Showing posts with label late bloomers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label late bloomers. Show all posts

Friday, October 15, 2021

Dahlias Still Going Strong

Dahlias are nothing short of amazing. They are blooming their hearts out trying to keep the killing frost away, and succeeding! It is supposed to be near 80° today and tomorrow before it gets somewhat cooler next week. I haven't decided how to go about digging out the tubers. I suppose I will just wait it out and see how long I can hold out or just wait for the first killing frost and hope for the best. 

Monday, October 5, 2020

Freshly Picked Dahlia Bouquet

I picked these lovely dahlias by invitation just before dark on Sunday night. They made getting up on a Monday morning so delightful. They drank a lot of water overnight and I had to top them off after taking this photo. They are the best summer into fall flowers of all.