Friday, March 13, 2015

Wonderful Bedroom in Summer

I'd love to wake up here in the summer with the window open. My headboard is on a north wall with no window. I'd love to have a window there like this one in the summer but not in the winter. via

Dutchess of Cambridge tours the Downton Abbey set

I saw her on the news last night touring the Downton Abbey set and she looks wonderful. The new baby is due in 6 weeks.
Britain's Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge chats with "Downton Abbey" cast members Sophie McShera, left, and Lesley Nicol during an official visit to the popular TV series' set at Ealing Studios in London. (Chris Jackson / Pool / AP). Here she is receiving a very special chocolate cake from Daisy and Mrs. Patmore. Everyone was very impressed that the royal visitor was so knowledgeable about the show -- Kate is a huge fan. Read full story here. The article has many photos to delight you! xo

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Summer in The Hamptons

Sagaponack residence, NY. EB Designs, NYC. I'd love to see the inside of the guest house. via

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Books and Children

Illustration by Honor C. Appleton via
When I look at this I can hear my mother calling me to supper. I would always reply...I'll be there as soon as I finish this page but it usually turned out to be the chapter. Reading was a huge part of my childhood. Enjoy your evening. xo

Big Moon at Road's End

I would much rather have a harvest moon than a rainbow at the end of a dirt road. via

Books are Your Loyal Friends

I created this repeat blog post a long time ago and I still love it. I found the perfect image for this wonderful quote about books. It's true, isn't it? The big melt continues and spring is trying her best to break through the snow piles. I can see parts of my driveway I haven't seen in ages and for the first time I can remember, there's no snow on top of my car. Hope you can say the same. xo

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Snowdrops in England

Mine are still buried under mounds of snow but they will be there when it melts just waiting to pop their little snowdrop heads out. via We got a little rain this afternoon as predicted. My icy gutters are melting slowly and the downspouts are running nicely making such a glorious trickling sound.

Another New Beatrix Potter Watercolor

Appley Dapply - Beatrix Potter 1890 via
There is nothing in real life more frightening to me than a mouse in the kitchen. But when they are wearing clothes, they are fine. Now, more about this mouse. Beatrix Potter gathered material for a book of rhymes over many years. In 1917, when her publisher was in financial difficulties and needed her help, she suggested that Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes could be brought out quickly, using her existing collection of rhymes and drawings.

Monday, March 9, 2015

My Monogram

Copied from one of my antiquarian books.
It was nice to work outside today. I shoveled my balcony because it might rain tomorrow afternoon and the deck has been covered with snow almost all winter. It was a big job but I finished. So happy. 

Big Snow Melt This Week

Just a few days ago. Notice the snow on the bench.

Today is the first time I have seen the top of the bench on my balcony all year long! We are having a nice slow snow melt that is so very welcome. Even the animals are excited to go outside without slipping and sliding.

A Sign to Promote Kindness

Kindness is good for both the giver and the recipient. via

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Welcoming Porch Light

There's nothing more welcoming than a porch light, is there? Everything in this photo looks brand new and very nice. via

A Proper Irish Stew + Recipe

The New York Times has a recipe for A Proper Irish Stew For St. Patrick's Day and you have 9 days to round up all the ingredients by March 17th. 

Samuel F. B. Morse, Painter

It would probably surprise Samuel F. B. Morse, and not pleasantly, that future generations know him for his invention of Morse code and his services to telegraphy, rather than for his paintings, produced over six decades, that were the serious business of his life. The size of the painting below blows me away .... it measures 6 feet x 9 feet. I can't even begin to count the paintings within this masterpiece that took him two years to complete.

Samuel F. B. Morse (1791–1872), Gallery of the Louvre (1831–33), oil on canvas, 73-1/2" x 108". Terra Foundation for American Art, Chicago. Read more ... article in The Magazine Antiques ... Morse at The Huntington Library.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Downton Abbey Season 5. Watch Online until March 15th.

As we all know, Downton Abbey is over (sob) but the entire Season 5 is still available to watch online for one more week. Hurry, it will go away March 15th. Watch the full season HERE.
Don't try clicking on the pictures below. Enjoy!
Here is another link with the episodes in proper order with a little recap.
Season 5, Episode 9

Season 5, Episode 8

Season 5, Episode 7

Season 5, Episode 6

Season 5, Episode 5

Season 5, Episode 4

Season 5, Episode 3

Season 5, Episode 2

Season 5, Episode 1

Those Lovely Owl Eyes

I have a fascination with owls and I love the yellowish orange eyes on this one. Have a great weekend. via

Friday, March 6, 2015

Beautiful Moonrise

My favorite time of day in any season. This winter moonrise is especially lovely in England, no doubt. I must remember to look outside tonight, as I always do, because there is a Waning Gibbous which is one day removed from a full moon. I get the moonrise from the window over my kitchen sink so I rarely miss a good one. Sundown tonight is a little more than an hour away. via

A Dog's Best Friend this Winter

Isn't this the cutest thing ever for a dog that's not too heavy to lift? Love it! via
I'm happy to report that I made it through yesterday's snow just fine and today bright sun is shining on my cottage and my windshield. There is nothing but sun in the forecast for 6 straight days and that makes me very happy. The worst of winter is finally over. xo

Thursday, March 5, 2015

I feel like the Minion on the right.

I can't take it any more. Yesterday my gutters were melting and I shoveled slush for hours and everything was looking good. Now it's snowing again and we might get 8" or more before it stops, if it ever does. My phone app shows it will still be coming down at 9pm and I can't check beyond that. via Be safe and stay warm, This is a big winter storm and I know I'm not alone. xo

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Indoor Hopscotch

I spent countless hours playing hopscotch when I was young and would have loved this handpainted version in a narrow hallway. This might be shuffle board but it would work for hopscotch too with bean bags instead of rocks. via

This is the pattern I remember:

A Peek into an Edward Gorey Pop Up Book

I could watch this all day. Don't you love it? Edward Gorey's "The Tunnel Calamity" at Cal Poly's Kennedy Library. via

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

I'm Missing Downton Abbey Already.

Sunday nights are so special with Downton Abbey. Season 5 is over and I miss the PBS series already.
I think Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes are perfect together, don't you?

Maggie Smith: The 80-year-old actress anticipates an end to her Dowager Countess role. Read the article in Vanity Fair here. She says she can't go anywhere now without someone wanting to take a selfie with her. 

Screen Doors with Privacy

I drive by an old house with doors like this in the summer. It's close to the road and you can't tell whether or not the front door is open or closed. That's a nice feature for maintaining privacy when you want some fresh air. These doors are especially nice if you have hot sun beating down on your house and no shade. It's snowing again at my house and my weather app says it will continue until midnight and then it will turn to rain. Doesn't that sound dreadful?????? Stay warm and be safe. I'll be in bed with the covers over my head. xo

Sunrise with Sheep

This single photo contains almost all of my favorite things. Have a great day! xo via

Monday, March 2, 2015

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Promise of March

Spring Teaser via
This glimpse of spring doesn't seem possible as I gaze into the frozen abyss outside my window. We'll just have to hang on until Mother Nature decides it's time for a spring thaw. Enjoy your Sunday. xo

Saturday, February 28, 2015

My Wish for You Tomorrow Morning

Wouldn't this be a nice way to welcome March? via

Wow. An Overwhelming Task.

So far, so good. via

Kitchen Fireplace

I'm loving the raised hearth fireplace in this lovely kitchen. Home is where the hearth is, right? I see comfy furniture too so I'm sure it's a room you'd never want to leave. via
Have a great weekend!