I am thrilled to inform all of my followers I found a new way for subscribing to my blog and still receive email notifications for new posts. I subscribed myself and it's easy. Look at the screenshot above and see the new white box above my photo. Fill in your email and click the black subscribe button. A notice will come up that you have been sent an email confirmation. When you open your email you will click the green box to scribe to my blog.
Thanks in advance. I wish I could notify each and every one of you individually but that would require almost 900 daily emails. This new subscription site with email notifications is offered by a site called follow.it
Starting in July 2021 you will no longer get email notifications the old way because they will be discontinued.
You must sign up again using the box I have added to my sidebar. You will have to do this on your desktop or laptop computer. The sidebar on my blog does not appear on a mobile device.
Thanks so much!!!!!!!❤️♡❤️
xo, Rosemary