Thursday, December 17, 2020

A Snowy Mourning Dove Portrait

Mr. Morning Dove aka Mr. Mourning Dove. Are you tired of bird portraits yet? He was so close to my window this morning and he let me take his picture without moving a feather. The storm is over and it wasn't so bad in my neck of the woods. I haven't been outside yet to shovel but will get out of my pajamas soon and start digging out. I have someone coming later with a snowblower to help me deal with the driveway. See you later. Hope you are all safe and sound. xo


susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

OK, now I am imagining that this dove has an expression on his face. To me it looks like he is contemplating something naughty and fun or is just in a really good mood. The doves here at my house don't have an expression on their faces that I can see. I think your dove is smiling with his eyes. Is anyone else seeing this dove's face has more expression than most doves?

Pam said...

I'm impressed with the clarity of this photo. Look at the color of his feet! Amazing. Glad to hear you didn't get hammered by the storm, Rosemary. I'm sure there will still be plenty of snow to move.