Thursday, January 29, 2015

Ducky Weather

I am amazed at how well animals cope with the cold weather. Mine go out willingly and seem to enjoy a romp but are glad to get back inside to defrost. Isn't this a great photo of the duck looking through the chicken wire covered by a hoar frost? via

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Happy Snow

This is the kind of snow I like. Soft and fluffy and not too deep. Sun burning through the morning mist to cast long shadows is always nice too. Poor New England and Long Island got the brunt of the storm this week. I heard the entire island of Nantucket was without power!!! Juno shifted direction and went 50 miles east to spare my part of the world. I hope all is back to normal for everyone soon. Lovely snow scene found here. xo

Four Sheep and A Ruin in Northern Ireland

These beautiful sheep seem to be posing for the camera in front of this sadly neglected stone house. They look almost like big fat stuffed toys, don't they? via

'Tis The Season For Snow Buntings

Link: both images.
Snowflake or Snow bunting illustrated by R. Bruce Horsfall from ‘Bird Biographies’ (1923) by Alice E. Ball (1867-1948).

Snow Bunting (1890–1948). Watercolour by Charles Emile Heil (1870–1950). Image and text courtesy MFA Boston.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Cottage in Lower Slaughter England

It's delightful, isn't it and it looks to be a 2-family house. Love the gardens. Found on Pinterest. I hope I dream about the cottages in England tonight instead of waking up every hour to look out the window on blizzard watch. The wind is still howling but we have had no snow since morning. Sweet dreams. xo

No Blizzard Here!

What blizzard? Webster has been keeping an eye on the weather ever since he got up this morning. He and Tabitha went out earlier but didn't stay long. There is a very fine snow that is still falling at a pretty fast clip but it's not supposed to amount to much. I am going to wait until it stops completely before I shovel my walk and clean off my car. My plow man has already been here so my driveway is fine. It was all much ado about nothing in my area and I'm so relieved. Hope all is well where you are. xo

This kept it away.
Why is it that when I am totally prepared in every way for whatever Mother Nature brings my way, nothing happens? I took a bath before bed last night and left the water in the tub in case there was a power outage. I have a well and there's no water for flushing if there is no power. I feel that I am personally responsible for keeping the blizzard at bay. Smile. I absolutely love my 1930s corner Kohler bathtub. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Belton House - Grantham, Lincolnshire England

It's gorgeous, isn't it? via This manor house has nothing to do with the Earl of Grantham in Downton Abbey. I'm really enjoying Grantchester on Masterpiece Mystery. Are you watching?
So far the blizzard hasn't arrived at my cottage. I'm hoping it's more of a coastal thing and won't be as bad as the reporters are saying it might be. The heavy snow and winds will be here after midnight. Be safe and warm. Fingers crossed for us all. xo

Great Workspace with Cupboards

I like this setup very much. File drawers on the left with cupboard doors above. Built-in bookshelves on the right with drawers below. Two windows for daydreaming. Good light. Hopefully there's a hidden electrical outlet and the lamp indicates there is. Love it. via
My morning snow has stopped and it's getting brighter outside and the roads are black. The worst will happen tonight and tomorrow. So far, so good. Hope you can say the same. Be safe and warm. xo

Sunday, January 25, 2015

New England Farmhouse

I like the way this outbuilding was joined to the main house. This is the image that intrigued me and I just had to find more and I did. Click here to view an amazing slideshow of this New England farmhouse. Ken Vona Construction, Waltham MA

Every home needs a growlery.

I shall retreat to mine when the predicted 3-day storm with blizzard and 50mph winds arrives early next week. Every home needs a place for a self-imposed time out, right? Mine will be surrounded by things to make me snap out of it like books, a reading lamp, etc. It will be a happy place. via

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Tiny Snowman

This happy little guy makes me smile. I really enjoyed my lazy snow day today. It was just what I needed. via

Wall to Wall Books and Antiques

Yes. Isn't this the perfect room? via I've been thinking of having another wall of shelves built in my guest room. This one would be perfect! We got about 6 inches of snow overnight and it is quite lovely. The animals have been out and are both in after-breakfast food comas and the house is snug and warm. Now that my furnace has been fixed, I realize that I was having a problem for quite some time. I can remember thinking for a long time that my house was cold. The furnace wasn't clicking on when the temperature dropped. It finally broke totally and now that it is working properly the cottage is back to being its old cozy self. I can't stop looking up at this library and have decided to work on my books today and maybe some taxes. Be safe and warm this weekendwe. xo

Friday, January 23, 2015

We will have snow tomorrow.

I am not planning to leave the house tomorrow. I shall stay home and enjoy it. It's supposed to start after midnight. Have a great weekend and be safe. via

First Thing -- Every Morning

Yes. While the coffee is brewing. via

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Bunny Mellon's Oak Spring Farm Estate, Inside and Out

Oak Spring Farm in Upperville Virginia. Read article here. View 35-picture slideshow here. I don't know about you, but I can't get enough. There are more interior views in the slideshow than I have seen thus far. Enjoy. xo

It's all very understated and elegant, isn't it?

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Who's Sleepy?

Isn't this the most beautiful owl you've ever seen? I'm tucking early tonight and can't wait to jump under the covers. Busy day tomorrow. via

Wonderful Shingled Cottage

LOVE . L O V E . LOVE this in every way. via

Monday, January 19, 2015

Great Firewood Organizer

This is a very clever design. Everything you need for an open fire in one spot. Love it! via

MLK: The Dream Continues

The Dream of Reconciliation via The Huffington Post featuring the cover of the New Yorker.

Diving Dog Surfaces Otterly Surprised

Here's your Monday Morning laugh.

I've seen this photo several times and it never fails to make me smile so I thought I should share. Mother Nature is playing nice today and that makes me happy too. xo

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Rain, Rain, and More Rain

I keep looking out the window fully expecting my back yard to look like the two photos above. This day has been awful starting out with black ice, then rising temps and pouring rain. My gutters are flowing freely and the house is nice and warm so I don't really mind. I had real estate appointments that were rescheduled, thankfully. There has been almost no traffic on my street so most people didn't bother to go out. The first time I did, I lost my footing and down I went but I'm fine. Webster was slipping and sliding too and Tabitha was not amused. What an terrible day! Tomorrow is supposed to be fine. I'm sure the areas around The Great Swamp are under water.

Good Advice.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Charming Cottage

This looks pretty perfect, doesn't it? via

Winter Antiques Show in NYC. Will you be going?

POTTER, Beatrix. The Tailor of Gloucester. Privately printed in London for the author, December, 1902. Original pictorial pink boards. Housed in a custom chemise and half morocco slipcase. Offered at $32,000. Read more.

Click here for the list of exhibitors.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Simpkin at the Tailor's Bedside - Beatrix Potter Watercolor

One of twenty-two original watercolors circa 1902 for The Tailor of Gloucester, Beatrix Potter's second and favorite book. The collection is in the Tate in London. via

Black with A Touch of White

I don't know why, but this house fascinates me. I want to go inside and check it out. Remember when I was trying to decide what color to paint my cottage and I was thinking of a dark color? I'm glad I went with all white. 

It's very interesting inside too. This cabin in Quebec is a rental. See more photos here. All photos by Jean Longpré.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015