Sunday, September 9, 2018

RBG Movie on CNN Tonight 9/09/18

I know I must sound like a broken record to keep repeating the fact that this movie is being repeated TONIGHT on CNN. Set your DVR or sit down and watch after you find out what time it's playing in your area. I live 35 minutes from NYC and it is being repeated twice at my cottage at 8PM and 10PM. I have heard it's only on once, at 9PM, in other areas. (Thanks again Vickie H.)

So many of you missed it two weeks ago. I have been putting little blurbs in various places on my blog to remind you. In case you missed all of them, here it is again.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Old Barn Becomes A Modern Farmhouse

Photo by Northworks Architects + Planners
Click here and use the arrows for the complete tour. It is amazing. I hope your heatwave is over and you are enjoying the cooler weather. It is giving me the energy to complete some of the ongoing projects around my cottage. See you later. Enjoy your weekend. xo

Friday, September 7, 2018

Playroom Under The Stairs

Photo by Suburban Renewal Inc You are never too young to have a room of your own, are you?

UPDATE: The RBG movie is being repeated on Sunday 9/9/18 on CNN. Check your guide for times in your area. In my area (New York Metropolitan) it is being rebroadcast twice. At 8PM and 10PM. This information comes from Vickie H and it's on in her area at 9PM. Click here to view my original blog post about this movie. Many of you missed it but will have another chance to see it this Sunday night on CNN.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Gallery Wall in My Spare Room

I can almost declare this room finished. I still have to take out the screen and scrub it and clean the window inside and out. This is not easy. It is not a tilt window and I have to get out a ladder to do the outside. I have virtually torn this room apart, bit by bit. I got a new mattress for my bedroom months ago and took off my old Tempurpedic mattress. The foam mattress on my antique rope bed in my dressing room/guest room was rock hard and I had been wanting to replace it for ages but it was a custom size. It was a full size in width but 4" shorter in length. I knew the Tempurpedic could be cut down but I didn't have an electric knife. This week I decided to search Youtube for instructions and I found you could use a regular knife. The old mattress had been stored under this antique bed and the room was a mess. SO I decided to switch the mattresses. I easily cut down the one on the floor, took off the rock hard mattress and switched them. After I put on the mattress pad and fitted sheet, it was perfect and ever so much more comfortable. Success! Now I have a mattress that is virtually brand new standing up in my kitchen. Will I ever get the whole house together at the same time? I doubt it. Anyway, back to the photo above. I have cupboards under my built in bookcase and I could never open the door on the left side and was missing out on some excellent storage for pajamas and such. I had an armless leather chair there before with a small stack of leather suitcases on it. It was too bothersome to move to get in the cupboard so it was virtually empty inside.

I decided to move the chair to the other side of the bed and arrange some  artwork on the wall for interest. I like it. Here is another view of this room featuring the draperies I remade for the two front windows. LOOK HERE. Will I ever finish getting things just the way I want them?

See you later. xo

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Ultimate Country House

Plain and simple with one shade tree and a path cut through the field to the garden. This would be a nice place to grow up with plenty of fond memories to look back on. via

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Portrait of a Chicken Pot Pie

This pie is simple and to the point. Don't you love the chicken cutout. Chicken Pot Pie is one of my favorite things to eat in cold weather. It is still boiling hot here at my cottage but I've been working through it and getting stuff done. School buses are back on the road and fall is just around the corner. xo

Monday, September 3, 2018


If you cannot see the YouTube video above click here.
I missed this movie when it played for a very short time near me. Several people who saw it said it was wonderful and I am excited about seeing it tonight on CNN at 9PM. Check your tv guide for times in your area.

Kalman visits with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

"I think, move over Jane Austen as my imaginary best friend forever. Make room for Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who would have gone to my high school for music, if her parents had let her. Whose favorite artist is Matisse. (I rest my case.) Who went on to study law because she wanted to combat the forces of injustice (McCarthyism) and graduated tied for first in her class at Columbia Law School, but could not get hired as a lawyer."

Maira Kalman loves Ruth. She wrote an article in the NYTimes called "And the Pursuit of Happiness" - The three illustrations above are from MAY IT PLEASE THE COURT.

H A P P Y   L A B O R   D A Y !

UPDATE: This movie is being repeated on Sunday 9/9/18 on CNN. Check your guide for times in your area. In my area (New York Metropolitan) it is being rebroadcast twice. At 8PM and 10PM. This information comes from Vickie H and it's on in her area at 9PM.

Yay. So many of you missed it and will have another opportunity to see it. Free is good. You will love. Thanks again Vickie ! ! !

Saturday, September 1, 2018

September First

I designed this graphic and posted it one year ago today. Maybe it will be new to some of you. I have been distracted for the past two weeks. My PC computer running on Windows XP finally gave up the ghost and I was unable to get it up and running again. It had been giving me trouble for a long time and I put up with it because it had Microsoft Word, Photoshop, and was connected to a scanner and a printer. I disassembled everything and moved my iMac to the same spot where I have a very comfortable computer chair. 

I was able to connect a scanner and a printer quite easily and I am loving my new setup. I had the disc for Microsoft Word but it would not install on an Apple computer so I am learning Google Docs and can pretty much do what I did on Word. There is a workaround for almost everything, isn't there? I have been organizing my attic and it is an endless job but I have moved mountains. 

I don't have cable in my studio/computer room/sewing room/ and I've been missing it. It's nice to have a movie or the news on while I am sewing, ironing or organizing. I usually listen to a podcast or NPR on the radio and I will continue to do so. I'm very excited to report I found internet TV with movies, live news and so much more. It's called Pluto TV ( ) and it's wonderful. There is a yellow circle in lower right corner that will pull up the tv guide. The movies are amazing and there is a huge selection of shows. It works on any device....desktop computer, laptop, phone, or iPad. I found a blog post on that explains it in detail HERE. There are commercials but I have found them to be entertaining as they are mostly about what else is playing on Pluto. Try it if you don't have cable in a room where you are working. There is no pause, repeat, or going back but it's totally free so that's fine with me. Let me know if this will be helpful for you as well.

Happy September. Enjoy the long weekend. xo