Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day Remembrance

The poppy is the recognized symbol of remembrance for war dead in Canada, the countries of the British Commonwealth, and the United States. The flower owes its significance to the poem In Flanders Fields, written by Major (later Lieutenant-Colonel) John McCrae, a field surgeon in the Canadian artillery, in the midst of the Second Battle of Ypres, in Belgium, in May 1915.

The poppy references in the first and last stanzas of the most widely read and oft-quoted poem of the war contributed to the flower's status as an emblem of remembrance and a symbol of new growth amidst the devastation of war. via


In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders Fields.

The key points of his biography. He was a truly remarkable and inspiring man.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Baby Chef on Instagram

I know how I am spending Memorial Day! Watching @kobe_yn cook on Instagram.

Click HERE to watch the video for the 3rd photo
Click HERE to watch him make S'mores in 1st photo
Click HERE to watch him make his daily smoothie in center photo.

You will have to go to Instagram to watch all of his delightful posts. The photo above is just a screenshot. This adorable one-year-old can't even talk but he's quite good in the kitchen. He even cooks on the stove with his mom helping without being seen. My face is hurting from smiling so much. Kobe is great fun to watch. Enjoy! You're welcome.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Home Office designed by Katie Holmes

I love this room, especially the centered window flanked by bookcases and closed cabinets. The only fault I can find is with the lamp with cord photoshopped out. There really is no place to plug it in, is there? I really doubt it's cordless but if it were, the photo would be perfect.

I have been self isolating since a client tested positive for Covid-19 after a real estate showing. I am fine and all precautions were in place. I will be free to go out in a few more days. Take care and stay home as much as possible. There is so much to do in the spring, there is no time for boredom. Have a great long Memorial Day weekend too. xo

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Container Gardening at My Cottage

I bought some plants on Sunday at the local farm market that sells farm fresh food items too. I pick up groceries there every week. I grabbed these African Daisies thinking they were Gerbera Daisies. After I planted them in three containers (only two shown here) I read the tag and learned they are called GAZANIA, Strawberry Shortcake Mix. They are perennials down south in zones 9-11 but I will enjoy and love them as annuals.

Here, I am looking down on the third container. So far, the blooms are closing up late in the day. I don't know if this will continue when the weather gets really hot. They are supposed to spread and bloom continually from spring until frost. Doesn't that sound wonderful? They are supposed to be great in rock gardens and border fronts and make a great ground cover. I probably shouldn't have planted them in containers but I can thin them as they get crowed and replant elsewhere. I guess it pays to read before planting. Anyway, I love them up high where I can see them from inside the house.

My potted geraniums survived the winter indoors and look nice flanking my front door.

The third white concrete urn near the rooster is planted with basil, curly parsley, and broad leaf parsley. It is close to the front door and near the kitchen for clipping while cooking. There is another large basket-weave terra cotta planter to the left filled with the same herb plants.
My peonies are tall and filled with buds that get larger every day. They are swaying to and fro in the fierce winds we are having today. That's about it for today. See you another day. xo

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Sunday Morning Cottage Photos

My favorite Watering Can.

First wisteria blossoms after many others were killed TWICE in May when overnight temperatures dipped below freezing. I spent the day yesterday hacking down a huge clump of my weeds by hand and will finish today with no motor sounds to intrude on Sunday silence. Enjoy your Sunday whatever you do. xo

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Gorgeous Photo: Lilies of the Valley Flat Lay

I found this photo on Instagram @atalierjuno and I think it is simply stunning. The arrangement is known as a Flat Lay and she does them frequently with all varieties of flowers. I am especially fond of green and white landscaping so this one is my favorite. My own lilies of the valley have really spread out this year but some of the pips are going in the wrong direction and I have been digging them up and relocating them. I have two large clumps growing against a brick wall and I want them to meet. Yes, you read that right; the offspring of these gorgeous spring flowers are called PIPS. Happy Saturday and enjoy your weekend. xo

Friday, May 15, 2020

Curated Pantry and Deer w/ Birds

I have further curated the left side of my pantry. The shelf brackets denote the center of this room. I still need to work on the other side where my desk is located with a window overlooking my front garden. I am feeling good about this side and it's working nicely to keep my farm table free of clutter. Success!!! I have posted in the past about my monogrammed copper pots on the top shelf. 

I have no idea when this photo was taken or whether or not I have already posted it. Chances are, it's from last year because the buttercups haven't started to bloom yet this year. Anyway, I saw a similar scene in this very spot this week only there were three deer and no birds on the post.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Chocolate Cake: Pears Inside: Recipe

This photo stopped me in my tracks. I searched google for the source of the image and found it. It's called Pear and Chocolate Loaf. The recipe is included in the link and there are more beautiful photographs of this delicious-looking cake. I think it's stunning.

Save this recipe for fall when pears are in season. 