Wednesday, April 22, 2015

What a Garden!

Do I see train tracks between this farm garden and the beautiful old house? Farming is such a noble profession and I think farmers are born, not made. The love of the land and working the soil has to be in your blood or else it's just back-breaking work.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Monday, April 20, 2015

Abandoned House

Photos like this break my heart. There's no one to tell this old home's story. I like to think it could still be saved. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Nice Laundry Room

Great laundry room. I wouldn't mind being greeted by these two when coming in from the outside. 

Follow The Boxwood Home

Isn't this a lovely approach to greet these lucky homeowners? My back ouches me at the very thought of trimming these mounds twice a year though. I have a lot of winter kill on my three large English boxwood this year for the first time ever but I'm determined to baby them back to health. The American varieties fared much better. Last week, I clipped away at the worst one hoping to stimulate some new spring growth. Fingers crossed. Have a great Sunday. xo

Friday, April 17, 2015

The Path by Kirsten Karius

I love this photograph of a path winding around giant tree trunks. What a wonderful place to get lost.

Wonderful Cork-board Wall

Imagine having a bulletin board (inspo board) this large. Heavenly! Love it.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Cat Burglar

Cats are so smart!

Bathtub with a Marble "Headboard"

This soaking tub treatment is stunning, isn't it. I found yet another bathtub with no grout. It's almost free-standing too with ease of cleaning in mind. The chairs are perfect on either side and I love the paneled wall with sconces and works of art. A fine woodworker did a fabulous job on the tub surround with chamfered corners as did the marble fabricator. It looks almost like a piece of furniture. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Tabitha's New Cat Cafe

     I was feeling powerful yesterday and decided to tear apart my entrance vestibule to clean and declutter. Tabitha always wakes me up in the middle of the night to beg for food because Webster has stolen what I left out for her. I racked my brain trying to think of a new arrangement that would be dog proof and this is is what worked. When I woke up this morning she was already having breakfast and she was able to snack through the night so this setup worked like a charm. That's an old blue fleece pullover on the small bistro chair for sleeping. She needs the booster chair in order to be able to jump up on the makeshift table. The base is a heavy wire basket I use for firewood with a half-round piece of wood in old blue paint for the top. So far, so good. Her woven willow cat bed is in the room too on the floor as an alternate sleeping place. 
     Now my kitchen is destroyed and I have to work on it next. All the junk I took out of the vestibule needs new places to live and most will go to the basement and the garage. Some will be donated and other things will be put away for the winter. I have way too many scarves, hats, and gloves. Tabitha will be happier when I buy more cat food to fill up her jar as it's almost empty. A Costco run is on my list, maybe later day. Spring cleaning is progressing nicely here at the cottage and it feels good to be organized. UPDATE: I went to Costco and now Webster and Tabitha both have new giant bags of food. They have already sampled it and they both like what I brought home.
     Happy Tax Day. Hope you all make the deadline. I'll stay away from the post office today. xo

18th Century Baptist Church: Providence, Rhode Island

First Baptist Church - Providence, Rhode Island
Shown in an engraving that appeared in an issue of The Massachusetts Magazine in 1789. This church still dominates the 18th century skyline of College Hill.
My maternal grandfather was a Baptist minister and he would have loved this. I've never seen such a tall steeple on a Baptist church and I'm so glad this historic one is still standing.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Coastal Maine Century Old Cottage

The shingled cottage on Southport Island, Maine, was built more than a century ago and is as close to the water as you can get on this rocky coastline.

Owner/designer Libby Cameron painted the staircase banister and treads in Benjamin Moore's Chrome Green. Most of the floors all over the rambling cottage are painted this color too. I like it!

The long built-in bench in the sitting room is where people sit and talk on the only phone in the house.

The owner's favorite place to sit. There is a screened porch alongside for outdoor dining. Want to see more? There's a slideshow here showing the carefree and charming interior. You'll love it!!!

Daffodils from Last Spring

I am anxious to see the daffodils bloom again this year. This bunch was picked last year from an abandoned house in the Great Swamp. It's not unusual to see lilacs, spring bulbs, and patches of asparagus growing along the walking trails where families once lived and gardened but the homes are long gone. The whole area is now a National Wildlife Refuge.
I am happy to report my riding mower started up yesterday on the first try. I rode around for an hour or so and it felt good. There is nothing like the smell of freshly mown grass to boost your spirits. Today we have rain and that's okay since April showers bring May flowers.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Rappahannock Valley Virginia Restored Home

via Architectural Digest
This photo gives new meaning to an eat-in kitchen. 

Be still my heart.
Dating from the 18th century, Rose Hill, the Rappahannock Valley Virginia home of Billings and John Cay, was restored by Tidewater Preservation and decorated by Amelia T. Handegan, with garden design by Rieley & Assoc., Landscape Architects. Click here for a wonderful slideshow of the interior. Enjoy. 

Wonderful Library Wall

This looks like a fabulous room and I think there's a fireplace to the left. Don't you love the secret book doors? I want to see more of this antique home. Look at the size of those floor boards!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Farmhouse Kitchen

English farmhouse kitchen with Aga range. So cozy.

Spring at My Cottage

We had a nice day yesterday for a change. The grass is slowly greening up and it was nice to spend the day outside. I raked all the gravel back in my driveway that was left in the grass after the plowed snow melted. That's my least favorite job and I'm so glad it's behind me.

My first spring bulb has bloomed. No sign of the purple ones yet. 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Spring Gardening

My daffodils are just now coming up and are a long way from blooming. The photo above is just a preview of what's to come for those of us lucky enough to have lilacs. These hydrangeas were purchased already in bloom to grow in pots. Someone has been having fun at the potting table. I love the galvanized barrel and watering can. I have bright sun and blue skies today at my cottage so I'm excited about warmer weather. Have a great weekend. xo

Friday, April 10, 2015

Kitten: I'll Sneak in Here for My Nap

I love this sweet animated gif. The dog is being so gentle with this little kitten. 

Beautiful Indigo Blue Bird

Isn't this little bird spectacularly beautiful? I like the nest too. I hope this is the female sitting on some tiny eggs. 

Foot Massage Points, Illustrated

I thought this vintage reflexology illustration was very interesting. I just finished massaging the toes related to my eyes on both of my feet. My hearing is fine so I skipped those toes. I'm not sure what organs are related to the big toes. Later I'm going to the the inner edge of both feet to help my spine and lower back. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Marble Shower Room

If this shower isn't over the top, I don't know what is. It's almost too beautiful to get wet. 

Bookcases Around A Window

I love this window treatment and I used it myself in my last house. If you surround a window with bookcases, you get the illusion that the walls of the house are very thick as in a stone house. It gives you a deep windowsill too which I love. The bookcases in this photo are the perfect size. Not too wide so the shelves won't sag from the weight of the books.

Paying Bills

I have desks all over my house --in the attic, in my guest room, in my pantry, and an antique slant-front in my living room. When I pay bills, I somehow always gravitate to the kitchen table where I can gather my thoughts best. Old habits die hard. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

I hope doing practically nothing counts as a well-spent day. I think I over did it yesterday with my cleaning frenzy and I just couldn't muster up the energy to tackle another room. Besides, it was very cold today and I couldn't open the windows to let in the fresh air to help the freshly mopped floors dry faster like I did yesterday. I think the weather definitely affects what chores you choose to do. I had a real estate showing in the afternoon that was more fun than housework. Actually I don't hate housework but I have to be in the mood. I can't make myself do it unless there's some sort of deadline like entertaining. I hope I have a happy sleep tonight and I hope you do too. xo