Showing posts with label thrift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thrift. Show all posts

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Three Indoor Painted Tin Planters Thrifted for My Cottage

Painted and decorated tin planter #1 sits on top of my tin box on stand looking out my living room window. Could the fit be more perfect? I had to bring geraniums indoors again so I could enjoy the planter box right away. All of my blooming geraniums have been planted in outside urns and they look stunning.

Here's #2 (one of a pair). This one is residing on the left side of my sofa flanking my French doors that look out on my rear yard.

The mate #3 is on the right side of the sofa. All three are very French and two are pretty fancy but I think they look nice in my cottage and they cover my clay pots for a new look. They have liners so they won't leak water on the furniture. I filled them with gravel to elevate the pots.

Now you can see the whole arrangement in one photo. I hadn't planned on having any plants inside but then what would I have done with the planters? I couldn't possibly wait until cold weather! My new real estate office is near my favorite charity shop and we have office meetings every 2 weeks. I'm thrilled because it used to be a special trip to shop there and now I can go twice a month. 

Now that my geraniums are all planted in their summer homes I can concentrate on cutting my grass. I did part of the back but the front looks like a jungle. I have this problem every year. I should have started earlier but I didn't. But it always gets done eventually. I will post outside photos of the blooming geraniums soon. xo

Saturday, March 30, 2024

🐰Happy Easter🐰 plus My Bunny Lamp

Aren't these Easter cupcakes lovely?

Guess who designed these? Yes, Martha Stewart!

Hopping down the Bunny Trail.

See more of my Easter Posts over the years since 2008 HERE.

H A P P Y   E A S T E R   2024

I have been meaning to show you a lamp I thrifted recently.

The bunny is ceramic with a crackle glaze on a wooden base. I put the lamp that came with the perfect shade in my downstairs full bath with the walk-in shower. I love him, don't you? I am open to anything and everything when I go to my favorite charity and thrift shops. I never know what I will be worthy of coming home with me.🐰

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Waste Not! Want Not!

I always save empty glass cosmetic jars for buttons and small notions in my sewing room. I was amazed that I could almost completely fill this one with the unreachable product in the bottom of my lotion bottle. I used a box cutter this time to cut the bottle and it worked perfectly. I have to say I was really amazed there was this much lotion left. I usually drain the almost empty bottle upside down on top of a full bottle. Most people just give up and look how much they are throwing away😱. Yes, it's shocking.

I finished my taxes and it feels good. I have caught up on my sleep after Daylight Saving Time went into effect on Sunday. I am doing a little Spring Cleaning each day and the weather has been very nice! See you again soon. xo

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Wonderful Framed Hunt Print Thrifted Today

I couldn't be more pleased with this Cecil Aldin framed hunt print. The original is circa 1910 and this is a very nice reproduction printed on heavy thick paperboard and it doesn't require being under glass. This is especially nice for me because glass would be too reflective in my kitchen. I came home and hung it immediately after a gentle cleaning. It's 26" x 14".

I really like the way it looks over my doorway into my living room. The size is perfect too.

I can't wait to see it tomorrow in the morning light. These photos were taken in very late afternoon light on a cloudy day. I saw my first tiny snowflakes today and we might have snow for Sunday.

Cecil Aldin -- The Whip. There is an annual hunt each year near my cottage with foxhounds and riders in red jackets conducted by The Spring Valley Hounds. I wasn't sure where this print would fit but I knew I would find a place for it and I did. Don't you love my $12.00 find? I got a nice sweater too. xo

Here is a Sunday morning photo that shows the hunt print very accurately. It's snowing lightly and the sky is overcast.

I don't think I have ever taken a photo from this angle. Now you see the whole wall that needs artwork with a sporting theme. Finding another Cecil Alden would be nice but that's almost too much to hope for. 

Stay safe if you have to drive in the snow. I am staying put until Mother Nature goes into melting mode. I don't need to go anywhere and I have a pot of soup simmering on the stove. xo

Friday, November 17, 2023

Pet Sitting -- Meet Max 🐾🐾 + Thrifting Find

I am dogsitting Max for the first time. Missy died recently and Max is the new dog in town. I am enjoying him and he's enjoying being at my house. He's behaving wonderfully and his owner won't believe it. At his home he is a one-dog demolition crew and chews everything he can get his teeth around. All because he's bored. I have given him lots of attention and we have been on countless walks. I have things on all surfaces but he hasn't tried to chew one thing! He likes having the tv on nonstop too. 

Another pose.

He has been ravenous too because of all the walks. He is a Pincher mix and is a small/medium size under 40 pounds. He's very strong too and I am determined to teach him how to walk on a relaxed leash. I think he is part dachshund according to the adoption place but who knows. He never barks and I like that. I have only heard him once. I put him in his crate in order to be able to write this post. He doesn't mind because he has one in his owner's truck and home. I will put him in again for overnight. 


Thrifting find yesterday: An art pottery dish by Margaret Wozniak signed and dated 2007. Size 9" x 8-1/2" has hanging wire on back too. ($7.00)
Stamped with her seal.

The back.

One of her series called Greater Angels.

I love it and found out more about the artist on her website.
She has an Etsy shop too. Here.
Don't you love her work?

Wish me luck with Max for the next few days.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Find Your Old Nutcracker to Open Screw Top Lids on Milk Cartons

I mentioned buying a nutcracker at a thrift shop recently and posted this photo on Instagram a day or two ago. The response has been overwhelming. So many people didn't realize the plastic tops have been reduced in height and there is no longer enough surface to get a good grip and unscrew them. When I saw this nutcracker I knew immediately it would work and it does. I could have used pliers but I only have one set and it's downstairs in my toolbox. Most of you will have a nutcracker in your junk drawer and won't have to buy one. I love giving new life to old things and this nutcracker now has an honored place in my kitchen silverware drawer. See my Instagram post HERE Now I know I'm not the only one with this problem. Trader Joe's private label milks have gone back to the old carton design with no plastic at all. You just rip open one of the sides and pour. 

Just a random photo from one of my walks. Allium seed heads look like exploding fireworks, don't they? xo

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Wonderful Framed Print for Sitting Room Downstairs

I got this wonderful framed print just a few days ago but haven't had time to post anything. I've been doing household chores like putting in screens on a 90° day so I could open the windows. It has cooled down to 66° and we have a much needed light rain this Saturday afternoon.

I will hang it on the wall soon.

I tried to find this print online but couldn't. I even uploaded a photo to Google Images with no luck. There is a verse that goes all around the edges.

Each corner has a nest with a bird in it.
Rabbits are jumping on either side of the basket.
Wild berries fill the basket.
Isn't it charming?

The background has a crackled finish so this is definitely a reproduction of a painting. Don't you love it? I think it's perfect for this sitting room off the bedroom in my downstairs quarters where my mother lived. My laundry room is on this level and I park my car on this level so I'm up and down the stairs constantly. I was doing my exercises down there but the DVD stopped working on the small flatscreen TV. It even ate one of the DVDs! I have moved to the attic. Luckily my desktop computer has a DVD player. I am doing the "Essentrics Workouts" Seasons 13 and 14. She has daily workouts on PBS but they are on way too early for me. The sessions I'm doing are only 22 minutes long and I'm feeling stronger every day. See you soon. xo

I was able to identify the artist -- Carol Endres 
aka Carol J. Endres
Carol Endres has been painting in the American Primitive style, to great acclaim, for the last nine years. A native of Albany, New York, Carol and her family now reside in nearby Guilderland. By the age of 6, Carol knew she wanted to be an artist. She was already copying things and drawing her own pictures. She continues to pursue her primitive art with the same enthusiasm of her youth.

Carol's compositions are inspired by her faith in God, people, and a keen observance of things in life that make us all feel warm, happy and whole. Her work reflects her love for her children, her cat and memories from the past. She is an avid antique collector, and all these things can be found hidden in her paintings which she executes on wood panels. Carol's folk art company The Heart of America has had enormous success, producing a wide selection of products for the home and gift market. Her background as owner of an antique and gift shop helped her develop The Heart of America.

Now a household name in the folk art world, Carol Endres' work is found in museums, frame shops, gift shops, galleries, catalogues, and furniture and department stores. Her originals are sold nationally and internationally. She finds her work tremendously satisfying and loves to hear from the people who appreciate her art.

The print I have was offered on eBay but is no longer available. I shall keep looking. She wrote 2 books ANGELS WATCHING OVER YOU & COMFORT FOR YOUR SOUL.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

My Latest Thrift Shop Find

I found this large basket last week while thrifting.

The scale is perfect for my farmtable.

It took a while for me to find the perfect spot. I just bought this lovely handmade basket because I liked it. Actually it has resulted in being a catchall for all the junk that is usually spread all over my table and I don't see how I ever lived without this big, deep basket. The $10.00 price was right too🥰

I cleaned it out yesterday after one week and threw out 90% of what had collected. It was mostly grocery store circulars and junk mail. I am thrilled with this great "find" and more thrilled with having a neat table!!!! xo

I don't think this was a commercially made basket but possibly one of a kind. I just found this maker's mark or signature -- JPS

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Darling Canvas Tote -- Thrifted

I bought this darling canvas tote yesterday on my home from getting my new title and plates for my car.

It's a vintage Boston Hand Print.

My laptop fits perfectly inside.

I love it and it will be perfect to take to the office when I'm planning to come home afterwards. If I have to go somewhere after my office meeting I will bring an insulated bag for my laptop. I don't like to leave it unprotected in the car when it's hot or cold outside. I don't think extreme temperatures are good for electronics. I am so happy with this $2.00 purchase. I don't think it was ever used even though it's vintage. I wish I had owned it yesterday. It would have been perfect for my paperwork and tools at the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Here is a black insulated bag like the one I have for cold or hot car travel. Mine has black leather strap and trim and the body is olive green. It is designed for two (or three) bottles of chilled wine. I have never used it for that purpose. I got it at an estate sale with only my laptop in mind and it turned out to be perfect. Repurposing an item is always on my mind whenever I go hunting. xo

Thursday, January 12, 2023

A Collection of Small Shells I Just Purchased

I have another small jar of figural shells similar to these in the 6" dish. They are somewhat larger too. Found before Christmas in a charity shop. I am just now looking at them and admiring these miniature miracles from the sea. Aren't they beautiful? I wonder how long it took to collect them? Are they easy to find? I have no idea since I haven't had very many seashore visits in my lifetime. My family vacations were always in the mountains. I'm having a rainy Thursday with a repeat tomorrow but both days are in the 50s and mild with no sunshine until Sunday and Monday. I keep looking for things to do so I won't have to deal with my mess in the attic. Hope you enjoy these shell photos.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Organized Two Kitchen Drawers + New Purse and a Selfie

I got a new $3 everyday silverware organizer while thrifting yesterday and put it to use as soon as I got home. Then I decided to tackle my junk drawer too.

It might look like a jumble to you but it is greatly improved to me. Why do I keep saving those square bread wrapper thingies and twist ties when I already have a lifetime supply? I don't even know what some of the things are in this drawer but I'm saving them again, just in case. 

What else did I buy? The most wonderful dark brown leather cross body (purse) that is small and rectangular and has a separate outside compartment that fits my new phone perfectly. The purse section just fits my wallet,  my keys, and little else. There is also a compartment under front flap closure for non bulky things -- like my business cards. It's vintage and in perfect condition. I am thrilled and I found the company online (JACK GEORGES) and it was VERY expensive when it was new and my lucky $3 purchase. They no longer make this small size crossbody but they should. Also got a $2 bagel cutter like one I already have for my downstairs kitchen and a small 50¢ spatula for jars. Finally, a $2 navy fleece hat with a sun visor and pull down ear flaps for winter snow shoveling. I'm so pleased with everything!
Have a great Thursday.

Decided to post a photo of my crossbody.
It looks much better in person. I want to condition it with leather balm because I want it to last forever. It's my dream purse. I couldn't have designed it better.

Here is a selfie showing the crossbody.


Thursday, February 25, 2021

Photoshop Fun: Apple on Leaf

I photographed this beautiful apple from one of my antique prints and erased all the background and superimposed the image on a photograph of some leaf veins I took with my Nikon. This was long ago and I couldn't begin to do this again because it was very tedious. I added the shadow on two edges to give a floating effect too. Those were the days when you could buy a Photoshop software disc and use it forever. Then my computer crashed and times had changed. Now you have to rent the use of software and pay a huge fee every year forever and I am not willing to do that. So I do everything in the way of photo editing on my phone or with free apps like Snapseed. I'm thrifty that way. xo

Monday, May 25, 2020

Favorite Vintage Watering Can

The marks on my favorite vintage watering can shown in next photo. It was made in Germany, marked Schneiderkanne. I found a similar one online with the same maker’s mark, only in a larger size, that sold for $160. I found mine at an estate sale along with a lot of other gardening items for not much money. If I had paid a lot, I would have remembered. 

Watering can mentioned above. The urn is filled with lovely African daisies now. 

I can see this urn filled with Gazanias or African Daisies. I can see this particular urn from the window in this photo. The desk in my pantry fits perfectly under this window and is my favorite looking-out spot.