Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My New Jersey Woods

It's going to be 60° today so the melting will continue.

I have an office meeting this morning. I dare not hope for another open house tour like the stone house last week. You ca be sure I'll take you along if there is anything interesting.

This is the morning sky I looked out upon while I was waiting for my coffee to finish brewing.
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Monday, March 10, 2014

My Cottage at Dusk Today

Well, I made it through the first full day of Daylight Saving Time. The sun was going down and casting nice shadows on the front of my cottage. I wanted you to see that the snow on my roof is melting nicely on all 5 levels. You really can't see the one to the right of the front door. I think I take my wreath off the door tomorrow. I keep meaning to but kept putting it off. I can get to the garage now so that's on my list to do tomorrow.

The Wonder Dog is happy he got to go all the way to the deep end of the property today. Good night and sleep tight. xo
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Ha Ha -- Fake Snow

I just signed up for Google+ and downloaded the iPhone App so I could upload photos to my blog directly from my phone. I had something called "Auto Awesome" checked and this is what I got. Hey, who knows what else auto awesome does? We'll soon find out. I took this photo just a few minutes ago when the Wonder Dog and I trudged thru the deep snow to get to the way back. The sun was going down and it was nice. I've polenta bubbling on the stove for my dinner. Love it creamy style with tomato sauce and grated cheese on top. Yum. I love being able to post photos directly from my phone. 
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Self Portrait Marie-Denise Villers 1801

This Marie-Denise Villers painting, which may be a self-portrait, was once attributed to Jacques-Louis David. Marie-Denise Villers (French, 1774–1821). Charlotte du Val d'Ognes (died 1868), 1801. She's lovely, isn't she? Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art
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So Close, Yet So Far Away

I got rid of all the dog beds in the middle of living room so this is the last view of the one that was in front of the fireplace. I think we can safely say Tabitha and Webster are respectful friends now. I tore the living room apart over the weekend and did a major cleaning. I have decided that doing one room at a time is the way to go. I usually try to do the whole first floor which takes all day and seems like punishment.  My new way worked really well last week and I'm all finished except for the kitchen. My grandmother did her spring cleaning this way only she devoted one whole week to each room. Now that really does sound like punishment, doesn't it? See you later. xo
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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Private Swimming Pond

This frozen private swimming, fishing, boating pond goes with the antique stone house I blogged about earlier this week. It's much larger than this end with a diving dock and so much better than a pool in my opinion.
How are you holding up after losing an hour of sleep last night? My animals did nothing but sleep all day and I never did get a nap. I'm going to have a cup of tea to help keep me awake for all the TV shows I hope to watch tonight. There's nothing on PBS but there's a new The Good Wife, one of my favorite shows. Enjoy your evening.
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Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 70

A few more suggestions, observations, and reminders on how to live a happy and rewarding life.

Great advice from a father to a son that went viral and became two books.
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Internal Clocks at Work

Tabitha and Webster aren't buying it. Daylight saving time is for humans. Daylight sleeping time is for animals.

I'm already planning my afternoon nap. Zzzzzz
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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Spring Forward Tonight

Today was a good day for cleaning the living room, airing out all the dog bedding and before I knew it, I had wrapped Webster up in it all. He decided to take a nap in the sunshine while I was vacuuming. Tabitha took her nap on my bed. It was nice going in and out without a polar vortex and everything is continuing the slow melt. Don't forget to set your clocks forward tonight before you go to sleep. Sleep tight. xo
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Spring is In The Air

via There's nothing blooming around me yet except for the skunk cabbage. There's no grass showing either but the thaw continues and my gutters are finally clear of ice. I hope your weekend is shaping up nicely, no matter what the weather. I have a zillion things to do so I'd better get started. xo
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Friday, March 7, 2014

Fun in the Snow

Two twigs in the snow saying -- Hi

Face in the snow. Seems to be yelling.

Snow heart around the trunk of this hollow tree.
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But still no eye contact.
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Thursday, March 6, 2014

They are Slowly Bonding

I told Webster to go get in his bed and with my assistance, he did. So far, so good.

This might work, she says, as long as he stays on the blanket part of the bed. They stayed that way for a while until Webster got too hot and found another spot. I'm so happy. It's never too late to become friends, is it? 
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Chicken Pecking Clover Blossoms

Could anything be sweeter? What a beautiful chicken! I love clover too. via
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Cat Burglar

This happened here at the cottage yesterday for the very first time. Tabitha stole Webster's bed and stayed there for the longest time. And guess what? She's there again this morning. But the poor wonder dog doesn't mind. Maybe one day they will share it together. That's my hope. Enjoy your day and I'll see you later. xo
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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dark Staircase

I took this photo in that old house yesterday. I loved the patterns on the wall from the lantern glass. There was a grandmother clock underneath.
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Antique Stone House

I had the best time yesterday at a Broker Open House. The tour was in a 250 year old stone house on an amazing property with a barn and a pond. I knew the lady who restored it in the 1970s and she lived out her days there.
It's on the National Register and is for sale $1,599,000. on 12.5 acres. I'd love to show it to you. Here is the link to see the inside. For an appointment, email me at rosemary (dot) beck [at] gmail dot com
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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Before and After Farmhouse Renovation

It's great, isn't it? Don't you love the enclosed sunporch in the front? You are in for a real treat as we go inside this charmer. Click here and then click on the first small pic, then use the forward arrow. It's another fabulous renovation by Crisp Architects.
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Good Tuesday Morning

Here is a photo that should definitely cheer you up this morning. Thanks, Michelle, one of my Instagram followers. islandgirl701

Here is the reality of the moment from karen_in_va. She found this photo of a theater in Illinois on Pinterest and posted to her Instagram. Love it.

My skunk cabbage is not deterred in the least by the frozen earth in my woods. It's actually a mini greenhouse and when this pod opens a little more, it will attract a small flying insect that will live inside the warm shelter to assist in the pollination of this bizarre wetland plant. Keep the faith for spring is indeed on its way. I took this photo yesterday. xo
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Monday, March 3, 2014

Peeking Inside My Cottage

I took this at night when I was outside. This is the only way you can see the whole room, front to back. Good night, everyone. I had a busy day. xo
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