Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Elevator in My New Listing

My new listing went "live" yesterday and today is my Broker Open House. As luck would have it, the weather is awful. It's raining buckets but is supposed to stop by my 11:00 opening. When was the last time you saw a house with an elevator? For me, it's never! This one is a beauty and it serves all three floors. MLS: 3566006 Wish me luck today. Fingers crossed. 

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Limelight Hydrangea Cutting Rooted in Water

It took a while but my Limelight Hydrangea experiment is working. A while back I showed you a cutting from my "Mother" Limelight that I pushed into the ground when I pruned her in the fall several years ago and the cutting rooted itself and is now a baby shrub. I took a cutting from the baby and put it in water at my kitchen sink and I got my first little roots this week. Plant propagating is another form of thrift and you know how much I love getting something for nothing. It takes patience and luckily I have plenty of that. I need to plant the two containers of lavender in the background that are full of roots.

My grandmother and grandfather purchased their retirement home in Greenville, SC and rented it out for years and years and years before they could actually live there. My grandmother rooted all of her boxwood at her sister's house nearby and they were mature when she transplanted them in their final resting place. I guess she was the one who gave me lessons in patience. She love African violets too and actually bred them on her window sills. 

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there. Enjoy your celebrations. xo

Friday, June 14, 2019

Pair of Built-in Bedroom Cupboards

What to do when you can't find the perfect pair of cupboards for your master bedroom when building your house? Find a woodworker who can build them flush with the wall! On the other side there is a fireplace and a pair of bookcases in the sitting room/library. The deep wall in between the two room provides extra sound proofing for sleeping. This is a sneak preview of my new listing that goes live on Monday. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Hydrangea Explosion

Wow. I love how happy these hydrangeas are all smashed together and blooming their hearts out. via

Monday, June 10, 2019

Rainy Monday Photos at My Cottage

My front entrance this morning on a rainy Monday

Pink and proud. Still looking lovely in a soft rain. Notice clipped boxwood in background,

Riffled white hiding from the rain.

Ruffled white peony. I love this variety.

Petals are falling.

Red barn garage with loft, back entrance. Don't my clipped boxwood look nice? I am liking my wild field too. Serious grass cutting will be done the next nice day. xo

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Injured Sea Creatures in Doctor's Waiting Room

Look what ocean pollution is doing to all the sea creatures. Please recycle your plastic!
YouTube link here.

“Marine life in plastic is not fantastic.”
Greta Thunberg is my hero. Read all about her global warming campaign here. How one teenager became the voice of the planet. #FridaysForFuture

Greta was on the cover of Time Magazine. Don't you love her shoes? She posted this photo on her Instagram.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Plastic Change: Poseidon attacks litterbug

This is the best thing I've seen lately. Don't litter because you never know who's watching! If you cannot see this post, here is the YouTube link
Have a great weekend! xo

Making a Vestibule when There is None

I think this vestibule was added to a door that opens directly into the living room. What do you think.? I like it!