Friday, May 31, 2019

Great Vintage Cottage Kitchen

I love this gardener's kitchen and I spy lots of clay pots on the enclosed back porch. The galvanized pot with a bay tree is great, even if you don/t use bay leaves a lot in your cooking. Those old cutting boards are handy as well as decorative. I have quite a few myself but have noticed they have all but disappeared from house sales because they are prized now. I don't really understand the long brass closures on the cupboard doors. Guess you have to be there to figure them out. I could work happily in this small space even if there were no dishwasher. PS: mine is broken and I am considering putting something else in the opening because I didn't use it that much anyway. I had it repaired once and got quite a few years out of it but it has started leaking again. Actually, this problem is from lack of use in the particular model I have. There is something in the center that dries out when not used regularly. I will probably replace it with a better one but not until I review all my alternatives for the space.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

May Flowers in Bloom at My Cottage

I have no idea what this is or where it came from. A bird must have planted it for me. The purple flower is small, measuring only two inches across the two lower petals. There is a spider inside and some sort of winged pollinator on his way to the yellow stamens in the center. This looks like a small flat iris and I love having it in my front garden.

This is the third nasturtium blossom I have had from my overwintered plants.

My lamb's ears in the back are standing proud and tall this spring. The lace cap hydrangea in the distance is full of bud that will be blooming soon. The limelight hydrangea in the left foreground has no buds yet but it's are loving all the rain we've been having.

My pink peonies will be opening soon. This bud is the most advanced. They are already starting to droop because of all the rain drops inside. They are taller than ever this year, up to my chin. They are the loveliest of all spring flowers, agreed?

And last, but not least, the humble wild daisy.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

DIY Twine Holder from Wooden Hanger

I am definitely going to make one of these today. Isn't this an absolutely brilliant idea? I have a closet full of vintage wooden hangers and a basket full of twine. Put them together and what have I got? A gorgeous twine holder that will cost me nothing. Found on Pinterest.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day at My Cottage

I posted this Pottery Barn ad on Memorial Day 2012. I still love it and this porch party is the perfect place to celebrate family and friends to remember our fallen soldiers.

I photographed this pool at a gilded age mansion in Bernardsville several weeks ago. I added the text to remind you to use your sunscreen. I also posted this on Instagram this week.

My nasturtium seeds are getting their second set of leaves.

Are you going to any Memorial Day parades today?

I hope you get a good place to see it. This dog found a great spot to see the marching bands.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Wonderful Sleeping Porch

You know you love this! Here's wishing each of you a restful Memorial Day Weekend, especially if you have a sleeping porch. via

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Vintage Chambers Range + Red Maple Sapling

I toured a smaller country colonial home yesterday that was a few streets over from me and loved the vintage Chambers range in the kitchen. It featured a well used griddle and two ovens. The last one I saw in a local home was ripped out when the house was demolished and probably ended up in the landfill. Boo hoo, but I have to confess it was not nearly as pristine as this one.
There was a nice size Japanese red maple seedling growing in the front pachysandra bed at this house and the listing realtor said I could have it. I couldn't pull it up but went back later with my gardening tools and dug it up. It is already thriving in my back yard near one of my bird baths. I am such a scavenger and I am always looking for something to transplant. The pachysandra roots had a stronghold on this little tree and it was much too close to the house to be allowed to grow in place. Lucky me. Now a little red tree has found true love and a new home.

I had a request to post a photo of the sapling so its growth can be recorded over the years. I have to be careful where I plant things with deep roots because my septic system is in my backyard. I need to scrub the birdbath and remove the algae buildup so the birds will be happy. We had rain overnight but I think it will stop around noon and just be an overcast day. 
Isn't this little tree a beauty? My grandmother, the master gardener, always said to put a fifty cent plant in a ten dollar hole and I followed her advice when planting this free tree. I can tell it's happy the way it sways in a gentle breeze.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Magnificent House Tour Today

Broker Open House today. Mansion. Circa 1929

Gardens from an upstairs window. Through the screen. Pool in distance.

A distant view through a window with no screen. Diving board on left. The property had a total of 62 acres.

Greenhouse, photographed from my car.

Horse barn. Yes, it's true. This entire structure is just for horses. Also photographed from my car. It was a wonderful day. MLS 3557788

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Old Photos from My Phone

I have no idea where this photograph came from but I loved it and saved it to my phone. I think this cottage is the ideal size and the construction materials are ones that will last several lifetimes. Isn't the chimney fabulous?

I don't know the source of this photo either but I loved the wattle fencing at the time and still do. Isn't this walled garden beautiful. 

I love this childhood oil on canvas portrait of a friend of mine with her cat. I photographed it when her house was for sale. She still has the same face. I didn't get her permission to post it online but I don't think she will mind. Isn't the embroidered name on the sash of her pinafore wonderful? She surely must have been an adored child.

I woke up this morning to a little shower but the sun is out now. Good weather for the seeds I planted yesterday. Have a lovely Sunday. xo