Tuesday, December 22, 2020


Carel Pietersz Fabritius, the most promising student of Rembrandt, famous for his painting “The Goldfinch,” died young at just 32 in 1654. He was killed in an explosion. (Not what you were expecting, right?) The city of Delft’s gunpowder magazine unexpectedly exploded, destroying about one-fourth of the city and killing Fabritius. Dying young does not mean the end of a painter’s career – just look at Van Gogh. But unfortunately for Fabritius, most of his paintings were also destroyed in the explosion. Only about a dozen of his paintings survive today. (Source: Wikipedia) photo source

Monday, December 21, 2020

Winter Solstice 2020

Tonight is the longest night of the year. Starting tomorrow, the days will be getting longer so I decided to feature the sun rather than the moon.
This sun is an image copied from an 18th Century calligraphy manual. The December solstice happens at the same instant for everyone, everywhere on Earth – and this year the winter solstice occurred on Monday December 21, at 10:02 GMT in the Northern Hemisphere. As such, Monday December 21 will be the shortest day and longest night of the year.

Moon Snow by  Lucy Grossmith
This delightful image was found on Google Images.
Tonight will be perfect for animals like these.

Stunning Flower Photograph

Who knew mums could be so lovely?

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Bookish Christmas Card

I adore this custom Christmas Card designed for The London Library 2020. It's easy to see why it's sold out. Isn't it a perfect card for a library, librarian, or book lover? Perfect to send to your Book Club members too.

Cute Christmas Pancakes

I found this image somewhere this morning when I was browsing and fell in love with this idea for decorating pancakes this time of year. Please share with your loved ones! I added the text below the image.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Vintage Christmas Card I Made Years Ago

I just discovered this Christmas Card I made long ago. I lost all the images I created when my desktop computer running Windows XP crashed and took away all my saved photos, photo editing software, Microsoft Word, and so much more. This was around 5 years ago I think. I just found this image on an old phone and I still love it. I scanned the image from one of my books, enlarged it and printed it in black and white on heavy card stock. I still adore everything about the image and the sentiment and this is my wish for you. I picture myself as the woman walking up to her cottage because her driveway hasn't been plowed and she had to leave her car at the bottom of the hill. Such is my life. xo

Friday, December 18, 2020

Beautiful Bedroom Wallpaper

I love the way this wallpaper looks in this bedroom with the plain fabrics, lampshade, and carpet. The room is simple and simply gorgeous. via

Hoar Frost Surrounding An English Country House

I subscribe to a BBC Newsletter and this opening photo knocked me off my feet! The article appears to be interesting too, though I've only skimmed it. The title is 'Cottagecore' and the rise of the modern rural fantasy. Even if you don't read it, open the link so you can see a full-page photo of this English Country House. 

Cottagecore is all about the outdoors and slow living – think Anne of Green Gables meets The Secret Garden – Lucy Blackall

After I have my coffee, I have to suit up and dig out my generator. I completely forgot to do that yesterday and it's something you have to do in case you need it. The sky is clearing and there should be sunshine to help melt my driveway. See you later. xo

PS: Want to get the newsletter too? Subscribe here. You're welcome!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Be Worthy of Your Dog's Devotion

I added this text to a picture of a French Bull Dog long ago and I just found it again in my photos. It's so true too. I hope you don't mind seeing it again. I worked outside dealing with snow for much of the day and will probably sleep like a log tonight. xo

A Snowy Mourning Dove Portrait

Mr. Morning Dove aka Mr. Mourning Dove. Are you tired of bird portraits yet? He was so close to my window this morning and he let me take his picture without moving a feather. The storm is over and it wasn't so bad in my neck of the woods. I haven't been outside yet to shovel but will get out of my pajamas soon and start digging out. I have someone coming later with a snowblower to help me deal with the driveway. See you later. Hope you are all safe and sound. xo

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

A Beautiful Cardinal on My Balcony

This is a better photo of a cardinal than the last one I posted. There was a real frenzy at my feeder all day because the birds were trying to power up for the coming storm with wind and snow. It's her at the time of this posting (8pm) and so far it's not too bad. I hope I will be pleasantly surprised when I wake up tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed. xo

Snow Covered Steps in Montréal

Montréal, Quebec, Canada by Akhil Verma
Now I don't feel so bad about the snow that's coming my way. Be safe and be careful. xo

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Bunny in The Snow

I can't get away from people on TV or the radio talking about the Nor'easter that's coming my way tomorrow afternoon. The snowy scene above is just about all I can take mentally but I'll deal with it on Thursday morning for sure. Be safe if you are in the path too. xo 

Christmas Tree Ornaments

I wonder how many glass birds are on this Christmas tree? They are so beautiful!

Pinecones are always a good idea. This is definitely a DIY project using ribbon and twine or string. via

Monday, December 14, 2020

Shelter Island Kitchen Renovation

Painted floors in kitchens are one of my favorite things. I love the free-standing refrigerator too. The simple understated farmhouse style is wonderful. Read all about it here with numerous photographs to love.

Kitchen Table Next To The Window

This is perfect placement for the kitchen table, isn't it? I love the little tabletop Christmas tree too. via

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Manor House Dusted with Snow

Snow is such beautiful decoration for the plantings around this English Country House. A dusting is the perfect amount too requiring no shoveling. via

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Great English Bookshop

If you walked past this bookshop in Dorset, wouldn't you just have to go in? I know I would. via

Saturday Quotes

I have never heard this Jane Austen quote about nature and it's so true.

Nature is the best teacher! Both quotes found here.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Evergreen Garland

This looks simple enough to make. There should be a tutorial womewhere. I'll look for it tomorrow. Good night all. DIY instructions here. Have fun making them this weekend. Easy.
Here is the YouTube tutorial Jean Ellen sent in the comments for trees that look like the ones above. Thanks so much.

A Real Cook's Kitchen

This is a real cook's kitchen for sure. The stove is the most important thing and then the pots and pans, mostly copper. I think the worktable to the left of the range is fabulous and love that it's an antique and not a custom built-in cabinet. There is an old chopping block to the right and a step stool to reach the hanging pots. Love it all. via

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Twine and String Collection

Wouldn't you love to have all of this string and twine right now? I love this collection. via

Wonderful Home LIbrary

Lovely in almost every way. Maybe they hoved the table and rug closer to the chair just for this photo and moved the footstool or ottoman. Am I the only living human who absolutely must have my legs outstretched to get comfortable? I adore this room and the bookcases that round the corner. via This wouuld be a good spot for bird watching too with binoculars on the lamp table. I have bright sun this morning that will melt the snow on my balcony without shoveling. I'm happy to hear so many of you are enjoying my bird photos. xo

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Mourning Doves at My Cottage Today

I took this photo in the morning before it started snowing. It was cold as you can see by the puffed up one on the left and I am thrilled that the one on the right is turned to show his true colors.

I got a nice frontal profile on this one. The first snow was just a nice dusting that I could sweep away with the greatest of ease -- my favorite kind. xo

English Robin in December Snow

I heard a bird sing 
In the dark of December 
A magical thing 
And sweet to remember. 
‘We are nearer to Spring Than we were in September,’ 
I heard a bird sing In the dark of December.“

‘I Heard a Bird Sing.’ by Oliver Herford.
British Robin Red breast, 
the National Bird of Great Britain.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Kitchen Sink View: Like a Painting

Best view from the kitchen sink, ever. via

My Homemade Fabric Face Masks

These are my home sewed masks that I have finally perfected after many attempts.

There are only 3 seams. I use a piece of 8-1/2" x 11" computer paper as my pattern. What could be simpler than that? If you are working with a printed fabric, you must place the pattern where you want the design on the front of the mask to be featured. You can make a pattern from a large gallon size zip-lock bag. The front of the mask will be at the bottom half. Cut your fabric and fold in half lengthwise, right sides together. Sew a bottom seam and turn right side out. Press. Fold over each side and sew a seam for the cording. I always insert my cording before sewing and don't catch the cording with any machine stitching. Raw edges are fine, nobody will be any the wiser, I have been working with 19" lengths of cording for each side. Now for the hardest part, the gathering. Pull the cording so both sides are equal before you start pulling. Gather the fabric as tightly as you possibly can and tie off with a knot on each side. Now fold the folded edge in half , gathered ends together, land make a small 1/8" tuck with about five locked stitches or so to mark the nose area. This is not a tapered dart, just a straight tuck. You can leave this part out if you like but it helps to have it. This is the most comfortable and breathable mask and I can wear mine for long periods without having to keep touching it because it stays in place. I just happened to have this cording in my stash of sewing and gift wrapping supplies. I think you could use bias tape that has been sewed shut too. Or any braided twine that would be comfortable over your ears. I have not tried elastic because I didn't have any.
I posted more photos on my Instagram for you to study. Just click on the arrows to see them all. Feel free to ask questions if I have not made the instructions clear. You can turn under the two sides before you start sewing if you want a finished underside rather than a raw edge but this just adds to the bulk. You could also overcast if you don't want a raw edge. You can whip these up in no time. 
They are tight to get on once you have your ends tied off but worth the effort. I use a square knot that says in place: Left over right and right over left. 
I don't know if hair ties would work. 

Monday, December 7, 2020

Winter Wonderland

This peek into the woods makes me so happy complete with the perfect amount of snow. I love the tall trees with branches all the way to the ground lining both sides of the road to the orange cottage. Who needs a yard when you can have this? I would love to see this same view in the summer, wouldn't you? 

Christmas Illustration by Thomas Nast

Christmas decor by Thomas Nast illustrating the poem 'Twas the Night before Christmas by Clement Moore. I have never seen this one and I love the mice not stirring in their cozy little beds. I but have often blogged about Nast and his famous Santa Claus illustration in my collection. I copied this delightful image from @maccullochhall on Instagram, a local house museum across the street from Thomas Nast's house in Morristown, NJ.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Chickadee and Downy Woodpecker at My Feeder

My birds, large and small, as illustrated by this Chickadee portrait. I have already featured the Red-bellied Woodpecker by himself. Chickadees are hard to capture because they don't stay on the perch very long. They just grab a seed and fly away very quickly.

The Downy Woodpecker is a frequent visitor but he has a much harder time latching on to a perch than the large woodpecker above who is quite the expert. Both of these woodpeckers feed from my balcony floor too when the smaller birds are hogging the feeder. I use my Nikon camera for bird photography because of the telephoto lense. Enjoy your Sunday.  xo

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Male Cardinal: Bird Portrait

I get pairs of cardinals all the time but they mostly peck at the thrown seeds on the balcony floor and that's not a very good background for a portrait. I hardly ever see them on a perch at the feeder. I think the females are lovely too and one of these days I hope one will pose for me. I am trying to get a decent photo of all the birds that visit my feeder. See you tomorrow. xo

Sunkissed: Small Brick House

This reminds me of my grandparents' house in South Carolina. via It's a gray rainy Saturday morning here at my cottage with the promise of sun this afternoon, My birds have been fed and the balcony floor swept and I have my coffee by my side, so all is well. Enjoy the weekend and I'll see you later. xo