo is gorgeous, isn't it? via

Monday, October 5, 2020

Freshly Picked Dahlia Bouquet

I picked these lovely dahlias by invitation just before dark on Sunday night. They made getting up on a Monday morning so delightful. They drank a lot of water overnight and I had to top them off after taking this photo. They are the best summer into fall flowers of all.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Young Red Headed Woodpecker

This is adorable. I would be thrilled to see this little guy in person, with or without my camera. Too cute! via

Home Offices for Working Remotely

Everyone is working from home these days and this is a great article on how some of you are doing it so successfully. I need lots of room to spread out so I chose this photo. Right now the farm table in my kitchen is a total disaster as I am on the home stretch for a real estate closing next week.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Hello October

This photo just about sums up October, doesn't it? My driveway is filled with the spiky outer shells of my yearly chestnut crop, and the leaves are changing color. I love the red of the Virginia creeper that is the first vivid color to appear. So far I haven't had to turn on my heat but that time is coming soon. I love the crisp days of autumn while he leaves are still on the trees. via

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Egg Gathering Basket, Repurposed

I adore this presentation of bath items in a wire egg gathering basket. This would be so perfect to leave in a guest's room or guest bath. I am mad for baskets and would love to have this one. via

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Monday, September 28, 2020

Antique Accessories

Simply Beautiful! I would love to see more restrained decor in this home. I love this arrangement against a stark white wall. via

Interior Design Oil Painting

Peter Brown, Moses Back From His Walk, 2020, Oil on board via This oil painting is about a dog coming back from a walk but the architectural detals and interior design seem to be the main theme. Peter Brown is certainly a house-proud artist, isn't he? I love the reflections on the beautiful wide board floor and the fine  woodwork. I hope Moses wiped his paws. Happy Monday. xo

Sunday, September 27, 2020

New House Filled with Antiques

I always say I wouldn't change a thing and this time I really mean it. The architect must have worked closely with the homeowners to design the rooms around the furnishings. 

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Black and White Bedroom Love

I love all the black and white touches in this bedroom. The black lampshades (my favorite) and black upholstered cornices against the black and white patterned wallpaper are perfect touches. via

Friday, September 25, 2020

Orbweaving Spiders

Illustration from the Book: American Spiders and Their Spinningwork. A natural history of the orbweaving spiders of the United States, with special regard to their industry and habits. Published in 1889 by Henry C. McCook (1837-1911).
Silly me. I thought all spiders wove these spiral wheel-shaped webs. Leave them alone because  these beneficial spiders catch and eat many pest-type insects. They are nature's insecticides and their webs are beautiful.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Cabinet Perfection

I love this corner of a great kitchen.  Corners can be awkward but this thoughtful design pulled it off perfectly. via

Cat's Eyes

I love this photo. I'm pretty sure I've posted it before but here it is again. I love this cat's golden eyes. via

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

18thC Shingled Cottage

This shingled cottage is in the Hamptons. It is simple and understated with all green landscaping and a curved stepping stone walkway. So nice! via

New Kitchen in an Old House

I love the old-fashioned feel to this remodeled kitchen, especially the wooden countertop and sink surround. It's beautifully done. via

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Bathroom with Blue Willow Wallpaper

The exposed brass pipes let more of the wallpaper show and the glass lets are a nice touch. The gold faucet and light fixture carry out the theme. Not sure how the hot and cold water works. Maybe that knob on top of the faucet regulates the temperature. I love the marble counter and high backsplash. All this works very nicely in a small space. I love looking at other people's choices for decorating their homes. via

Monday, September 21, 2020

My Friend's Beautiful Dahlias

I took these photos at a friend's house late this afternoon and once again fell in love with dahlias. I have never tried growing them and every year I admire them and wish I had them too. Next year for sure! I know you have to dig up the tubers and store them somehow to be replanted the next spring. I love that they are so tall and straight proudly flaunting their beauty. I love that they are late bloomers providing such beauty in the fall. xo

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Morning Dove Nesting

I'm so happy to see what a Mourning Dove nest looks like. Look closely, there are two youngsters in the nest with the mom. I have these birds in my spruce grove and I love them. I cleaned out their favorite watering container today and they will be happy tomorrow. Flickr photo by Taggartim

Bees Coming Home

Worker bees lining up to deposit today's pollen collection for the hive. I love this slow motion photo. via

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Window Shade Love

The natural light in this photo is amazing. Bring back the roller shade. I have always loved them. via

Edward Gorey Decorated Envelopes

The publication, Floating Worlds: The Letters of Edward Gorey and Peter F. Neumeyer, reproduces the never-before-seen, typewriter-transcribed personal correspondence and illustrated envelopes between Gorey and Neumeyer as they collaborated on several children's books, between 1968 and 1969. via The mail carrier must have loved delivering this mail with the cleverly illustrated envelopes. LOVE!

Friday, September 18, 2020

Porch Envy

Happy Friday everyone. This enviable porch has so many things to love. Double doors, double dogs, double benches, and a painted floor to name just a few. I love the charcoal paint on the door and shutters against the light gray diamonds on the floor. Perfection! via

Thursday, September 17, 2020

House Surrounded by A Fenced Garden

I like it. A house sitting all alone with a deck around it, surrounded by gardens. The "lawn" is outside the fenced garden area. It's the opposite of "Don't Fence Me In". via

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Current Obsession: LOVEJOY on AcornTV

As I have discussed many times, I cut the cord with cable last fall and haven't looked back. I have an inexpensive indoor antenna and I get plenty of channels free of charge on my Air Antenna from Walmart. I bought a used Apple TV, 3rd Generation for $45 for my living room TV. I bought it on the NEXTDOOR APP from a neighbor. It is fine for me since I don't have a smart TV and don't mind searching for something to watch on my iPad. I just got a Chromecast 3rd Generation for my bedroom TV from Target for $29.99. My bedroom TV set is not connected to anything but the electric plug. It doesn't have the rabbit ears antenna my living room set has. I hooked up the Chromecast and now I can stream 2000+ Apps from my iPad. I am in heaven. Lately I have been watching all the old LOVEJOY programs I used to enjoy on PBS. It is a very old series that I discovered very late before PBS canceled the show in my area. It is all about an antiques dealer in England and his two sidekicks and each episode involves a mystery of some sort. The character who plays interior designer Lady Jane is Mrs. Hughes on Downton Abbey when she was young. You will recognize her voice immediately. Read more about this delightful 6-Season program here. I just finished Season 3 and have three more seasons to go. I watch at least one episode every night in my bedroom. I think Acorn TV is the best streaming service to have and the most reasonably priced. If you sign up for one year it's only $5 per month. LOVEJOY is so old you can only find it in a search on Acorn. The cell phones from this time period are are HUGE! Let me know if you are already a fan. If you are not, let me know when you become one. xo

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Along Came a Spider

I was greeted by this large spider at my front door recently. I am not afraid of them and this one let me take his portrait. xo

Monday, September 14, 2020

Pumpkin (Spice) Chocolate Chip Cookies

I am a fan of all the spices related to pumpkin pie spices and I know I would love these cookies. You could probably spread the dough and cut into squares. This recipe might be a keeper.

I have been really busy with real estate. That house I recently showed you with my staging in the bedroom is Under Contract and I am dealing with home inspections now. Fingers crossed for smooth sailing. xo

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Tree Removal at My Cottage

I was up early on Friday morning having my coffee when I saw County trucks arriving to deal with the fallen tree on my property that came down during Hurricane Isaias a while back. I live on a county road and the Shade Tree Commission came to my rescue. It was a big job, done quickly and cheerfully by skilled workers. I worked for two days straight mowing and raking to get my streetscape back in order and today I shall rest. xo

Friday, September 11, 2020

Antique Door Hardware

It is lovely to see such an exquisitely beautiful doorknob and lock set on interior double doors. One only hopes the original key is still available. Love this! via