Wednesday, June 6, 2018

No Mud Allowed in this UK Mud Room

Leave your muddy boots outside, please, and use the bootscraper. Isn't this entrance stunning? I love the brick and stonework exterior and the fine woodwork is beautiful inside. It appears to be new construction too in the old tradition. More photos below. I love the fabric in the window shade.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

View from My Living Room this Morning

I was sitting on my sofa this morning behind the laptop screen you see in the lower left. I had both French doors wide open and I haven't had screen doors on them in years. I picked up my phone so I could share my beautiful view with you. It has been so nice having a few nice days with no rain. xo

Monday, June 4, 2018

Antiques at the Bottom of The Stairs

I love this arrangement at the bottom of the stairs in an old house. The built-in bench is wonderful. The antique table is full of wonderful things, the man in the portrait is handsome, the wood in the basket is handy for a nearby fireplace and an antique sidechair completes the arrangement. The original poster said she wanted to straighten the portrait. I agree. Smile.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

More Peonies and A Field Mowing

Here are my ruffled white peonies open. They are my favorites because of their beauty and because they don't droop since the heads are so light. They close up on cloudy days and at night to protect their delicate blossoms. Peony season is the best, isn't it?

My friend with a tractor showed up unannounced late yesterday afternoon to mow my field and he ended up mowing my lawn too. Everything will green up and be uniform in no time. I didn't come inside again until almost eight o'clock when I took this photo. I still have to do some handwork here and there and I had to use my leaf blower in the front but that was fun. I am so glad to have this task behind me to maintain my field so trees don't grow back there. An unmowed field will become a forest in no time. 

I took this photo today at noon so show how nice my front lawn and garden are looking.

Today, it feels more like fall with an overcast sky and 63° at ten o'clock on Sunday morning with rain coming tomorrow. Tuesday will be filled with nothing but sunshine though and that makes me happy. Enjoy your Sunday. xo

Saturday, June 2, 2018

First Peony to Open 2018

My single ruffled white peony is always the first to open, followed by my red ones, and then the pink ones are last. This one opened when the sun came out yesterday after the rain. It was very translucent, as shown by the raindrops on the top petal. They are on the reverse side!!! For some reason, the petals have a pink tint when they first appear but change to a bright white when fully open and one of my Instagram followers says they look like fried eggs.
The sun is out, the sky is hazy and it's going to be hot and humid today with 84° as the high. Bring it on because tomorrow the high will be only 66° and will be wonderful for working outside. Mother Nature is so unpredictable, isn't she? Have a great weekend. xo

Friday, June 1, 2018

Giving Credit where Credit is Due

Flanders Poppies:
I forgot to tell you where I found the link and ordering information for the Flanders Poppy seeds.

Karen Heniger @karen_in_va formerly from Connecticut posted the photo, ordering information, and planting instructions on Instagram as her Memorial Day Post. Click on her link and make sure you view all three photos. Thanks, Karen ! ! ! She is one of my favorite frequent posters on Instagram and a long-time follower of my blog.

I was happy to find the photo below on Instagram. This is how I am going to plant my poppy seeds.

Could anything be more beautiful than this stunning bed of red poppies, growing at Amanda Cutter Brooks' Fairgreen Farm in Oxfordshire? I think not. 
Happy Friday. Happy June. Now summer can officially begin. xo

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Photos Around My Cottage

Potted plants on my balcony. The pink geranium in the beautiful white ceramic pot with matching saucer has finally adapted to being outdoors again after a long winter inside. The blue flowers on either side are lobelias. I have never had them before but I'm looking forward to seeing them grow. The five pots in the fabulous galvanized tin planter from a rummage sale have nasturtium seeds that should be sprouting soon. Fingers crossed. The ones I planted in the front two weeks ago are already up.

The plant identification spike names this variety as "Heat Upright Dark Blue Lobelia" with improved heat resistance. They should be right at home on my hot balcony with no shade until mid afternoon. The flowers are self cleaning and need no dead heading. How great is that? 

These lamb's ears were transplanted to a back garden against my foundation and they are loving the support of a wall to their backs. They should be blooming soon and will be able to hold the weight of their heavy flower heads that the pollinators love. 

This amazingly beautiful sky with a moon was photographed from my balcony at dusk five days ago. In no time at all after I snapped this shot it was pouring rain. We have had more rainy days than sunny days and the upcoming first week of June from Friday to Friday shows nothing but dark days, most with rain. Oh well, what can you do?
I can't believe it's already in its last day so I'll say goodbye to May. Maybe her promised flowers will be more beautiful in June. xo

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Shaker Kitchen in UK Showroom

Here is a larger view of the kitchen I posted yesterday while wishing I had more photos of the room. Presto, my wish was granted! One of my readers and followers found a link! Thank you so much, Leslie. This kitchen is in a deVOL showroom in England and all the bespoke elements are swoon worthy. Click to see other views of The Loft Kitchen

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

A Country Kitchen to Love

I love this kitchen island with lots of drawers and two open shelves at the end. This large kitchen has a farm table too instead of bar stools. Yay, and a window seat too. The floorboards look old but the construction looks new; perhaps it's a restoration. I couldn't find any additional photos but I know I would like the rest of this kitchen.

Monday, May 28, 2018


The red poppy is an internationally recognized symbol of remembrance for veteran sacrifice.
Each seed packet sparks awareness and conversation about the WW1 Centennial as it honors the legacy of the 4.7 million American veterans that served during World War I.

These seed packets would be great to include in your Christmas cards this year and the funds will help build the National WW1 Memorial at Pershing Park in Washington DC.
If you act NOW your donation is worth twice as much because the Pritzker Military Museum and Library will match your donation!

In Flanders Fields

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Bunny Mellon Embraced Friendly Weeds

Giant Mullein growing in her poolside gazebo.

Vanity Fair once described Bunny Mellon as the “high priestess of pruning and pleaching” for her devotion to gardening and personal love for pruning. While Bunny had an affinity for picking wildflowers and celebrated vegetable gardens, she loved pretty weeds as well.

Verbascum thapsus, a biennial plant, was once used as an herbal treatment for coughs, congestion, chest colds, bronchitis, and inflammation. For most of the year, the huge, furry leaves flourish under Bunny’s gazebo, stationed next to her display greenhouse. She felt that weeds were friendly, and often added to the beauty of her home, hence why the weed mullein was allowed to sprout between the stones. Its common name may have come from the Celtic term meaning yellow.

Read the entire article at Oak Spring Garden Foundation

Happy Memorial Day. It's cold, dark, and rainy here at my cottage but I don't mind. xo
The above link will lead you to my previous posts commemorating this holiday, celebrated each year on the last Monday in May.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

My New Glasses: Eyewear

I have never mastered taking selfies so this is my version that looks like a double exposure. My reflection in one of my balcony doors also looks through to one of my living room walls. I wanted to show you my new glasses and the photo below is an enlargement.

I am very camera shy and I can take better photos of myself than anyone else.

This closeup shows the subtle colors in the tortoise-shell frames. My old ones had smaller lenses and wire frames with nose pads. They were quite comfortable but not that becoming. I bought them because I had clip-on sunglasses that fit and soon after I got those glasses, I lost the clips, so that was a wasted effort in economy. I have clip-ons that fit my new glasses too but I didn't realize it until I found them in a drawer full of old glasses. I can see more clearly out of my new frames but when I watch TV in bed, I can see better out of my old wire ones since the lenses are smaller. My new eye doctor tweaked my left lens making it easier to read street signs so, overall, I'm happy. I think it takes a long time to get used to your own reflection in a mirror before you look like yourself to yourself if you know what I mean.
Enjoy this long Holiday Weekend. Be safe if you are on the road. xo

Friday, May 25, 2018

Organizing My Closet

I have only just begun, but this is an early view of the closet in my second bedroom. The room where I sleep doesn't have a closet so that's why I call this my dressing room. I dare not take a photo of the rest of the room right because it looks like a war zone. That's the only way I can work, by tearing everything apart and slowly putting it back together again. The two stacked shoe organizers, purchased yesterday at the church rummage sale, started it all. I have a way of stepping out of my shoes when I first enter my kitchen and leaving them there. No more! Now each pair has a home.
The books on top of my lingerie chest, decoupaged on all sides and inside the drawers with old sheet music, houses all the books I got at the church sale too. The chest was a garage sale purchase years ago that my mother enjoyed for many years. I need to look through the books before they find a permanent home. Most are on gardening. By the way, my nasturtium seeds are beginning to sprout!! There is more depth on either side of the closet for hanging clothes so it's larger than it looks with storage above for winter blankets, etc. I'm still not finished organizing my clothes into keep or donate piles, plus I wear the same few things all the time. Don't we all?

Here's a closer view. The two vintage shoe organizers with dividers are made from heavy duty cardboard and are covered with paper that makes me happy every time I open the double doors of my closet. When they were new, they were sold folded and flat and required some assembly. Someone kept them in perfect condition and they waited for me until I could get to the sale on the second day. Lucky me!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Wisteria and Outdoor Furniture

My wisteria was beautiful for a while until big halestone pellets destroyed the blossoms in a storm a couple of weeks ago. The setting above is gorgeous. I love the stone wall and the tiny patio. I see a base for an umbrella to shade the sitters from the hot sun while dining. It's so nice to be outdoors this time of year. My project for the day has turned in to my project for the week. Cleaning out and rearranging my closet has is a long overdue chore and I've just started chipping away at the iceberg. But it is quite satisfying to see that progress is being made. photo source

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Official Royal Wedding Photos

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have released these three official photographs from their wedding day and the newly-weds are said to be "delighted" with them. 
Photographed were taken by Alexi Lubomirski 

I couldn't resist this adorable photo of Prince George below. He looks so handsome in his pageboy uniform. I was thrilled with the wonderful behavior of all the children in this beautiful wedding.

Gorgeous New Colonial

What a nice new house that looks old! I love the architecture with so many interesting features, especially the porch with a beautiful balcony above. via

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Lilibet's Playhouse: Royal Birthday Gift

Princess Elizabeth’s little cottage at Royal Lodge, a gift from the people of Wales on her sixth birthday. Could anything be more wonderful? The estate is located three miles south of Windsor Castle in Windsor Great Park and has been the official residence of The Duke of York (Prince Andrew) since 2004. photo from Instagram

Since posting, I have more information. Click HERE for more perfectly delightful archival photos of the Royal Family and the history of "The Little House at Royal Lodge" called Y Bwthyn Bach.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Meghan's Bridal Bouquet Deconstructed

These named white flowers were handpicked by Prince Harry for the bride's bouquet from The Diana Garden at Kensington Palace. I am so happy to learn the meanings of the chosen specimens and this very touching way to include his mom in the ceremony. 
AP photo.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Nasturtium Seeds and An Acorn Tile

I found the seeds for trailing nasturtiums and bought 4 packets. I have already planted 2 packets in various planters in my front garden. It has rained every day since and I have turned on my heat twice. Mother Nature is still on a rampage of sorts but I'm ever hopeful the seeds will do their thing and give me a wonderful display. Fingers Crossed. I will put in supports for the ones I want to climb and leave the rest alone so they can trail.
The fabulous blue acorn tile was purchased at the same estate sale as my silver trophy. I adore the impressed acorn design, the intense blue color, and just looking at it makes me happy. Enjoy your Sunday. xo

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Royal Wedding: Duke and Duchess of Sussex

Did you get up early to watch? As promised, I did and I'm already planning my afternoon nap. This photo is from The Telegraph, @telegraph on Instagram. My television set will be on all day so I can see everything again and again and watch the specials tonight too. It was a glorious, beautiful, happy event, agreed? Princess Charlotte was adorable and I can't wait to see the Royal photos. See you later. xo

Friday, May 18, 2018

Cotswold Cottage: Burford UK

I shall be in England all day tomorrow for the Royal Wedding. I haven't been glued to the TV leading up to it but I got up early for Charles and Diana and will do the same for Harry and Megan. I started watching SUITS from the very beginning in 2011 and have seen every episode so I'm a long-time fan of the bride. I just heard on the news this morning that Charles is walking her down the isle and I think he is a fabulous choice. My dilemma is what channel to watch. BBC America might be the winner but I'll probably keep switching around until I find my favorite hosts. Maybe I'll even bake some scones today to have with my morning coffee, or should I switch to tea for this occasion? Nope. I'm a coffee girl. photo source

Thursday, May 17, 2018

A Sewing Project at My Cottage

This was my introduction to sewing as a child. I sewed doll clothes by hand. I love this illustration by Jessie Willcox Smith found on Google Images.

I really shouldn't show this photo yet because the pillow cases aren't right. I just threw them on while the proper ones were being laundered. This spread is my current completed sewing project. I purchased this large piece of old unbleached linen at an estate sale and hoped it would become my lightweight summer bedspread. It was already sewn in three panels. I brought it home and laundered it but the center panel was too wide and the two side panels were too long. So up to the attic I went to get reacquainted with my sewing machine. It was a pretty easy project and I'm pleased with the results. It was just a matter of measuring and a lot of ironing. I put French seams where the side panels were attached so there are no raw edges and I top stitched them too. The deep hem on the side panels is so much nicer than the shirt tail hem that was there before. I cannot sleep on or under anything but natural fabrics that breathe. If there is one drop of polyester or another synthetic, I can tell and it smothers me. This must make me a close cousin of The Princess and The Pea.
Now I'm thinking about making some new curtains for my attic windows that I can close in the summer to block the morning sun. Will keep you posted. xo

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Louisa Moore's Farm Property near Charleston SC

A hammock on a screened-in porch. How heavenly.
See more photos of Louisa Moore's farm property here. Read about this delightful woman and her historic home in South Carolina's low country.

Raised to live off the land, Louisa Moore nets all manner of nature’s goods on her historic North Mount Pleasant property in Charleston County, South Carolina. She looks like a strong southern woman I would enjoy knowing. I like people who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Casa Calvet: Barcelona Balconies

Casa Calvet de Barcelona (1899) is one of Antoni Gaudí's earliest buildings. Some people consider it his most conservative work but it also contains markedly modern elements, such as the façade which terminates in a curve and the attic balconies, which look like something from a fairy tale. 

The ground floor now houses a restaurant. Read more about the history of this building here.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Foxglove at Colonial Williamsburg

Colonial Williamsburg has the best old-fashioned gardens. This photo is from one of my favorite frequent posters on Instagram. She wanders around the village capturing the old houses and gardens, both flower and vegetable, and they are all fabulous. This garden is happening there right now. xo

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother's Day 2018

Anna 1920-2012
Photo above on my first birthday September 1943.
It's true. Nobody loves you like your mother and I had a great one. This will be my 6th year without her but she lives forever in my heart. We had a long run together and I'm happy about that. She's still my guiding light. xo
I was looking through some old Mother's Day posts and you might enjoy some really wonderful home-made cards celebrating mothers here.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Trophy Cups on my Mantle

I decided to have a graduated display because I wasn't pleased with anything else. I brought out some of my miniature boxes and chests from other parts of the house and came up with this as my final staging. The silver trophies haven't been polished since before Christmas and they don't look that bad in this photo but in person they are quite tarnished. Once I get started, it won't seem like such a chore. I enjoyed polishing my newest addition yesterday but it's time to do something else around the cottage. Enjoy this Mother's Day Weekend. xo

Antique Engraved Armorial Trophy Cup

This wonderful English hand-engraved trophy cup with an armorial crest was my favorite find yesterday at an estate sale. It was black with tarnish but it is now transformed. I spent the morning rearranging my collection of trophies on my fireplace mantle and their mounts too. I collect small boxes too and have for years. This cup is silver over copper and I love that the engraving has exposed the copper after years of being polished. I shall try to find this armorial in my Royal Book of Crests. No matter what I bring home and no matter how small it is, I usually spend the day finding the perfect spot and arrange and rearrange until the new (old) items are perfectly at home in my cottage. This was a nice way to spend a dark and gloomy Saturday morning and I finally have achieved an arrangement that is pleasing to my eye(s). I haven't been to a sale in a very long time and I'm glad I went to this one. 
Have a great Mother's Day weekend. xo

Friday, May 11, 2018

Wonderful Pantry in Madison NJ

Is it possible to buy a home just because you love the pantry and it's your favorite room in the house? One of the agents in my office has the listing in Madison NJ and the rest of this 1925 cottage is nice too. MLS # 3460000 -- $595,000. I would love to find the perfect buyer so let me know if you have an interest or want more information. xo