Sunday, June 13, 2021

Catalpa Tree Blossoms at My Cottage

I took a walk all the way to the rear of my property after dinner and the light was perfect for flower photography.

Some of the limbs on this Catalpa tree are so low I have to duck when I am mowing on my riding mower. After the blossoms quit, I will cut the lowest branches back for safety. The tree is huge and so are the leaves.

The flowers look like little orchids. Catalpas are very old fashioned trees. In the fall they have giant long seed pods. Every year, I marvel at them when they bloom. Have a great Sunday evening. xo

Saturday, June 12, 2021

TV Recommendation: HAMISH MACBETH on Acorn TV

HAMISH MACBETH: I absolutely LOVE this series filmed in Scotland. It's about an unambitious policeman who is more interested in keeping the peace than following the law. He likes where he lives and doesn't want to be in the limelight too much and get transferred. Each episode has a new "crime" and Hamish solves it always accompanied by his little West Highland Terrier named Jock. The small town is filled with quirky characters such as one named TV Bob. His family was the first to get TV when he was a boy and the nickname stuck. I am watching on Acorn TV but it's also available to stream on Amazon Prime Video and Tubi TV. There are three seasons. It's old but timeless, circa 1995-97. Let me know if you've seen it or like it after you start watching and are hooked. xo


Friday, June 11, 2021

Lacecap Hydrangea at My Cottage

The first blooms on my lacecap hydrangea are just appearing and the bush is lovelier than ever this year. It's in the perfect location and last year I was careful to cut back all the stems with blooms after they finished because this variety blooms on last year's growth. It looked a little haggard after I pruned it but the new growth filled in rather quickly. I love the almost perfectly round shape of this woody shrub as you will see in the next photo.

I took this photo this morning before I started mowing the way back. As you can see from the sky, it was overcast all day and cool, never above 70°. I finished mowing around 1:30 and 5 minutes later it started to sprinkle rain. I have mastered my John Deere Garden Tractor and I absolutely love it. I'm not afraid of it anymore and it does such a great job. It took an extra day this week to get it all done. The first day it was blazing hot and I ran out of gas before I finished all of the back yard. So yesterday I finished that and quit so the grass in the back meadow could dry out more. Today was such a perfect day and now I'm finished for a while. Have a great weekend. xo

My Peonies

While scrolling Instagram this week I learned the true botanical name of my white peonies. Introducing Jan van Leeuwen. I picked what's left and have little bouquets all over the house. The hard rains earlier this week were not kind to peonies in full bloom😔

Thursday, June 10, 2021

1903 Illustration: The Wonderful Baby


A 1903 illustration from the Crimson Fairy Book by Andrew Lang. Illustrated by H. J. Ford. You could lose yourself looking at all the wonder in this vintage children's fairy tale book illustration, couldn't you? Click to enlarge image.


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Beautiful Lavender Colored Bird

Wouldn't you think a bird named Plumbeous Water Redstart would be red? Instead he's a lovely shade of lavender.


Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Dogs in Windows and One Cat

I adore all of these dogs in windows and one cat in the center frame. People watching must keep them entertained all day long. via


Monday, June 7, 2021

Before and After Cottage Renovation in Vermont


AFTER - front

AFTER - back

ORIGINAL SINK - saved.  Love it❤️

Read the article from This Old House. More photos too. From Fixer-Upper to Refined Farmhouse



Sunday, June 6, 2021

Recipes from National Trust UK

Just start scrolling through this National Trust recipe site and you will definitely want to come back and save or try some of the recipes. Here is the link for the National Trust Fruit Scones pictured above. Enjoy!

Here is the link for converting the measurements and oven temperatures from UK to US. 


Saturday, June 5, 2021

Gray Cat on A Bed, Posing

She's beautiful, isn't she? The gray blankets set her off and the blue pillows accent her eyes. via


Friday, June 4, 2021

Pancakes or Japanese Hot Cakes + Recipe

Don't they look delicious????? These Japanese Hot Cakes look like a stack of English Muffins, don't they? The recipe is easy and most of you will already have all the ingredients on hand. I can't wait to make them for breakfast. Recipe here. YUM!


Thursday, June 3, 2021

Peony in A Friend's Garden

I took this photo yesterday in a friend's garden. She has many different varieties, including a large Tree Peony but this blossom was my favorite. I darkened the background to make it even more exciting with my photo editing software. Mine are drooping in the rain right now but three days of sun are on the way to dry them out. Spring flowers are the best, aren't they?

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Hello June (First Peonies)

My white peonies are always the first to open. They close up at night and haven't awakened yet this morning. I was thrilled to see them yesterday when I took this photo. Welcome June! I have high hopes for your in the garden. xo

Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day Flags near My Cottage

There was a ceremony this morning at the little park around the corner but I missed it. I drove by later to see all the flags blowing in the wind to honor our fallen heroes. By afternoon, the sky was blue, filled with white fluffy clouds. Still on the chilly side but at least there was no rain. HAPPY  MEMORIAL  DAY. xo

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Blackberry Winter at My Cottage

I broke down and turned on my heat this morning. I can't believe how cold my cottage is and my hands are like icebergs. I have put away almost everything related to winter, my draft dodgers under all my doors, my down comforter, and other things like that. My mother used to call this weather Blackberry Winter but summer doesn't officially start for another three weeks. I found this royalty-free image of blackberry leaves encased in a hoar frost and I thought it was perfect.

Enjoy the Memorial Day Weekend and stay warm if you have unseasonably cold weather too. xo

Friday, May 28, 2021

Have a Great Memorial Day Weekend

Imagine yourself sitting in one of these chairs enjoying a beautiful sunset. Armchair travel at its best, right? via

Easy Chairs for Outdoors

What a great place for enjoying your morning coffee! Or for any time of day for that matter. Those chairs look very comfortable, don't they? Happy Friday! xo

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Pansy Photo Turned into An Etching

This is a repost from May 31, 2016. Something is wrong with Google and I cannot blog anything new. I deleted some of the text because my peonies have not yet bloomed and in 2016 they were on their way out and it was really hot. It is a very pleasant 72° and I haven't turned on my air conditioning yet.

I haven't used my iPhone app called Etchings lately but I enjoyed playing around with it this morning. I love the way the pansies turned out, don't you? I think the app turned my photo into an old hand colored engraving. 

Enjoy your evening and I'll see you tomorrow. xo

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Delightful Cat Artist

Franco Matticchio - "Trainy Day" 
Photo found here.

Franco Matticchio devotes most of his artwork to the life and attitude of cats. See a large body of his work on his website.


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Monday, May 24, 2021

Accordion Windows over Kitchen Sink

Isn't this the best summertime kitchen with accordion windows that open up to the covered porch. What could be better when entertaining and cooking? Who needs an outdoor kitchen when you have an indoor kitchen that opens to the outdoors? So nice! via