I was feeling powerful yesterday and decided to tear apart my entrance vestibule to clean and declutter. Tabitha always wakes me up in the middle of the night to beg for food because Webster has stolen what I left out for her. I racked my brain trying to think of a new arrangement that would be dog proof and this is is what worked. When I woke up this morning she was already having breakfast and she was able to snack through the night so this setup worked like a charm. That's an old blue fleece pullover on the small bistro chair for sleeping. She needs the booster chair in order to be able to jump up on the makeshift table. The base is a heavy wire basket I use for firewood with a half-round piece of wood in old blue paint for the top. So far, so good. Her woven willow cat bed is in the room too on the floor as an alternate sleeping place.
Now my kitchen is destroyed and I have to work on it next. All the junk I took out of the vestibule needs new places to live and most will go to the basement and the garage. Some will be donated and other things will be put away for the winter. I have way too many scarves, hats, and gloves. Tabitha will be happier when I buy more cat food to fill up her jar as it's almost empty. A Costco run is on my list, maybe later day. Spring cleaning is progressing nicely here at the cottage and it feels good to be organized. UPDATE: I went to Costco and now Webster and Tabitha both have new giant bags of food. They have already sampled it and they both like what I brought home.
Happy Tax Day. Hope you all make the deadline. I'll stay away from the post office today. xo