Sunday, September 13, 2020

Tree Removal at My Cottage

I was up early on Friday morning having my coffee when I saw County trucks arriving to deal with the fallen tree on my property that came down during Hurricane Isaias a while back. I live on a county road and the Shade Tree Commission came to my rescue. It was a big job, done quickly and cheerfully by skilled workers. I worked for two days straight mowing and raking to get my streetscape back in order and today I shall rest. xo


sandy lawrence said...

Oh, I have log envy. :) Would love to have one of the smaller, interesting logs to grow epiphyte ferns, hardy orchids and mosses on as a focal point in the garden.

Linda Sand said...

Living on a country road is a good thing. We have benefitted from that in the past.

Pam said...

I'll bet you feel a huge sense of relief having everything cleaned up. Lots of work, for sure! It's always nice to get everything around the property buttoned up for fall and winter.

Lisa D. said...

OMG, those are huge trees, Rosemary.

sandy lawrence said...

I have log envy! :) Would love one of the smaller interesting logs as a 'nurse log' to grow epiphytes, hardy orchids and mosses as an accent in my garden.