Showing posts with label fall flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fall flowers. Show all posts

Monday, October 24, 2022

Monday Musings

The green ornamental kale is thriving.

One more limelight hydrangea I rooted from a cutting.
It's in the front hiding an electrical outlet in my brick wall.

I keep this tin cat face with marble eyes in my front door window almost all year long but it's especially appropriate for Halloween season🐈‍⬛🎃👻

A dog painting I got at an estate sale.
I think the dark spots in right corner are candle burns.
I am using the seat of a gothic chair as a display table.
I enjoy it so much now that it's in my line of vision next to my TV in the living room. Have a great week. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Purple Ornamental Kale: Replacing my Geraniums Outside

I put three of these in planters in my front garden after digging up and replanting my red geraniums to overwinter in front of the sliding glass door downstairs. When the long curtains are closed, that area becomes a greenhouse and the geraniums love it. I have always preferred ornamental kale to mums outside in the fall because they are cold tolerant and are still going strong long after the first hard frost zaps the mums. 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Antique House with Fall Mums

I have always loved center chimney colonials.
This one looks spectacular all decked out for Fall.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

My Amaryllis Bloomed

This was a gift several years ago and it didn't do well in my house during the winter because I keep my house too cold. It's still in the florist pot and I've always overwintered it and this year it has a double bloom. This is the perfect time for it to be in my house too, long before it's time to turn on the heat. I didn't do anything special to it except water it. I was shocked to see it come alive again and the blooms are spectacular. Hope you are having a great weekend. xo

Friday, October 15, 2021

Dahlias Still Going Strong

Dahlias are nothing short of amazing. They are blooming their hearts out trying to keep the killing frost away, and succeeding! It is supposed to be near 80° today and tomorrow before it gets somewhat cooler next week. I haven't decided how to go about digging out the tubers. I suppose I will just wait it out and see how long I can hold out or just wait for the first killing frost and hope for the best.