Showing posts with label Animals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animals. Show all posts

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Bunny Ears

This bunny looks as if he is on high alert and his ears indicate he has heard something straight ahead. photo credit Rabbits' sense of hearing is their most vital sense. Their large ears can detect sounds from a long way off. But the key to rabbits' hearing ability is their ability to swivel independently. This helps the ears funnel sounds from every direction. More information on their 5 senses here. I never knew their ears swiveled, and independently at that, did you?

The life expectancy of a wild rabbit is much shorter than our domestic pets. In fact, a wild rabbit usually only lives for about a year….sometimes two.

Wild rabbits don't live very long because of a variety of different factors. Disease, harsh winter conditions, lack of food and predators all influence how long the rabbit will live.

Although it seems harsh, this is nature's way of balancing the rabbit population. via

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Monday, January 27, 2020

Beatrix Potter: Old Mr Pricklepin

Yet another new to me image by Beatrix Potter in 1905. Old Mr. Prickly Pin, later renamed Mr. Pricklepin. A hedgehog wearing shoes! How quaint.

OLD Mr. Pricklepin
⁠has never a cushion to
⁠stick his pins in,
His nose is black and his
⁠beard is gray,
And he lives in an ash stump
⁠over the way.

Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Snowshoe Hare

The snowshoe hare, also called the varying hare, or snowshoe rabbit, is a species of hare found in North America. It has the name "snowshoe" because of the large size of its hind feet. The animal's feet prevent it from sinking into the snow when it hops and walks. Wikipedia

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Bear Christmas Tree at Hamburg Zoo

She has her eye on something at the top.

What a great idea. 
View more charming photos of this particular bear here. See more photos of this mother brown bear and her three cubs feeding here.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Who Let The Dogs In?

via Badminton House UK

I love the casual pink and white ticking slipcovers. The books piled on the table reflect the real life living of these fortunate owners.

Beautiful gardens indeed. Be sure to click on the link under the first photo to see and read more.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Royal Crest of a Bat

This is an image I photographed from my Antiquarian Book: The Royal Book of Crests. This must have belonged to Count Dracula. Click to enlarge and print.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Goats are the Kitchen Window View Over the Sink

I have a new listing down the street from my house and the people have 4 goats in their back yard. Who needs a TV in the kitchen when you have goats to amuse you? I took this photo at yesterday's Broker Open House.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Friday, September 20, 2019

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Female Hare with Daisies

This famale hare is lovely. Found on Instagram. I don't believe I've ever seen a wild hare, only rabbits. I tried Google to see if there are wild hare in New Jersey and all that came up was a beauty shop called Wild Hair😂😂😂

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Black Sheep: So Beautiful

How in the world did black sheep get a bad name as in "the black sheep in the family" being a negative thing? This one is a beauty and he looks very proud of his black woolen fleece. xo

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Injured Sea Creatures in Doctor's Waiting Room

Look what ocean pollution is doing to all the sea creatures. Please recycle your plastic!
YouTube link here.

“Marine life in plastic is not fantastic.”
Greta Thunberg is my hero. Read all about her global warming campaign here. How one teenager became the voice of the planet. #FridaysForFuture

Greta was on the cover of Time Magazine. Don't you love her shoes? She posted this photo on her Instagram.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Three Black Face Sheep

I love these sheep with their black faces, ears and legs. I would love to have a hand-knit camel colored sweater made from their natural fleece. Aren't they darling? via

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Bunny Ears

He's betting back to normal after a very busy Easter, hiding all those eggs. via

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Owl Hatches a Wood Duckling Egg

This is my "feel good post of the week". A wood duck moved her last egg to another nesting box because it had been raided and only one egg had survived. Oddly enough, a mother owl sat on the duck egg for over a month and the hatched duckling thinks he's an owl. Read the charming story here with lots more photos. Am I forgiven now for being missing for almost a week?

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Walking on Slippery Ice

I have blue skies and bright sun this morning but it's still below the freezing mark. I MUST go out and hack up my icy patches with a pick axe so they will hopefully melt later today. More snow is on the way overnight turning to rain Monday morning with temps in the 40s and that will be good. Hopefully all will melt before nightfall since it's going down to 18° and there will be more ice. Take care if you aren't as sure-footed as these penguins.
I thoroughly enjoyed the three-episode mini series on Penguins called SPY IN THE HUDDLE. I can't remember whether it was on NatGeo or BBC America. It's on Netflix now, so if you are a penguin fan, look for it and watch it. It is a fascinating series with an up-close look as spy cam decoys are set up in the penguin colonies. BBC photo above.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Dancing Cat and Duck

I wish I could have been around to see this animated gif being made. What a pair! Enjoy what's left of your Sunday. It was rather balmy here at the cottage with a nice day to be outside. My front walk has finally melted completely and it's finally not dangerous to walk on. xo

Saturday, February 2, 2019

A Lamb Princess

I do believe this little lamb would look very regal even without her jeweled tiara. via

Groundhog Day 2019

Well, Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow this morning, predicting an early spring. His success rate is only 40% so I don't believe a word of that forecast. We have gotten our coldest weather in the past few years in March, with blizzards, and that's a bitter pill to swallow when the snowdrops that are in bloom get buried and we are completely sick of winter. I am fine with the cold but not with deep snow. Fingers crossed that Phil is right this year. Read more about groundhogs here. Have a great weekend. xo