Monday, October 22, 2018

Beautiful Bedroom

I love every single thing about this bedroom including the jointed teddy bear. The atique bed is wonderful and I especially like the plaid woolen blanket. The framed antiquarian maps look great against the grasscloth wallpaper which is on the ceiling too. How nice is that?!! I can tell this is a small room but it's packed with interest, isn't it? via

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Cottage Love

This cottage ticks all the boxes, doesn't it? Talk about curb appeal, this one has it all. via
I worked outside for many hours yesterday and went to bed at dark thirty and slept the clock around plus a little more. I made a pot of organic steel cut oats for breakfast this morning and ate a huge bowl. Now I feel energized for the day. It is bright and sunny with a brisk, cold wind blowing the leaves off the trees. I don't have any concrete plans for the day yet but I'll dress for the weather and see where inspiration takes me. Enjoy your Sunday too. xo

UPDATE: Linda posted a comment that she wanted to see the inside of this cottage. I put on my detective hat and found many views of the interior HERE. There's a delightful story too about this picture perfect spring cottage. You can thank Linda for this update.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Apples and Fall are Perfect Together

This is the big antique wooden charger in the middle of my kitchen farm table. It is 25-1/2 inches wide at its widest point and is out of round due to shrinkage. I love it. I bought an 8-pound bag of Cortland Apples yesterday at Wegmans, a large new grocery store just beyond Morristown. It's not a big box store but it does have family packs of certain items. Yesterday there were all varieties of apples in 8-pound bags for $5.99, what a bargain! I counted them when I got home and there were 18. I put half on the table and the other half in my crisper. They are everything I hoped they would be in an eating apple -- crisp, juicy and sweet but not too sweet. I love an apple that snaps when you bite into it and I would have been crushed had they been mushy. Now I am all set with fruit for two weeks. They don't have stickers on them either, and I like that. They remind me of the old-fashioned apples my mother and I used to pick at my oldest friend in New Jersey's house but she moved a couple of years ago and now I have to take my chances with apples and buy before I can taste them.

I put this photo on Instagram yesterday but liked it enough to put it on my blog too. I am looking forward to Penelope Keith's Hidden Villages tonight on PBS. After that, I'll watch something I have recorded because there's nothing else on that interests me. Enjoy your Friday night and have a great weekend. I turned on the furnace for the first time on Wednesday and last night it got below freezing. I am so glad I emptied all of my galvanized watering cans and put them in the garage yesterday before they froze and exploded. I learned that lesson the hard way. xo

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Lily of the Valley Draperies in My Cottage

I am positive I have blogged about the draperies in my guest room/dressing room but I cannot find it. The doorway of this room is opposite the doorway into my hall bathroom. I don't have a master bath and I never wanted one in my cottage. You can stand in the hallway and look one way and see this room and turn your head and see the window in my bath with the curtains made from the leftover fabric. Now, here is the backstory. Years and years ago, when my mother was still alive, we attended a garage sale in the yard of a fabulous old house. I circled and circled the table piled high with old draperies made from the most beautiful fabric printed with a lily of the valley design. I held them up, showed them to my mom, put them back, and continued looking at all the other items that was for sale. Finally, I decided I had to have them and brought the two pairs of full-length lined window treatments home. I knew I could probably alter them to fit my two windows and I did. This is a more recent photo I posted on Instagram. They are perfect in this room and a wonderful memory of a day with my mother.

I couldn't find any old photos of the way the curtains used to look in my bathroom when they hung straight down. The black rods were like the ones above in my guest room. I did find this photo showing just the hems. I also found this photo showing some paperwhites with the fabric in the background.

Thank you for all of your comments about my car repair and your concern for my predicament while it was inoperable. I am thrilled to have it back in my driveway and today I have to do some major food shopping today and thankful I don't have to go car shopping. xo

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

My Car is Fixed! and A Curtain Refresh

Yes, it's true. My car is truly fixed and it seems better than ever. My friend, the mechanic, said it was really four security systems and he could see why the dealer didn't want to get involved. He said he had only installed one system in his entire career but he has removed over 500. They eventually break down and removing is the only option. I had to get a new battery too. He said to keep driving my vehicle and see what happens. That was my plan too. 

Now about the curtain in my bathroom. It is directly across the hall from my guest room that has full length curtains in the same Lily of the Valley fabric. I previously had this curtain on a black rod with ball finials that covered the side woodwork. They were parted in the center and the black rod showed and the curtains hung straight down. 

I decided to redo the top casing so there would be a ruffle on top and to hang them from a tension rod this time. I wish I had made the casing for the rod a smidge bigger so adjusting the gathers would be easier. But it worked so I am not about to get out my seam ripper. 

I decided to pull them back and experimented with a grosgrain ribbon, twill tape and ended up with organza ribbon and I love the look.

*Note: I had the overhead light fixture on to brighten the room and it was a warm bulb that makes my Lancaster Whitewash walls look beige. This window gets the morning sun from behind and never any direct sunlight on the front of the fabric.

I love the look of a sheer ribbon that does not hide any of the design. I put a ring through the fabric and made a continuous loop with a stapler. The ring is at the end hanging on a decorative nail. The panels will be easy to close in the summer when the hot sun is blazing and I want to block it to keep the house cooler. All I have to do is unhook the ring and slip the ribbon loop down to the bottom hem and completely off and reverse the process to part the panels again when the sun is on the other side of the house. 

Being without a car has been a blessing in many ways because I have gotten so much great work done without the distraction of leaving the house. You know what I mean, when you leave and come back, you sometimes lose your momentum and it's hard to get back into the swing of things.

I will catch up on my errands tomorrow. xo

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Unhaunted House and A Baby Bear

It must have been a real challenge to move all those giant pumpkins and gourds, right? I hope the people grew them on their own property instead of buying them. Is it my imagination, or is this halloween/fall display blocking the front door? If so, maybe it IS haunted! via

I adore this photo of a brown bear cub with the cutest face and pose ever. I have almost finished digging up and repotting plants to winter over and I did find some "evidence" of a visit from a bear quite close to the house. I don't feed the birds or leave garbage in my can for long, so I'm not worried. Found on Pinterest. xo

Monday, October 15, 2018

Best Gate Ever

I love that the owner drilled holes in the fence for his or her two dogs. This made me laugh, so hard! via

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Double Needle Sewing + Chickens

My vintage slant needle Singer has double-needle capabilities. This photo looks like a commercial sewing machine but I am intrigued. Maybe I will get out my manual and try some double sewing this winter while I am nesting. via

Isn't this one of the loveliest mother and child photo you've ever seen? I adore the feathers on this chicken, all fluffed to protect her little chick. via

Enjoy your Sunday. xo