Friday, September 11, 2020

Mugwort (Artemesia Vulgaris) Roadside Weed in NJ

Meet Mugwort!
Mugwort is also called wild chrysanthemum because of the shape of the lower leaves. The plant is a perennial that spreads rapidly by rhizomes. It is one of the most severe weeds of the nursery and landscape plantings. It, along with Japanese knotweed (bamboo), is rapidly becoming one of our worst roadside weeds because people dig it out of their plantings and drop it alongside the road. CASORON should be used to control it wherever possible. The white wooly underside of the leaf is a good ID characteristic and is visible even in the winter. It is a relative of dusty miller.
Photo and Information courtesy of RUTGERS 

It looks like goldenrod without the yellow flowers. It is the most aggressive weed and the bane of my existence. It came out of nowhere and can pop up after the earth is disturbed. I suppose mine came after I put in my septic system. It is impossible to get eradicate so I have just tried to embrace it since I don't like chemicals, but I am tempted. I have hired my tractor friend to come and mow two or three times next year with his brush hog. When it first appeared on the hillside to the left of my expansive back property, I hired weedwhackers with metal blades. It is VERY woody and the stalks can be very thick. I have tried pulling it too. Someone suggested a flame thrower and that might take care of what's above ground but not the roots and rhizomes. Down below it would continue to spread like "wildfire". If you have this weed too, you have my sincere sympathy. The best we can do is keep it cut back. xo

Today is a very somber day in the history of our country since the Twin Towers tragedy in NYC on 9/11/2001.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Nice Resting Spot and A Mowing

This actually looks quite comfortable and the bottom board makes a perfect Corgi chin rest. via

I had a much needed field mowing yesterday. My friend brought his big blue tractor dragging a brush hog and chopped down a three year growth of those woody weeds called Mugwort. I am on his list for regular mowings next year to keep them under control. I love having my far view back again. It rained almost all night and all morning and started back again in the early evening. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

New Watercolor by Beatrix Potter

At Evening’s Close by Helen Beatrix Potter circa 1902. I am always thrilled to find another charming watercolor by Beatrix Potter and this one is delightful! It is evening's close at my cottage so this is  very fitting. xo via

Window Seats with Library Bookcase

This is such a great idea; twin window seats flanked by a bookcase that touches the ceiling! via

Monday, September 7, 2020

Beautiful Bathroom

I love it all. The paint colors of the walls and  cabinetry with painted knobs, the upholstery fabric on the seat, the cafe curtains and the checked fabric, the framed mirror. the penny tile floor and the large shower with marble walls and a window. If I missed anything, I like that too. via

Gardening Tips for September

Several weeks ago after my Lacecap Hydrangea blooms were on their way out, I cut them all off and tidied up the overgrowth and now I am pleased to say there is a lot of new growth. If you wait until spring to do this you will have no flowers because this confusing plant blooms on last year's growth. I much prefer plantings that bloom on THIS year's growth as the Limelight Hydrangeas do. But you do what you have to do. 
I found this handy list of things to do in the garden in September. Happy Labor Day. xo

Sunday, September 6, 2020


Delightful cottage, delightful patio, delightful furniture. This photo checks all the boxes for outside dining over the Labor Day weekend or anytime. Keep it small for enjoyment by all. via

Saturday, September 5, 2020


I wouldn't change one single thing. This entry porch is perfect in every way. via I hope you have a wonderful long Labor Day Weekend marking the end of summer and the beginning of a new normal in the school year. xo

Friday, September 4, 2020

Horse Trough Tub

This horse tough has been heavily enameled so it will never rust. I cannot tell whether or not it is galvanized metal but it probably is. I love it. Found here. The rest of the room is equally amazing.

Childhood Drawings Brought to Life

This post full of drawings like this will definitely make you smile. The dad who photoshopped them deserves a medal. see more here.

Monday, August 31, 2020

House All Lit Up at Dusk

This house looks like it's ready for autumn, doesn't it? Can you believe it is September eve? via

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Getty Museum Challenge Favorite

This is one of my favorite look-alike photos from the Getty Museum Art Challenge on Instagram. It is a strangely wonderful reenactment of a famous painting. Can you see it too? Have a great weekend. xo

Friday, August 28, 2020

Famous Overstuffed Blueberry Muffins

These muffins are a clone of "The Famous Jordan Marsh Blueberry Muffins" — which were indeed famous up until the mid-1990s, when Jordan's, one of Boston's two iconic department stores (Filene's being the other) was absorbed by Macy's and effectively disappeared. These overstuffed muffins, with their signature sugary crown, were served in the Jordan Marsh dining room on the top floor of the store, where dedicated shoppers went to rest and compare purchases while sipping tea and enjoying a muffin — blueberry, of course. See recipe here. I always have a large bag of blueberries in my freezer. Enjoy. xo

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Real Estate Staging Before and After

This is a before photo. The previous tenant was storing his furniture in the master bedroom and after one year he removed all of the furniture with almost no notice.

Being the resourceful person that I am, I remembered that my friend had a beautiful nickel silver king sized bed stored in her finished basement. She could not use it when she moved to her new house. In the flash of an eye, she and her husband delivered it and the rest is history. We already had the mattress and box spring and bedding which went together nicely the next day.

The sofa, leather chair and ottoman, and framed print were removed too. I was left with a completely empty room.

This beautiful sofa was in an upstairs bedroom where there were two sofas. I took the most beautiful one and it looks perfect between the twin built-in cupboards. I think the room looks nicer than before. There was a Victorian marble-top dresser in the spot where you see the black bench. This is an example of "A day in the life of the listing agent." The owners have no idea! I would have had to pay a stager a fortune. I researched buying a bed frame but they cost $275. So all of the above was $FREE. Click photos to enlarge.
Views of the empty bedroom.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

After the Storm is Over

A cold front is on the way to cool things down for one single day, tomorrow. I'll take it because I have a day of errands already planned. I let my grass (and weeds) get ahead of me as I do every year and it has taken me three days to catch up. Two consecutive days and a break for rainy days. Today I finished and it looks as if I will have to repeat the process in just a few more days. I took this photo at 7:00 after a short, heavy rain. Be safe if bad weather is in your area. xo

Monday, August 24, 2020

Iced Coffee in a Mason Jar

This rich dark iced coffee with lots of milk or cream looks absolutely delicious. I am posting this photo because of the wide mouth mason jar. I recently found one that is perfect for making my morning smoothie. I had been using a blender but too much was left behind on the sides of the glass container and I had to figure out a better way. Now I dump all of my ingredients into my large mason jar and stick in my immersion blender and it works beautifully, even with frozen blueberries. Then I eat it with a spoon right out of the jar. I rinse off the blender and put it away and am left with only a mason jar and a spoon to wash. xo

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Photo Removed

A new use for cabbages and what a great idea. The limelight hydrangeas are perfect against the green hollowed out cabbage right now. It doesn't have to be Easter or St. Patrick's Day, cabbages are inexpensive and available all year long. The rabbit pushing the wheelbarrow is perfect. Love it. xo
Photo removed per request of owner. Sorry!

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Still Curating My Living Room

I haven't posted any of my own photos lately so here is a section of my living room. I am still agonizing in my quest to get it perfect and I'm almost there. I have been way too busy trying to get a real estate listing back on the market after two rooms in the house were completely emptied out and guess who had to stage them? I ended up making them look better than they were before. I'll share the before and after photos soon. xo
Walls are Benjamin Moore BENNINGTON GRAY HC82

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Stone Folly with A Beautiful Facade

This ancient Architectural Beauty is simply wonderful. I would love to see what's inside, wouldn't you? I tried to search the location but was unsuccessful so I am assuming it is in England. via

I was wrong. It is in France. Château de CorabÅ“uf: a beautiful place to visit between Beaune and Nolay, to discover Burgundy off the beaten track. Read more about this beautiful place here. Thanks, Cathy!

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Rustic New Bathroom with Stone Wall

I love the idea of this dry stacked stone wall, weathered barn board door and flooring, and the overall feel of  this bathroom. It looks to be low upkeep but I wonder; would spiders start living in the wall? I would take the chance rather than fill in the spaces with mortar. The old lumber used for the lintel over the window and the ceiling beams complete the wonderful craftsmanship. via

Attic Bedroom Renovation

This is a carriage house renovation. Don't you love the simplicity of this all white attic bedroom with two built-in beds? The large window should keep it nice and cool in the summer. Speaking of cool, I have had to pull up a blanket the past two nights. I never sleep with the central air running, but love having my windows open. via

Monday, August 17, 2020

Hollyhocks: So Beautiful

Hollyhocks. Marblehead. 2016. Source: rickinmar
I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful stand of these loveliest of all old-fashioned flowers.

Twin Lambs with Black Faces

Cutest way to start your Monday. I love their dear faces and fluffy fleece. via

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Dibs: Favorite Spot to Sit

Dibs! Don't you know everyone wants to sit in this spot on the porch? via

Cottage in Summer

I love the overhead fans on the porch. This cottage is all decked out for summertime living, isn't it? via