Thursday, December 10, 2020

Wonderful Home LIbrary

Lovely in almost every way. Maybe they hoved the table and rug closer to the chair just for this photo and moved the footstool or ottoman. Am I the only living human who absolutely must have my legs outstretched to get comfortable? I adore this room and the bookcases that round the corner. via This wouuld be a good spot for bird watching too with binoculars on the lamp table. I have bright sun this morning that will melt the snow on my balcony without shoveling. I'm happy to hear so many of you are enjoying my bird photos. xo


Mama Pea said...

Just to let you know there are two of us who absolutely have to have our legs stretched out to be comfortable. Don't know why that is but I can't even sit outside on our deck without having something to put my legs up on. (I also love to read when lying in bed. My husband cannot fathom how that can be comfortable!)

Content in a Cottage said...

Mama Pea -- I am glad to hear you are a footstool aficionado too and I absolutely require one. The one I have now is perfect. It is rectangular in shape. When I scoot it up close to my sofa cushion, my feet overhang it and that is very comfortable for typing on my laptop. When I turn it longways, it turns my sofa into a chaise and that is comfortable for slouching and tv watching. I wouldn't want a sectional sofa with a built-in chaise because I like being able to choose the position of my feet. Once you get used to having a stool or an ottoman, there's no turning back. Welcome to my world.
xo, Rosemary

JudyMac said...

Yes, Rosemary, one definitely needs a place to put the feet up. The entire room looks very comfy, a lovely reading room/library. But I have a comment about the chair: Did you notice how low the seat is to the floor? Would present a problem for folks with knee problems in getting up and down. I pay more attention to that than I used to. (HaHa)