Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Remembering the Old Ways

Don't you love this photo? I found and started following Michelle Clare @rememberingtheoldways on Instagram. I also love the quote that accompanied this image.

“We cannot stay home all our lives, we must present ourselves to the world and we must look upon it as an adventure.” ~ Beatrix Potter.

NOTE FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO READ ME FROM EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS: Beginning in JULY, for some reason Google Feedburner is discontinuing EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS of my new blog posts. You will have to bookmark my blog or put a shortcut on your desktop and search for me yourself 😥 

If you don't know how to do those things you can just google me using these searches words "content in a cottage" to find my blog.

I do post almost every day, usually in the morning. Thank you to all of my followers. So sorry about this but it's out of my control.

xo, Rosemary


Anita ~ the cabin on the creek said...

I love this pic...such a cozy & homey setting. I used to follow this woman's blog some years ago & will definitely look her up on Instagram.

...all is grace!

Cleo from Jersey said...

For decades I’ve been an admirer of Tasha Tudor, now deceased. While I could never live that life now, I appreciate how real and life-affirming those customs and values were.