Friday, May 10, 2019

Lovely Raised Bed Flower Garden

I have always loved plantings so close together that weeds don't have a chance. I no longer look at photos like this and want them for myself. I know my limitations and am quite happy with what I've got. I like perennials, geraniums, nasturtiums, limelight hydrangeas and milkweed, lambs ears, and peonies. I overwinter my hardier plants. Right now my lilies of the valley are blooming and I have large buds on my peonies. My Lady's Mantle has been enjoying capturing all the raindrops we've had lately too. I don't do store-bought mulch like most people because I prefer wood chips in my beds. How does your garden grow? Enjoy all of my individual links leading to various photos around my cottage gardening. xo

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Be Patient with Yourself

Don't you just love this quote? I can't imagine living without Spring because I really come alive then after a long winter of being inside. I have to work extra hard to get things done before the hot weather sets in and I absolutely wilt. We are having an extra-late Spring and I'm loving it. xo

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Warming Up in Badger's Kitchen by Chris Dunn

Click on photo to enlarge. via
I love the way Badger has decorated his country kitchen. He looks like the perfect host too.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Gorgeous Planter with Spring Bulbs

I never think of planting spring bulbs in a container until it's too late. This old cememt planter is gorgeous and I love the weathered patina. These bulbs look right at home and I love the contrast between old and new. via

Click here for an important message from the children's book author, Roald Dahl, on the death of his daughter, Olivia, when she had measles at the age of seven. 

Lamb on Bredon Hill, Worcestershire

So cute. Photo of this shy lamb was found here.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Wonderful Bathroom with Two Sinks

There are so many things I love about this bathroom. Number one is the painted floor. Number two is the opening to a balcony. Number three is the two vintage pedestal sinks. Number four is the built-in cupboards. Number five is the black french doors with rollup bamboo shades. Now if I could only see the rest of the room.

UPDATE: I have the best followers. Lynette found the tub view for us. Thank you!!!

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Merry May by Walter Crane

I am a few days welcoming May. So far, she's has been chilly and rainy. I heard on the news this morning that in the past 20 days, 16 of them had rain. I have had to mow earlier and more frequently this spring than in any other. An illustration from: The procession of the months: the verses by Beatrice Crane; the designs by Walter Crane, [1889]. via Houghton Library at Harvard.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Rabbit with Peonies

"My soul can find no staircase to Heaven unless it be through Earth's loveliness." Michelangelo
The Wonderful Artist: Koo Schandler's Homepage
The peonies here at my cottage are standing tall but have no buds yet. They are aching for some sun but there is none on the horizon for the upcoming week. They can't complain about lack of rain though because we have had plenty. Have a great weekend no matter what the weather.
πŸ’¦πŸ’§πŸ’¦πŸ’§πŸ’¦πŸ’§πŸ’¦UPDATE: I was wrong. All of my peonies have small buds. Yay!