Saturday, June 8, 2019

Plastic Change: Poseidon attacks litterbug

This is the best thing I've seen lately. Don't litter because you never know who's watching! If you cannot see this post, here is the YouTube link
Have a great weekend! xo


Linda Sand said...

I loved this!

jusaweecatnap said...

Brilliant. A great way to get peoples attention quickly. Sadly, I just read a natgeo Instagram post about the poor people in the Philippines who sort plastic bottles for recycling. Because they have no workplace, they use public waterways to rinse the bottles and throw the caps in the water. The Philippines is huge source of plastics in the ocean. So, all of us who diligently throw our plastic bottles in the recycling bin are still contributing to the ocean pollution problem.

Lisa D. said...

How funny, but so true. I'm now at the point where I wash and dry all of my plastic - seriously - I do, before putting it in the recycling. I've converted as much as possible to using Bee Wraps to store my unused food.

Betsy said...

Good one!

Mary Anne Komar said...

Great imagery ❣️👍🤙🏻

jane said...

I think we need to stop producing plastic to wrap food and such. We need to use all this abandoned plastic to make blocks or bricks or something for homes and to stop producing it in such great quantity. Many things we buy at stores are wrapped in 2 or 3 layers of plastic that are discarded the moment they are opened and have no future use. We have reused plastic bottles to carry drinking water but that may not be healthy and certainly we are wiping out the natural populations in the oceans and on land with this useless stuff.