Thursday, January 12, 2023

A Collection of Small Shells I Just Purchased

I have another small jar of figural shells similar to these in the 6" dish. They are somewhat larger too. Found before Christmas in a charity shop. I am just now looking at them and admiring these miniature miracles from the sea. Aren't they beautiful? I wonder how long it took to collect them? Are they easy to find? I have no idea since I haven't had very many seashore visits in my lifetime. My family vacations were always in the mountains. I'm having a rainy Thursday with a repeat tomorrow but both days are in the 50s and mild with no sunshine until Sunday and Monday. I keep looking for things to do so I won't have to deal with my mess in the attic. Hope you enjoy these shell photos.


Tasha T said...

The shells are perfect works of art and you are so lucky to have found them in a charity shop. I guess they must have taken someone a long time and many visits to the seashore in order to collect them. There are beaches where many are found together, washed up by the tide over the years. I hope you have had a good day and didn't procrastinate too long about working in the attic!

Content in a Cottage said...

Tasha T -- I did conquer a portion of the attic today. I am cleaning out the closet up there where I store the Christmas decorations and I want to get everything organized before I start working on my taxes. I can't concentrate on important paperwork in a mess. My desktop computer and filing cabinets are up there with lots of work surfaces for spreading out papers. My sewing machine is there too. It's actually very nice and will be again once I get everything put away. I was very happy to find those lovely shells. xo, Rosemary

Pam said...

Your shells were quite a find. They look to be in good condition, too. The few times we have gone near an ocean, I'd find shells, but often they were cracked or edges were broken off. They look like hand-carved ivory!

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- Most of the shells are absolutely perfect. Maybe it's because they are small. I know nothing about shells but I'm happy I found them. I have always been attracted to engravings and other artwork with shells and I have a few larger ones on one of my bookcases. I'm glad you like them too. xo, Rosemary

Lisa D. said...

I love seashells, and yes, they are beautiful. I have family that lives on the gulf coast of Florida and they have collected and sent me some of these lovely gifts from the sea over the years. Somehow, I cannot imaging that your attic is any bigger a project than mine, Rosemary.

Gail, northern California said...

Give yourself a well-earned break once in a while, Rosemary. You don't have to be busy every second of the day. Besides, that attic isn't going anywhere. ;-)

Content in a Cottage said...

Lisa D. I'm glad to hear someone else has an attic problem. Shell collecting would be fun if I lived near the seashore. Instead I'll be satisfied with someone else's collection. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Gail, northern California -- Gail, Thanks for your permission to stop fretting about my attic. You're right, it's not going anywhere😂 xo, Rosemary