Thursday, March 7, 2019

Battenberg Cake YUM

I have never heard of a Battenberg Cake, have you?

I think the green icing is marzipan. Double YUM.
I have seen photos of this cake with each square being a different color or two colors arranged in a checkerboard pattern. Plain white cake is fine with me.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Deer Sighting

Nothing exciting, just a deer walking by in my woods. She looks fat and healthy, doesn't she? This doe was walking with a group but they were too far apart from each other to get them all together.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Gardener's Hand Soap

I love this French handmade gardener's hand soap and the natural bristle nail brush in the background.  The soap dish looks like a hard rubber waterproof flower pot too. Gardening is currently on my mind even though any possibility of doing any digging in the dirt is buried under piles of snow at my cottage. 
I was just looking at my calendar trying to decide when to pay certain bills and I was shocked to see Daylight Savings Time begins this weekend on March 10th. WHY? I love the way the sun is behaving right now!!! See you later. xo

Monday, March 4, 2019

Big Snow Last Night

I took this photo around 10:30 this morning before starting my 3-hour shoveling marathon. The snow was much lovelier earlier with every tree branch covered. No more snow is in the forecast for at least another week, thankfully. Cold all week but 50° on Sunday. 
I still jumped rope 100 times, did my 25 sit ups and some stretching after I took a break and watched the climbing movie. See you tomorrow. xo

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Oscar Winning Documentary on NatGeo Tonight

I watched the Oscars this year all the way to the finish and saw this film win Best Documentary Feature. The preview intrigued me as I am fearful of heights. I can't even climb a ladder to clean my first floor gutters much less scale a vertical rock with no rope. That's what Free Soloing is -- rock climbing without a rope. I don't expect many of you will be interested in this film but maybe you can share with someone who might enjoy a free showing. This documentary appeared in theaters in 2018. The photo above is a screen shot from my phone via my Verizon FiOS app. Your channel number for the National Geographic channel will probably be different. 

{ click photo to enlarge }
IMPORTANT: Set your DVR tonight for this -- the final episode of VICTORIA, Season 3 on PBS. I'm looking forward to seeing Albert's project: The Crystal Palace in Hyde Park for the Grand International Exhibition of 1851. I will be so sad to see this series go. This is the last season Albert was in every episode. Sniff. Sniff.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Saturday Morning Snowfall: My Cottage

I have yet to open my front door since the snow stopped a short while after I got up. This photo is the view from my bedroom window looking toward the well-plowed road. I am so happy I live on a County road that is plowed frequently!!! The melting has already begun but I'm going to wait until after lunch to start shoveling when it's even warmer. I think I got 4 or 5 inches. Not too bad. See you later. xo

Friday, March 1, 2019

March First: Lion or Lamb?

I really wasn't expecting to wake up to snow this morning, on the first day of March. I am calling this arrival a Lamb because all I have to do is shovel my front walk and clean off my car. No plowing is required on my circular driveway since I have 4-wheel drive. I might have to change this to Lion weather depending on the snow that's predicted for both days of the next two consecutive weekends. Fingers crossed. I usually depend on the sun to melt my balcony and my car but it will be hiding until Monday. Be safe wherever you are. xo

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Vintage Laundry Sinks on Stands

I spotted these old porcelain beauties on cast iron stands at a Broker Open House earlier this week. I have a double porcelain sink in my own kitchen (click link to view) and would love to have these two for my finished basement. One for the laundry room and the other for the summer kitchen. I, personally, like having a laundry room in my basement. I have drying racks in the furnace room for the items I don't like to put in the dryer. Not pretty, but practical. I think one of the sinks above is being used as a drain for a dehumidifier. At one time the washer and dryer were down here but now they are upstairs in this antique house. I am probably the only real estate agent who toured this home and found beauty in the basement. Smile. xo