Sunday, November 5, 2023

So Many Leaves

This is a photo of the end of my late afternoon walk on Saturday (yesterday). I had a wonderful time crunching through the leaves. When we get some wind they will blow away. I woke up early this morning and the extra hour of sleep was nice. The sun was already up and that was nice. So far, so good with Daylight Savings Time. Have a great Sunday and you might want to rethink raking the leaves.

I absolutely love seeing the sun shining through my geranium leaves in the morning. All of my indoor plants are thriving because I brought them in early. They actually didn't love being out on my balcony all summer. It was just too hot out there so next year I am going to relocate them to the front where they will just get the late afternoon sun. xo

Friday, November 3, 2023


If you like all things English and Antiques too, you will love the British version of The Antiques Roadshow. It has been televised since 1979 and there is an endless loop of all episodes on PLUTO TV It's on channel 556 if you want to try it out on PlutoTV. I never tire of it and I pretty much have my living room set tuned to that channel all day long. Each episode is recorded at an amazing historic site and the people who bring in their family heirlooms or boot sale finds are delightful. Let me know if you love it too. I woke up this morning to my first killing frost and the begonias are gone.๐Ÿ˜ข Happy Friday -- have a great weekend.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Full Size Tin Cat Silhouette in My Window

I promised Tasha T I would post my other tin cat silouette with marble eyes. She looks out of my office pantry front-facing window. She's ready to pounce but no bird is in danger. She's especially nice this time of year with the beautiful fall leaves in the background. My red begonias are still going strong. We had our first killing frost on Tuesday and my neighbior's mums are already dead. Begonias don't care though. I wonder how much longer they will last? Yesterday it was in the high 70°s and I had my house painters come over do do an intense final mowing. I had done the front and back to the barn/garage's back edge. They did the rest all the way to the way back and everything looks lovely.

There is a lot more of the "way back" behind me in this photo but you get the idea of all the mowing and weed whacking that went on yesterday. I am thrilled. I am getting stuff done without waiting until the last minute this year and it feels so good.

Posting Friday 10/27/23 10:34 am


Saturday, October 21, 2023

Saturday Cleaning Frenzy

An early Saturday morning view from inside my vestibule looking out at a rainy walkway. The day got progressively better and the sun came out after lunch which was an unexpected surprise.

I had other plans for my morning so I didn't mind the rain. I woke up knowing I was going to give my bathroom a deep cleaning and I did.

It's such a good feeling to finish a job well done, isn't it? I have turned on my heat several times and I wanted to get out my radiator brush and give mine a good cleaning. This room has the first one I've done. I cleaned the floor and every surface and I am so happy. Now that I see the photos I think I'll get out my new ladder and do the light fixture too. I didn't think of it today. Have a great Sunday. xo ~ Posting Saturday night 8:30 pm

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Dog Earing Cookies, So Cute๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ♡๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ

I have saved this screenshot on my computer for the longest time. Try as I may and try as I might I cannot find the original source. I have tried Google Lens to no avail. Anyway, I love it and think it's adorable.

Are you enjoying October? Are the giant Halloween skeletons that have cropped up everywhere in my area in yours too? I have a feeling they will remain into the Christmas season wearing Santa hats but I hope not.

See you again soon. xo, Rosemary
UPDATE: Tasha T to the rescue. 
She found the UK artist, Alison Friend HERE
This limited edition artwork is sold out.
See more of her delightful paintings @
Thanks Tasha T xo

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Best Animal Story, Ever!

Found on Instagram HERE.

I wasn't wrong, was I? Isn't this the best story ever?

Posting Saturday night at 7:32

Have a great Sunday.


Monday, October 2, 2023

Busy as a Bee this October

I replaced a small busy oriental rug with this rag rug my neighbor gave me. It was much wider but had a long rip so I cut it to size following the rip to the end. So the left side in this photo is a finished edge as are the two ends but the right side is a raw edge. 

I was able to get a hall runner out of the cut off portion. I had to resize it to 30" wide and the ends were turned over and sewn on my sewing machine. I had to turn over one long edge and sew that too but I have one finished edge. 

A closer view of the hall runner added to the post.

This is my view from my sofa in front of the TV. The rugs don't match but I like the new look and the rag rug is much larger than the small rug i had in front of the sofa between the French doors and I think the room will be warmer this winter.

Here is another view showing my coffee table and more of the other rug in the room.

I took down the summer tab curtains in the sitting room on my lower level in front of the sliding glass doors. I had forgotten all about them and found them when looking in bins in the garage. They turned out to be 3 rows of the checked fabric too long and the linings had stretched too and were longer than the drapes. What a project. It wasn't hard but it took quite a while in my attic sewing room and I am so happy they came out perfectly.

Another view with them open. We had really cold weather last week when I was working on this sewing project but I resisted turning on the heat and it got mild again yesterday and I was able to open my upstairs windows again. 

This room will be warmer during the winter with the curtains closed. They look nice from the outside too now that the lining fabric has been shortened. So now you know a few things I have been doing around the house and I am pleased with all three projects. The upstairs hall runner is the third.

I have put the cover on the air conditioning unit and there is still more mowing to do to get the grass short enough the leaves will blow away. They are just beginning to fall from some trees but most trees are still green. Fall is a busy time of year, isn't it. The more you can do to prepare for winter, the better. Halloween decorations are popping up all over too. See you again soon with more tales from the cottage.


Saturday, September 16, 2023

Happy Saturday

I took down a small framed item and replaced it with a blue and white platter.

I like it because it carried out the blue and white theme of my lamp. I found a platter hanger while I was organizing in my attic. Wish I had found it sooner.

I found this on Instagram and it's perfect for my #illustratedquotes hashtag, isn't it? Posted by @susan.steadman here.

I am dressed in my outwork clothes and there is still so much to do before the cold weather sets in. Have a GREAT weekend, everyone. xo