Thursday, May 11, 2023

Disturbed a House Wren Nest by Accident

There was a house wren's nest full of her clutch in this hen planter. This photo is after I put it back along with all the dead plants that I scooped up without knowing there was a nest.

I had my hands full and wanted to dump the soil near my parked car where I planted a Buttonwood Bush seedling my town gave out on Earth Day. I got 4 rooted cuttings of this native plant that is attractive to pollinators and butterflies.

When I bent down to spread the soil I noticed some movement and look closely and saw a pile of young wrens. There must have 6 or 7. The mother took them back with no problem but she made them fledge today.

Here is a photo of the empty nest. That was my excitement for the last couple of day. Tomorrow I will show you my overwintered geraniums that are looking so pretty on my balcony. xo

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

News from the Nest

I am thrilled to report I have a pair of blue birds building a nest in this box. This is an old photo but it's mine.

Another old bluebird photo of mine. I need to put up this box somewhere.

An illustrated quote I made but it's not my photo.

More good news -- Mother Robin is back in her old corner. I'm sure there must be eggs by now but I haven't looked. I was worried she wouldn't return since all of her old nests were removed when my deck was power washed last summer. Robin nests are very messy and just thrown together  and held in place with some mud. 

She couldn't decide what cubicle she wanted so she tried several before deciding on the second from the right. See all the dried grasses hanging down? I worked on pruning the boxwood in back of my barn/garage cutting back dead wood and clipping with my shears. They look so much bette and I left lots of little sticks on the ground for the birds in case they want easy pickings for nest materials. I've been busy away from home and had an office meeting this morning. There was another one after lunch but I stayed home and worked outside instead. xo

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

New Listing or Why I've Been Busy

Just posted on Instagram Tuesday 6:45pm

The owner took this photo and I love it.

The cherry tree wasn't as pretty when I took this photo.

The owner took this photo too.
We already have appointments lined up and the first showing isn't until Friday. It has been a whirlwind but it's up and running.
See you later. xo

Monday, May 1, 2023

Welcome May (and the Sun)

Maybe I can put my geraniums out this week and turn off my heat. Sorry I have been absent but have been working on a listing and helping client get ready. All of my neighbors (except one) have already cut their grass twice and I haven't even started thinking about mine. Today the sun out after days and days of rain and it's glorious.

Happy May Day! This is my view on Monday morning outside my living room window looking out across the street to my neighbors barn/garage. xo

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Walking to Dinner Out Yesterday Evening

A realtor friend invited me and another friend to join her for an early dinner yesterday evening at 6pm. This is a quick photo of the approach to Jockey Hollow Bar and Kitchen in Morristown NJ. It was a lovely evening and fun walking around town a little beforehand. I found a parking spot right away as I'm always early and I picked up my friend who doesn't like to drive at night. We celebrated the sale of her house and still got home early. I have toured many of the upscale apartments here over the years but had never been to the restaurant. 

Located at 110 South St. in Morristown, N.J., the Vail Mansion was built by the first president and chairman of AT & T, Theodore Vail. The first floor of the mansion was originally designed to house Mr. Vail´s collection of art and family inventions, while the second floor was to be his living quarters.

A project architect designed and supervised the restoration of this 1918 Palladian building as part of an adaptive reuse project. The upscale condominiums are beautiful with many amenities.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

A Wonderful Dog Painings🐾♡

Arthur Wardle, R.I., R.B.C. (1864-1949) 
Waiting for master, a wire coated fox terrier
Sold at Christie's in 2012. I have always loved this breed.
Isn't this a delightful rendering of man's best friend?

Monday, April 17, 2023

Best Pantry Ever, Really!

Swoon. Found on Instagram artichoke_ltd -- all of their custom cabinetry is handmade and everything I have seen is absolutely wonderful! ♡xo

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Wonderful Framed Print for Sitting Room Downstairs

I got this wonderful framed print just a few days ago but haven't had time to post anything. I've been doing household chores like putting in screens on a 90° day so I could open the windows. It has cooled down to 66° and we have a much needed light rain this Saturday afternoon.

I will hang it on the wall soon.

I tried to find this print online but couldn't. I even uploaded a photo to Google Images with no luck. There is a verse that goes all around the edges.

Each corner has a nest with a bird in it.
Rabbits are jumping on either side of the basket.
Wild berries fill the basket.
Isn't it charming?

The background has a crackled finish so this is definitely a reproduction of a painting. Don't you love it? I think it's perfect for this sitting room off the bedroom in my downstairs quarters where my mother lived. My laundry room is on this level and I park my car on this level so I'm up and down the stairs constantly. I was doing my exercises down there but the DVD stopped working on the small flatscreen TV. It even ate one of the DVDs! I have moved to the attic. Luckily my desktop computer has a DVD player. I am doing the "Essentrics Workouts" Seasons 13 and 14. She has daily workouts on PBS but they are on way too early for me. The sessions I'm doing are only 22 minutes long and I'm feeling stronger every day. See you soon. xo

I was able to identify the artist -- Carol Endres 
aka Carol J. Endres
Carol Endres has been painting in the American Primitive style, to great acclaim, for the last nine years. A native of Albany, New York, Carol and her family now reside in nearby Guilderland. By the age of 6, Carol knew she wanted to be an artist. She was already copying things and drawing her own pictures. She continues to pursue her primitive art with the same enthusiasm of her youth.

Carol's compositions are inspired by her faith in God, people, and a keen observance of things in life that make us all feel warm, happy and whole. Her work reflects her love for her children, her cat and memories from the past. She is an avid antique collector, and all these things can be found hidden in her paintings which she executes on wood panels. Carol's folk art company The Heart of America has had enormous success, producing a wide selection of products for the home and gift market. Her background as owner of an antique and gift shop helped her develop The Heart of America.

Now a household name in the folk art world, Carol Endres' work is found in museums, frame shops, gift shops, galleries, catalogues, and furniture and department stores. Her originals are sold nationally and internationally. She finds her work tremendously satisfying and loves to hear from the people who appreciate her art.

The print I have was offered on eBay but is no longer available. I shall keep looking. She wrote 2 books ANGELS WATCHING OVER YOU & COMFORT FOR YOUR SOUL.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

My Latest Thrift Shop Find

I found this large basket last week while thrifting.

The scale is perfect for my farmtable.

It took a while for me to find the perfect spot. I just bought this lovely handmade basket because I liked it. Actually it has resulted in being a catchall for all the junk that is usually spread all over my table and I don't see how I ever lived without this big, deep basket. The $10.00 price was right too🥰

I cleaned it out yesterday after one week and threw out 90% of what had collected. It was mostly grocery store circulars and junk mail. I am thrilled with this great "find" and more thrilled with having a neat table!!!! xo

I don't think this was a commercially made basket but possibly one of a kind. I just found this maker's mark or signature -- JPS

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Missy 🐾🐾 My Overnight Visitor

Missy got dropped off yesterday at 9:30am and was picked up this morning at 10:00am. We had the perfect visit. I like dog sitting so much better in nice weather with daylight savings time than in the dark of winter. She managed to get two breakfasts out of me and that made her very happy indeed. She was watching TV in this photo but looked at me when I called her name. She'll be back for a longer visit in May. I picked these daffodils growing wild in the woods next to me. I have tried digging them up but it's impossible so I pick them instead. Have a great Easter. xo