Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Bunny Mellon Embraced Friendly Weeds

Giant Mullein growing in her poolside gazebo.

Vanity Fair once described Bunny Mellon as the “high priestess of pruning and pleaching” for her devotion to gardening and personal love for pruning. While Bunny had an affinity for picking wildflowers and celebrated vegetable gardens, she loved pretty weeds as well.

Verbascum thapsus, a biennial plant, was once used as an herbal treatment for coughs, congestion, chest colds, bronchitis, and inflammation. For most of the year, the huge, furry leaves flourish under Bunny’s gazebo, stationed next to her display greenhouse. She felt that weeds were friendly, and often added to the beauty of her home, hence why the weed mullein was allowed to sprout between the stones. Its common name may have come from the Celtic term meaning yellow.

Read the entire article at Oak Spring Garden Foundation

Happy Memorial Day. It's cold, dark, and rainy here at my cottage but I don't mind. xo
The above link will lead you to my previous posts commemorating this holiday, celebrated each year on the last Monday in May.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

House Wrens are Busy at My Cottage

I adore these little birds who have built nests all around me in my Bird Bottles from Williamsburg. This Carolina Wren is building in the back and loves to sit on this post and sing to me. I could never get this close with my iPhone and took this photo from my balcony with my Nikon. Deep blue skies are over the cottage today and the sun feels good and not too hot. See you later. Enjoy your day. xo

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Kitchen with a Great Ceiling

The ceiling is my favorite element in this beautiful kitchen. I wish I could show you the rest of the room so we could see what the sitters on the stools would be viewing but I cannot find more pics. I am off to an early office meeting wondering what to wear. I haven't gotten out my summer clothes and it's supposed to be in the high 80s today and I will wilt. See you later. xo

Monday, April 9, 2018

Screen Door Season

Screen door season is almost here and boy, am I ever ready! via I like this large entrance hall too.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Gorgeous London Photo

I wonder how long it took for so many red busses to cross the bridge while composing this gorgeous photo? via
I woke up to snow again this morning but it stopped in fewer than three hours and is melting quickly. I got in two full days of manual labor outside this week. I severely pruned (hacked down) the bushes that were obstructing my view of oncoming cars at the other end of my half-circular drive drive. I have wanted to do this for years and for some reason the mood struck me on Wednesday and Thursday. It felt so good to do some hard work in between snow storms and before the hot weather sets in. I took down some large weed trees too called Trees of Heaven. They spread like wildfire and are an invasive species from China and they grow very tall in one season, thus their name.
Enjoy your Friday. xo

Monday, April 2, 2018


I honestly couldn't believe my eyes when I awoke this morning. It is noon now, and the snow has stopped and the temperature is rising. Somebody needs to push the reset button for spring. What a difference a day makes. At least the Easter weather was nice for egg hunts and driving. The poor travelers today aren't so lucky even though the melting has already begun.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

My Cottage Kitchen w/ Farm Table

I refuse to take any photos of Mother Nature's current temper tantrum aka known as Toby and Foureaster. Instead I took this photo of my kitchen. I finished my taxes on Monday and have put away all the papers and files I had spread out in categorized piles on my farm table. What a relief to have that task behind me for another year. 

The storm hasn't been bad so far (only a couple of inches) but the fine snow is supposed to continue for possibly another 12 hours. I'll give you an update tomorrow morning.

I watched a great movie on Netflix last night -- TULIP FEVER. 

Click here to view the video if you cannot see it above.

Settling-In - Chris Dunn: Badger, Wind in the Willows

"Settling-In" watercolor by Chris Dunn. 
Badger, Wind in the Willows
This is what I will be doing today as Toby, the 4th Nor'easter in 3 weeks plays outside. It is 8:30 on Tuesday morning and the very fine snowflakes are starting to fly at a pretty rapid pace. I am prepared to ride out this storm and hope for the best, but I'm prepared for the worst. Stay snug and warm if this storm is ruining the first whole day of spring for you too. 
I love this charming illustration and have always loved animal interiors in children's books. Mr. Badger has certainly done a wonderful job decorating his burrow under the roots of a large tree. The articles in The Woodland Times look like very interesting reading for a snowy day. xo

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Round #3 This Morning's Snowfall

I got up around 6am and learned it was snowing. I took the soymilk yogurt I was fermenting out of my Instant Pot and put the six jars in the refrigerator and went back to bed. I woke up again several hours later and snapped this pic with my iPhone. The table had NO SNOW on it when I went to bed last night so this is the current accumulation. It is supposed to quit in the early afternoon and luckily there is no wind. I shall just try to enjoy the beauty and think warm thoughts for those not as snug as I am at the moment. The thermometer is rising and it's already above freezing and my railing is melting. As you can see from this COLOR photo, the sky is gray and we aren't expecting any sun until Saturday. See you later with updates. xo

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

March 2018 Blizzard at My Cottage

I took this photo at 3:00 this afternoon. It's almost 9:00 pm now and it has finally quit The amount you see in this photo has about doubled. It is over my boots and over my knees. I guess we got about 20 inches. My power went out at 6:30 this evening and my generator kicked in. I got an alert on my landline that the whole area is without power. My neighbors across the street hired a front end loader to do their driveway. It's way too deep for a regular truck with a plow blade on the front. I shoveled my walk when I took this photo but you would never know it. I will work a little each day and will be careful so don't worry. I cannot tell you how comforting it is to have a generator. I am so glad I made the leap and got one. This is the most snow I have seen since I bought my cottage in 2001. See you tomorrow. Be safe. xo

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Kitchen Doors that Open Out

Hmmm. Would this work at my cottage? If my two French doors were divided and opened out, I could have full-length draperies to block the blinding sun in the summer and the cold drafts in the winter. I must investigate this idea. The only time it might be a problem would be during a deep snow. I like the teak flooring squares on the balcony floor too. Nice! via
All is calm at my home this morning after a day of frightful wind yesterday and last night. I lost power for a short period four times and appreciated having a generator. Some large trees came down in the woods but not on my property. The wind after I went to bed was the worst. It sounded like a freight train but I diverted my ears to the TV and watched The Nun's Story on TCM that I had recorded earlier in the day. I had never seen it and enjoyed it very much. Audrey Hepburn was great. Have a peaceful weekend and be safe if you live on coast where the tides are going to be a problem this morning and this evening. See you later. xo

Friday, March 2, 2018

Black and White Kitchen

This kitchen would work for me, very nicely, if I were a city girl. I love the huge window over the sink looking out on another townhouse. I don't think I would need two sinks so close together though. Robbins Architecture, Winnetka, IL. via
It rained all night at my cottage and so far, the weather hasn't been out of the ordinary. BUT the worst part is going to be from 8pm until midnight with high winds and I'm not happy about that. I am not going out for anything except to walk to my mailbox after the mailman comes. I have a generator now in case I lose power and my new roof is the icing on my cottage. I made a new batch of yogurt in my Instant Pot yesterday and I went to the market and bought new food for my clean refrigerator. SO, I am prepared for what comes. Thankfully, I am not on the coast. Be safe if you are, my friends. See you later. xo

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Spring is Trying: Snowdrops

I will soon have blooming snowdrops. They are coming up everywhere. This clump nearest my cottage is the most advanced. Can't wait! Quote below found here. Have a great weekend. xo

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Another Peek into My Pantry

I found a beautiful brown transferware pitcher on Thursday at a rummage sale.

Here it is on display in my pantry. There is a window to the left behind the geranium.

Here is the other side showing my little downstairs desk where I work on my blog with my laptop. This little room is a favorite place because it's small and has two windows. The one with the desk looks out to my front garden and the one behind looks out on my barn/garage in the back. When I bought my cottage, it was a tiny screened porch.
I have enjoyed a rainy Saturday baking muffins and just being generally busy doing inside chores and reading. More rain is predicted for tomorrow too. Have a great weekend. xo

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Snow is Coming

More snow is coming later tonight into tomorrow. Here's hoping for a light accumulation for me and you too, if it's heading your way. via
UPDATE: I got my wish. Just enough snow to be beautiful with no driveway plowing required!!

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Cozy Snow Day at My Cottage

I am all set for a lovely snow day. My cottage is right on the line between 5"-8" of snow and 1"-4" of snow. I think we have about 2" so far but it's hard to tell because of the wind blowing sideways. I added another blanket to the top of my fireplace and I'm all set with a stack of DVDs from the library and a good book. I went grocery shopping yesterday too. I hope you are all safe and can stay indoors until it stops. That's my plan. I live on a county road and the snow plows come by really often. My roof got finished yesterday so I am all buttoned up and can report the blanket is working nicely to keep the heat in my room instead of up the chimney. Why didn't I think of this sooner? I actually hired a plumber to put in a gas line so I could get gas logs and have a fire anytime I wanted. But you know me, I have to research everything to the Nth Degree and I learned a lot. You have to install a clamp that keeps the damper open a little in case you forget to open the flue when you want a gas fire. Actually, it was highly advised to keep your flue open ALL the time if you have a constant pilot light burning. So I talked myself out of this notion and canceled the plumber. The money I saved was applied to my new roof which turned out to be a better investment. See you later. xo

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Blanket Around My Firescreen

Warm at last and it doesn't look too bad. I wrapped a wool blanket around my firescreen to keep the heat from going up the chimney and it worked. Yes, my flue was closed but the big hole was still stealing my heat. The cottage is much warmer as I await yet another snow storm beginning at midnight. Fingers crossed it's not too deep. Stay warm. xo

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Summer White Paint Colors

Here's another wonderful attic space with wide board floors, walls, and ceiling. If you are in the process of choosing the perfect white paint, be sure to read Perfectly Southern Paint Colors: Summer Whites
My short heatwave is over and it is cool and pleasant this morning after a very early shower to cool down the plant life. xo

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Cold Puppy

Yup. This photo pretty much describes the temperature outside. Sunny but Cold! Enjoy your Saturday. xo via