Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Bluebird Man - Video

I watched this PBS Documentary about Al Larson and it is simply wonderful. It's 30 minutes long and there is a lot of archival footage. I know you will enjoy his complete single-handed devotion to enlarging the bluebird population in Southern Idaho after he retired and beyond.

Read this article first and you will be encouraged to watch the video.
Al Larson is responsible for bringing 27,000 bluebirds into his hand-made nest boxes he nailed up on his ranch and along the numerous trails in the area. At least I think that was the figure mentioned in the documentary. Be prepared to fall in love with him. I know I did! 

Tomorrow I will update this post and put in a video about his wife.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Bluebird Family Coming Soon

I am very excited that this bluebird and his mate are building a nest in my bluebird box for the first time in about three years. The Carolina wrens have always beat them to it. I made a few changes to the surrounding area that might have made a difference. I moved my bird feeder from my balcony to a spot near this nesting box and the bluebirds are enjoying perching atop the tall shepherd's hook to look for insects. I took this photo from inside the house with my telephoto lens on my Nikon. They perch here also looking for insects to eat themselves and feed their young after they hatch,

I also moved this tall chicken planter to the flower bed in front of the bluebird box where my poppies were last year. The female bluebird pulled a lot of the Spanish moss out from under this clay hen to "feather" her nest and I thought that was a good sign she was moving in and would soon lay her blue eggs. Fingers crossed for baby bluebirds once again. You know I love them so! Bluebirds are also perching all over this fancy wire plant stand to look for insects in the grass.

I took down this birdhouse and replaced it with the one with a copper roof. This is one of my bluebirds on an older post. I always thought this birdhouse was too small but I still have it and plan to put it up again in a different location on my property.

This is one of my bluebird photos from a post in 2009. As you can see, I sometimes add more photos to an existing post rather than make a totally new one. I started out with bluebirds last night and this morning they are still on my mind.

Listen to the birdsong of the Eastern Bluebird on YouTube.

My dog friend Missy is staying with me for three days and she settled right in. This is her second long weekend with me and the weather is perfect for our walks. I honestly don't know how people with dogs managed during the long winter with two feet of snow on the ground for so long. I guess I must be fair-weather dog person. 

Friday, April 16, 2021

Perfect Country Kitchen

I found a great article about someone who found an old school house and converted it into a delightful home. I love this country kitchen so much. 

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Eider Duck: Absolutely Waterproof

Just rolling off: You’ve probably heard the expression “like water off a duck’s back.” Here's where that idiom comes from. The spectacled eider’s feathers are so waterproof that the water just beads up and rolls off. This image of the near-threatened species, which breeds on the coasts of Alaska and Siberia, attracted nearly a million Instagram likes. Nat Geo Explorer Tim Laman photographed this male at the Ripley Waterfowl Conservancy in Connecticut, which maintains genetic diversity of rare and endangered species. 

The National Geographic Society has funded Laman’s work documenting rare and endangered birds. Photo by ©Tim Laman 

I am so happy to see this bird since I sleep under an Eiderdown comforter almost every night. I don't think I have ever seen a photo of an Eider and I'm sure I would have remembered such an unusual looking waterfowl.

Happiest Kitten Expression Ever

If this kitty doesn't make you smile, nothing will. I wonder what she's looking at to evoke such a wonderful reaction? via

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Freshly Picked Daffodils

She wore her yellow sun-bonnet, 
She wore her greenest gown; 
She turned to the south wind
And curtsied up and down. 
She turned to the sunlight
And shook her yellow head, 
And whispered to her neighbour: 
“Winter is dead.” 
 ~Daffodowndilly” A.A. Milne.

I love everything about this. Found here.

Don't you love flower-gathering baskets full of daffodils? Photo found here.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Brown and White Kitten

I have posted a photo of brown and white kittens before and just found this one. I adore this color combination and have never seen it in real life. Photo source here.


Monday, April 12, 2021

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Blooming Hellebore in My Garden

I worked outside yesterday from dawn until dark. The Hellebore I planted last spring is spectacular and such a welcome spring flower that survived beautifully after being buried under two feet of snow for so long. I neglected to write down the name of this Lenten Rose but I think it must be Spring Party. I searched online and found a photo.

The mature foliage on my hellebore looks exactly like this. The leaves are large and leathery. I am very happy to have this old fashioned plant in a corner of my front walled garden. Photo found here.

I clipped off all the giant mature leathery leaves that looked like the photo above because they were just lying on the ground and didn't look tidy after my spring cleanup.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Prince Philip's Secret Pet Name for Queen Elizabeth

Here's a hint.
photo credit

Yes, he called her "Cabbage". It might have originated with the French phrases "mon petit chou" which means "my little cabbage" as well as "my little pastry puff". Isn't this endearing? Read article in Town & Country with more Royal Family links.

The Washington Post has an excellent photo diary of the wonderful Life of Prince Philip with snapshots I've never seen.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Prince Philip's LIfe in Pictures

2017 Prince Philip tips his hat to a lifetime of public service at his final solo royal engagement before retirement. Town & Country has a wonderful slideshow of his life 1921-2021. ©Getty images

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Geraniums in Old Clay Pots

I took my geraniums outside today and worked on them after a long winter in the basement. I trimmed all the dead wood, watered them, and they enjoyed a nice day in the sun. I put plastic over them for the night just in case it gets too nippy tonight. Photo found on Google Images.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Open Porch w/ Brick Floor, More Views

I found another view of the brick-floored in yesterday's post. It goes on forever in this house overlooking the Navesink River in Rumson, NJ ~ See link below.

Sitting room with a river view. This new house is simply stunning, designed by Gil Schafer Architect. You will enjoy seeing the entire house, inside and out.

Stunning Bathroom with Gallery Wall

There are no words to describe my love for this bathroom designed by Christopher Peacock. I have seen many of this firm's bespoke kitchens at realtor open houses and they have all been works of art.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Covered Open Porch with Brick Floor


It will soon be time to throw open the front door and welcome in some fresh air and put the houseplants you have been overwintering outside! via

Monday, April 5, 2021

Ephrata Cloister: Ephrata, PA

The Ephrata Cloister preserves the remains of a religious communal society founded in 1732 by German immigrant Conrad Beissel. The monastic society of brothers and sisters lived an austere life of work, study, and prayer. They ate one meal a day of grains, fruits, and vegetables, and encouraged celibacy. They even slept on wooden benches with wooden "pillows." Known for its a cappella singing and publishing, the society lived and worked in a cluster of striking buildings with steep-roofed medieval-style architecture. The last sister died in 1813.

I have never heard of this historic site in Lancaster County. The above link is from the Pennsylvania Heritage website and has more photos including some of the interior with furnishings. I haven't finished reading it yet but have it bookmarked. It is absolutely fascinating! Enjoy. xo

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Easter Bunny Bonnet

Isn't she lovely. This photo is an old repost from long ago. I'm glad to see it again and I hope you are too. Have a Blessed Easter. via

Tasha Tudor Hanging Laundry (1940)

That's an awfully small basket. It must be for the clothes pins. Maybe she came out to take the laundry down. I adore hanging clothes out in the sun to dry. Have a wonderful Easter weekend. xo

Friday, April 2, 2021

Spring Lambs for Good Friday


I got my second Covid shot yesterday and, so far, I have no adverse reaction. It was easy in and easy out at a CVS 40 minutes away with good weather for driving. I moved my bird feeder from my balcony to the back yard last week and have started cleaning the flooring before it's time to put the furniture back. The grass gets a little bit greener every day even though it's cold again. This morning it was in the low 20s when I went out with the birdseed. Have a wonderful Easter weekend. xo 🐰🐑🐑🐥

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Small 6" Cakes for Two with Recipes

I have been meaning to tell you about this site with wonderful recipes for small cakes for two people. I made a very plain one a while back and used my heart shaped cake pan and it was so good. I dusted with powdered sugar rather than making icing. Happy baking. Recipes here 🍰Happy April Fool's Day❤️