Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Garden #2 and SOME GOOD NEWS

Looking left inside red circle is the first garden I put in over the winter on mild days. The daffodils from my mother's garden are in bud and should be blooming soon. I am excited about the red poppies later too. Wish me luck. The daffodils that are completely dried up and crispy on my windowsill came from the garden on the right. 

I'm not sure how I found SGN (SOME GOOD NEWS) on youtube, but I did and it is very enjoyable.

Click here to watch if you cannot see the video above. I love John Krasinski and look forward to watching all the episodes I have missed.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Darling Brown Lamb

I love the color of this sweet lamb. The yarn made from this wool would be perfect. Wouldn't you love to have a nice thick sweater made from it? Or some of the yarn to knit you own creation? I would! via

Sunday Morning Views at My Cottage and a Mask

A rarely shared corner of my living room this morning. That glow in my bookcase door is a Himalayan Salt Lamp. I leave it burning 24/7 with a 25W bulb inside. I have one in the basement too. I didn't even know what they were when I purchased them at the Annual Firehouse Sale last September. My friend knew immediately and she has one in almost every room in her house. She told me they helped purify the air and a lot of other things too. The one thing I have noticed is increased concentration. It could be all folklore but maybe not. I like the nice glow, so why not?
The one I have with a dimmer is available from Bed Bath and Beyond for $24.99. I leave mine on all the time and it makes a great night light. (Good luck, Penny.) 

I found this image on Instagram. It is probably photoshopped but maybe not. Masks were common in the Elizabethan era to help keep out the noxious odors everywhere. This one is quite beautiful.

I made a new garden I can see out my kitchen window. There is another new one to the left near the bluebird house to be photographed later. I had the antique sundial already and the base is something I have had for a long time but wasn't using. It is perfect among the snowdrops and daffodils transplanted from different locations on my property. This was a fun project that started very early in February during the mild winter days. It sort of evolved with no plan. I just started out wanting to see my mother's daffodil clump near the house that I couldn't see without physically going outdoors. I planted them near the birdhouse and also planted a year-old packet of red poppy seeds, Papaver rhoeas. That was certainly a challenge, like planting ground black pepper, only finer. It took me forever to space them out a pinch at a time and I'm happy to report they have sprouted and I am beyond thrilled. Nothing is blooming there currently since the snowdrops have stopped but will post when something springs forth. Stay inside and be safe. xo

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Good Saturday Morning

Monster bird? No, just a mom carrying her chicks under her wings. This is a JACANA, a tropical wading bird found all over the world. 

It took me a while to get this.
This little piggy stayed home 🐖🏠☺

TP cake. Looks pretty real, doesn't it?

A beautiful study in black and white.

Cat unaware. Wonder what happened when she woke up? People are dreaming up so many ways to entertain themselves while in self-quarantine.

I am still fine and hope you are too. Have a great weekend. All of the photos above were saved on my phone while reading various emails. Most are from Tumblr. 

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Sheep Dog and Owl Camouflage

I absolutely love this photo. Such a happy face on this dog stuck in a herd of sheep. Found on Instagram. Photograph by Charlie Mackinnon, a Tasmanian farmer. This photo went viral when it was published in the Daily Mail Australia. 

Great Gray Owl
Hiding in Plain Sight
British Columbia
This is the best Owl Camouflage I have ever seen. You have to look really hard to see the body. Found on Instagram. Photographs by Alan Murphy Photography.

Here is a back view of the same owl with no face showing. Honestly, he is almost invisible! This is the second photo on the same Instagram post above. All the same links apply here. This is amazing.

Continue to stay at home and try to keep busy. There is a case of Covid-19 very near me and I know the lady. Very scary. She is recovering at home. Stay home, wash your hands, and try to stay busy. I will continue to try to uplift you in my meager ways. xo

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Needle Felted Duckling Love

This is just too adorable. Hope it brightens your day. I have no intention of ever trying this craft but in case you are interested in how it's done, here is a YouTube Tutorial for making a simple owl.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Cheerful Photos

Fresh Acorna via

Backlit Bunny via

Brown and White Kitten via
This is a rare color in cats.
See an old post of mine with another brown/white cat.

Monday, March 23, 2020

18th Century Paper Cut Flower by Mary Delaney

Cut paper collage by Mary Delaney, English, 1700-1788. She began making these lovely intricate paper flowers when she was 70. It's never too late to start being awesome, is it? xo
Be sure to click on the link with her name -- her biography is fascinating reading!