Monday, August 31, 2020

House All Lit Up at Dusk

This house looks like it's ready for autumn, doesn't it? Can you believe it is September eve? via


Lisa D. said...

It does, and it looks very inviting.

Pam said...

It really is hard to believe that fall is nearly here, but I love this time of the year! As much as I enjoy gardening and lawn care, I am ready for the change of seasons.

Penelope Bianchi said...

What a lovely house!

It does look like autumn!

I just posted a kinda funny/kinda sad thing.

"I can't believe it is almost September! It seems like March was just 16 years ago!"

Sounds about right, doesn't it???

I hope you are doing well, you darling!

The Queen Vee said...

It looks looks like it must be in England but it could also be a house on the East coast. Definitely giving off autumn vibes. We are finally having some lower temps, now in the 80s, and you can see in the evening light and cooler nights that autumn is coming. I love the season but I will miss the green.