Showing posts with label free pattern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free pattern. Show all posts

Monday, January 17, 2022

Free Sewing Pattern for A Lamb

Aren't these lambs adorable? The only thing you have to stuff is the body. All the other parts are one layer of black felt! You could get started now and have a pile made for valentine's day gifts. You could sew or embroider  a little red heart on the body. These are supposed to be ornaments to hang and the pattern includes two sizes. They would be great for Easter too. Download free pattern here.

My winter storm overnight was snow when I went to bed. Later it turned to rain and wind. Luckily it is MLK Day and there isn't much traffic so people can stay home. My front walk looks like a layer of ice covered with slush. There is no snow on my car so I don't have to clean it off and that makes me happy. I'm staying inside until the warmest part of the day and then I will give the front walk a quick shovel. Be safe. xo

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

My Homemade Fabric Face Masks

These are my home sewed masks that I have finally perfected after many attempts.

There are only 3 seams. I use a piece of 8-1/2" x 11" computer paper as my pattern. What could be simpler than that? If you are working with a printed fabric, you must place the pattern where you want the design on the front of the mask to be featured. You can make a pattern from a large gallon size zip-lock bag. The front of the mask will be at the bottom half. Cut your fabric and fold in half lengthwise, right sides together. Sew a bottom seam and turn right side out. Press. Fold over each side and sew a seam for the cording. I always insert my cording before sewing and don't catch the cording with any machine stitching. Raw edges are fine, nobody will be any the wiser, I have been working with 19" lengths of cording for each side. Now for the hardest part, the gathering. Pull the cording so both sides are equal before you start pulling. Gather the fabric as tightly as you possibly can and tie off with a knot on each side. Now fold the folded edge in half , gathered ends together, land make a small 1/8" tuck with about five locked stitches or so to mark the nose area. This is not a tapered dart, just a straight tuck. You can leave this part out if you like but it helps to have it. This is the most comfortable and breathable mask and I can wear mine for long periods without having to keep touching it because it stays in place. I just happened to have this cording in my stash of sewing and gift wrapping supplies. I think you could use bias tape that has been sewed shut too. Or any braided twine that would be comfortable over your ears. I have not tried elastic because I didn't have any.
I posted more photos on my Instagram for you to study. Just click on the arrows to see them all. Feel free to ask questions if I have not made the instructions clear. You can turn under the two sides before you start sewing if you want a finished underside rather than a raw edge but this just adds to the bulk. You could also overcast if you don't want a raw edge. You can whip these up in no time. 
They are tight to get on once you have your ends tied off but worth the effort. I use a square knot that says in place: Left over right and right over left. 
I don't know if hair ties would work.